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A multi-framework control library of fluentui-system-icons.


Package Platform
FluentIcons.Common meta package
FluentIcons.Uno meta package
FluentIcons.Avalonia Avalonia 11
FluentIcons.Avalonia.Fluent FluentAvalonia 2 (Avalonia 11)
FluentIcons.Maui MAUI 8
FluentIcons.Uwp UWP 10.0.10773
Uno.UI 5.4
FluentIcons.WinUI Windows App SDK 1.2
Uno.WinUI 5.4
FluentIcons.Wpf .NET Framework 4.6.2
.NET 6


Ref Package Platform
avalonia-v0.10 FluentIcons.Avalonia Avalonia 0.10
avalonia-v0.10 FluentIcons.Avalonia.Fluent FluentAvalonia 1.3 (Avalonia 0.10)
uno-v5.0 FluentIcons.Uwp Uno.UI 5.0
uno-v5.0 FluentIcons.WinUI Uno.WinUI 5.0


<Window xmlns:ic="using:FluentIcons.WinUI">
<!-- or FluentIcons.Avalonia / FluentIcons.Avalonia.Fluent / FluentIcons.Maui / FluentIcons.Wpf -->
    <ic:FluentIcon Icon="ArrowLeft" IconVariant="Regular" IconSize="Size32" />
    <ic:SymbolIcon Symbol="Calendar" IconVariant="Color" />

This package features <FluentIcon>/<SymbolIcon> element, and <FluentIconSource>/<SymbolIconSource> on platforms with <IconSource>, which generally provide following properties:

  • Icon (Fluent...) / Symbol (Symbol...) : Icon / Symbol
  • IconVariant : IconVariant
    • New in version 1.1.278: Color variant added along with COLRv1 migration.
  • IconSize (Fluent...) : IconSize
  • FlowDirection : FlowDirection
    • Switch between LTR/RTL icon variant.
  • FontSize : double
  • Foreground : Brush

The Fluent variant provides all sizes of icons untouched compared to upstream, while the Symbol variant mimics the APIs and appearances of SymbolIcon and Segoe Fluent Icons from WinUI, which is powered by a derived version located at Seagull Icons. These variants were controlled by the deprecated UseSegoeMetrics property in distributions prior to 1.1.278.

<Window xmlns:ic="using:FluentIcons.WinUI">
    <Expander Header="{ic:SymbolIcon Symbol=ArrowLeft}" />

Markup extension classes have been added since 1.1.242. These extensions will bind their FlowDirection to that of the parent control, except FluentIconSourceExtension/SymbolIconSourceExtension on (non-Uno) UWP where IXamlServiceProvider is not available.


Markup extension classes are in a child namespace to stop style selectors from throwing for their naming conventions.


⚠️ The extension method UseFluentIcons(this MauiAppBuilder builder) must be called to register fonts properly. ⚠️

<SymbolImageSource> and SymbolImageSourceExtension are provided on MAUI as stand-ins.