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A forward-looking implementation of the Decentraland protocol.

visit our Releases page for the latest client downloads.


This implementation uses rust and the Bevy engine, and targets desktop clients.

This project's goals are to:

  • document current and future protocol standards
  • experiment with changes to the protocol
  • increase the field of alternative Explorers
  • prioritize solid fundamentals, extensibility, and the use of modern open-source frameworks

Building from source

  1. Clone the repo using git clone
  2. Install rust
  3. Download and install third party libraries
    • on linux:
      • note: livekit networking (main-realm transport) in the linux build is temporarily disabled due to conflicting imports in webrtc and deno. we hope this will be resolved soon
      • Install alsa and udev: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libasound2-dev libudev-dev
      • Install ffmpeg deps: sudo apt install -y --no-install-recommends clang curl pkg-config libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libavfilter-dev libavdevice-dev
      • Install Livekit deps: sudo apt update -y; sudo apt install -y libssl-dev libx11-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxext-dev
    • on macos:
      • brew install ffmpeg@6 pkg-config
      • export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/homebrew/opt/ffmpeg@6/lib/pkgconfig
    • on windows:
      • install clang, (most easily done via
      • download and unzip
      • set LIBCLANG_PATH = path to LLVM\x64\bin (this is packaged with visual studio, or can be downloaded separately)
      • set FFMPEG_DIR = root folder where ffmpeg has been unzipped
      • add ffmpeg\bin to your PATH
  4. Install protoc (Mac Homebrew users can do brew install protobuf)
  5. cargo run --release --bin decentra-bevy

We try to keep these instructions up to date, but the github ci is the most accurate source of build information.


cargo run --release --bin decentra-bevy -- [options]


  • specify the content server, defaults to the sdk test server.

--location 52,-52

  • specify the parcel at which to spawn.

--vsync (true|false)

  • disable/enable vsync. defaults to off.

--fps (number)

  • set target fps. defaults to 60. if vsync is true this will be overridden by the vsync refresh rate. also accessible via console /fps command.

--msaa [1,2,4,8]

  • set the number of multisamples. higher values make for nicer graphics but takes more gpu power. defaults to 4.

--threads n

  • set the max simultaneous thread count for scene javascript execution. higher will allow better performance for distant scenes, but requires more cpu power. defaults to 4.
  • also accessible via console command /scene_threads

--distance n

  • set the distance (in meters) at which scenes will be loaded. defaults to 100.0.
  • also accessible via console command /scene_distance


  • disable gltf loading.


  • disable avatar rendering.


  • disable distance fog

--inspect <scene_hash>

  • when the scene with the input hash is first loaded, the js runtime will pause waiting for a debugger session (such as chrome://inspect) to connect, and allow you to debug the scene code. requires a build with --features "inspect"


cargo test --all executes all the tests.

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