A full-time student - full-stack freelance developer and psychologist 👨💻 working remotely since 2013 🚀
🔭 I’m currently working on PhoneBook CLI which is a app for managing numbers and saving contacts.
🌱 I’m currently learning Python, Google Colabs and Ollama/OpenAi/Gemini
❓ Ask me about anything related to psychology and technology
⚡ Fun fact: I use tabs over space stations anyday!
- 💬 These are the recent repositories I have created on GitHub.
- 💬 Ask me about ... Stuff @ david@icanhelp.ie
- How to prevent GitHub from suspending your cronjob based triggers
- How I built one of the top 20 most used Github Actions
- Show your latest dev.to posts automatically on your GitHub profile readme
- God Mode in browsers: document.designMode = "on"
- Skipping the Chrome "Your connection is not private" warning