###node id3 tagger
- read/write ID3v2.3 / ID3v2.4 tags
- use/convert encodings 'ISO-8859-1','UTF-16',(ID3v2.4)'UTF-16BE','UTF-8'
- add, convert (imagemagic) and extract images ('APIC')
npm install node-id3v2.4
##Include To use the library:
const nodeID3v2 = require('node-id3v2.4');
To read a tag:
let tag = nodeID3v2.readTag(filename);
###node-id3tag After installation 'node-id3tag' command will also be available for use in shell/cmd.
##Help: you can try to get help on 'topic' (and 'subtopic')
node-id3tag [-?|-h]
node-id3tag -? picturetype
node-id3tag -h frametype image
##List tag with:
node-id3tag -l 'path/to/file.mp3'
##Add frame:
node-id3tag -af artist,'the artists name' 'path/to/file.mp3'
##Add frame and list tag:
node-id3tag -l -af image,'path/to/image','picturetype' 'path/to/file.mp3'
##Tag is not writen until you add '-u' argument:
node-id3tag -l -u -af TXXX,'my description','my text' 'path/to/file.mp3'
##Remove frame:
node-id3tag -u -RF title 'path/to/file.mp3'
##Remove ambiguous frame with:
node-id3tag -u -RF TXXX 'path/to/file.mp3'
gives a message:
[-1] : removeFrame: insufficient criteria: ''. should be 'description'
so you have to:
node-id3tag -u -RF TXXX,'my description' 'path/to/file.mp3'
There are many media files in the wild with malformed tags or frames, which sometimes leads to unpredictable behaviour.
- support for all possible frame types
- use 'template' approach for reading in data ( add Buffer.eat() )
- clean code
- improve stability with malformed tags/frames