This repo contains my custom dot files and personal settings.
ln -s `pwd`/bash_profile ~/.bash_profile
ln -s `pwd`/zshrc ~/.zshrc
ln -s `pwd`/gitignore_global ~/.gitignore_global
ln -s `pwd`/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
ln -s `pwd`/tigrc ~/.tigrc
Powerline Shell
ln -s `pwd`/ ~/
ln -s `pwd`/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
ln -s `pwd`/condarc ~/.condarc
ln -s `pwd`/vimrc ~/.vimrc
iCloud Link
ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs ~/iCloud
- Configure 5 desktops
- Disable Siri
- Disable "Guest User" (Settings -> Users & Groups)
- Automatically hide and show the Dock (Settings -> Dock & Menu Bar -> Enable Automatically hide and show the Dock)
- Hide recent Apps in Dock (Settings -> Dock & Menu Bar -> Disable Show recent applications in Dock)
- Trackpad tap to click (Settings -> Trackpad -> Point & Click -> Tap to click)
- Mission control disable automatic rearrange of Spaces (Settings -> Mission Control -> Disable automatic arrange Spaces)
- Show bluetooth on the menu bar (Settings -> Bluetooth -> Show Bluetooth in menu bar)
- Disable adjust keyboard brightness in low light (Settings -> Keyboard -> Disable Adjust keyboard brightness in low light)
- Scaled resolution (Settings -> Display -> Scaled -> More Space)
- Disable automatically adjust screen brightness (Settings -> Displays -> Disable Automatically adjust brightness)
- Map Caps Lock key to ESC (Settings -> Keyboard -> Modifier Keys)
- Disable "Correct spelling automatically" (Settings -> Keyboard -> Text -> Disable Correct spelling automatically)
- Custom keyboard shortcuts: (Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts)
- [Mission Control]: Configure shortcuts to navigate desktops with Control-Number
- [App Shortcuts]: Application: "Safari", Menu Title: "Close Tab", Keyboard Shortcut: CMD-W
- Disable automatic space switching (Settings -> Mission Control -> When switching to an application, switch to a Space with open windows for the application)
- Disable display dim (Settings -> Battery -> Battery -> Disable Slightly dim the display while on battery power)
- Disable display off with Battery (Settings -> Battery -> Battery -> Turn display off after: Never
- Disable display off with Power Adapter (Settings -> Battery -> Power Adapter -> Turn display off after: Never
- Disable touchbar:
- Settings -> Keyboard -> Touch Bar shows -> Expanded Control Strip
- Settings -> Keyboard -> Press Fn key to -> Do Nothing
- Settings -> Keyboard -> Press and hold Fn key to -> Show F1, F2, etc. Keys
- Settings -> Keyboard -> Customise Control Strip -> Remove Siri Button
- Remove all widgets (Notifications -> Edit Widgets -> Remove all)
- Enable Peace Mode (Control Center -> Do Not Disturb -> Always On)
- Terminal
- Theme (Terminal -> Preferences -> General -> New window with Profile: Pro
- Disable Bell (Terminal -> Preferences -> Profile -> Pro -> Advanced -> Disable Audible Bell)
- Font (Terminal -> Preferences -> Profile -> Pro -> Text -> Menlo Regular for Powerline 12
- Safari
- Safari -> Preferences -> Search -> Search engine -> DuckDuck Go
- Safari -> Preferences -> General -> New windows open with: Empty Page
- Safari -> Preferences -> General -> New tabs open with: Empty Page
- Safari -> Preferences -> General -> Homepage: Empty
- Safari -> Preferences -> Autofill -> Disable all
- Safari -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Show Develop menu bar
- Finder
- Finder -> Preferences -> New Finder windows shows: Home
- Xcode
- Open in Place (Xcode -> Preferences -> Navigation -> Navigation Style -> Open in Place)
- Accessibility
- Zoom (Settings -> Accessibility -> Zoom -> Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom)
- Reduce transparency (Settings -> Accessibility -> Display -> Reduce transparency)
- Firefox
- Firefox -> Preferences -> General -> Disable Always check if Firefox is your default browser
- Firefox -> Preferences -> Search -> Default search engine -> DuckDuckGo
- Firefox -> Preferences -> Search -> Search suggestions -> Disable Provide search suggestions
- Disable "Quick Notes"
- Preferences -> Mission Control -> Hot Corners -> Disable quick note action
Install Homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install Apps
brew install tmux
brew install mc
brew install w3m
brew install tig
brew install jq
brew install wget
- 1Password
- Magnet
- Giphy Capture
- Pixelmator Classic
- The Unarchiver
- Amphetamine
- Apple Configurator