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Add metadata about your grammars here. See below for instructions on generating metadata.
Published 2014-11-21
maintainer | DanFlickinger |
contributors | DanFlickinger; RobMalouf; EmilyBender; StephanOepen |
contact | erg@delph-in.net |
website | https://github.com/delph-in/docs/wiki/ErgTop |
demo | http://delph-in.github.io/delphin-viz/demo/ |
documentation | https://github.com/delph-in/docs/wiki/ErgTop |
issue tracker | https://github.com/delph-in/erg/issues |
version control | https://github.com/delph-in/erg |
latest revision | 4eba9c6 |
latest release | 2023 |
canonical citation | Flickinger 2000 ([http://lingo.stanford.edu/danf/ergbib.txt .bib]) |
license | [http://svn.delph-in.net/erg/trunk/LICENSE MIT] |
grammar type | [Resource grammar] |
required external resources | none |
associated resources | parse ranking model; realization ranking model; unknown word handling; Redwoods treebank |
lexical items | 43955 |
lexical rules | 101 |
grammar rules | 295 |
features | 264 |
types (with glb) | 12063 |
Published 2017-06-08
maintainer | FrancisBond |
contributors | MelanieSiegel; EmilyBender; ChikaraHashimoto; StephanOepen; SanghounSong; MichaelGoodman |
contact | bond@ieee.org |
website | https://github.com/delph-in/docs/wiki/JacyTop |
demo | http://delph-in.github.io/delphin-viz/demo/ |
documentation | https://github.com/delph-in/docs/wiki/JacyDoc |
issue tracker | https://github.com/delph-in/jacy/issues |
version control | git clone https://github.com/delph-in/jacy.git |
latest revision | |
latest release | See https://github.com/delph-in/jacy/releases |
canonical citation | Siegel, Bender, and Bond 2016 (.bib) (.pdf) |
license | MIT |
grammar type | Resource grammar |
required external resources | ChaSen or MeCab morphological analyzer |
associated resources | parse ranking model; unknown word handling; Hinoki treebank |
lexical items | 56,912 |
lexical rules | 69 |
grammar rules | 51 |
features | 189 |
types (with glb) | 2,569 |
maintainer | AntonioBranco |
contributors | AntonioBranco, FranciscoCosta, JoãoSilva, SérgioCastro |
latest release | 29 July 2008 |
website | http://lxcenter.di.fc.ul.pt/tools/en/LXGramEN.html |
vcs | |
demo | |
documentation | http://lxcenter.di.fc.ul.pt/tools/en/conteudo/LXGramA41ImplementationReport.pdf |
canonical citation | Branco, António and Francisco Costa, 2010, "A Deep Linguistic Processing Grammar for Portuguese", Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 6001, pp.86-89, Berlin: Springer. |
canonical citation .bib | @inproceedings{BrancoCosta2010, author = {Branco, António and Costa, Francisco}, title = {A Deep Linguistic Processing Grammar for {P}ortuguese}, year = {2010}, booktitle = {Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, volume = {LNAI6001}, pages = {86$\,$--$\,$89}, address = {Berlin}} |
copy of canonical reference | http://lxcenter.di.fc.ul.pt/tools/en/conteudo/BrancoCosta2010-LXGram.pdf |
license | ELDA |
grammar type | resource grammar |
required external resources | LX-Tokenizer, LX-Suite, LX-Lemmatizer, LX-Inflector, LX-NER |
associated resources | parse ranking model, CINTIL DeepGramBank, CINTIL TreeBank, CINTIL DependencyBank, CINTIL PropBank, CINTIL LogicalFormBank |
maintainer | BertholdCrysmann |
contributors | (If other than only current maintainer) |
latest release | |
website | http://gg.opendfki.de/ |
vcs | |
demo | |
documentation | |
canonical citation | |
license | LGPLLS (Lesser General Public License For Linguistic Resources) |
grammar type | Resource grammar |
required external components | None |
associated resources | (if applicable) |
lexical items | 64,047 |
lexical rules | 453 |
grammar rules | 158 |
features | 320 |
types (with glb) | 9,722 |
maintainer | JongBokKim |
contributors | JongBokKim, JaehyungYang, FrancisBond, SanghounSong |
latest release | 3 July 2010 |
website | http://krg.khu.ac.kr |
vcs | svn co http://svn.delph-in.net/krg/trunk |
demo | http://krg.khu.ac.kr:8106/logon |
documentation | http://krg.khu.ac.kr |
canonical citation | Kim and Yang 2003, Song et al. 2010 |
license | MIT |
grammar type | resource grammar |
lexical items | 39,942 |
lexical rules | 289 |
grammar rules | 63 |
features | 150 |
types (with glb) | 2,343 |
maintainer | BartCramer |
contributors | YiZhang |
latest release | (v0.39) In the Paris release of LOGON |
website | CheetahTop |
vcs | svn co http://svn.emmtee.net/trunk/coli/cheetah |
demo | - |
documentation | CheetahTop |
canonical citation | Cramer & Zhang, 2009 (GEAF) |
license | MIT license |
grammar type | Treebank-derived grammar |
required external components | For grammar improvement: Tiger treebank. |
associated resources | The Savannah treebank (25k sentences); PCFG model; Disambiguation model |
maintainer | MontserratMarimon |
contributors | NúriaBel |
latest release | |
website | https://github.com/delph-in/docs/wiki/SrgTop |
vcs | svn co http://svn.emmtee.net/trunk/upf/srg |
demo | http://srg.delph-in.net |
documentation | |
canonical citation | Marimon, 2010 "The Spanish Resource Grammar", In European Language Resources Association, ISBN 2-9517408-4-0 |
license | LGPL-LR |
grammar type | resource grammar |
required external components | FreeLing |
associated resources | parse ranking model, Tibidabo treebank |
lexical items | 54,503 |
lexical rules | 497 |
grammar rules | 224 |
features | 141 |
types (with glb) | 6,076 |
maintainer | TaniaAvgustinova |
contributors | YiZhang |
latest release | 20110615 |
website | http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~tania/rrg/ |
vcs | |
demo | |
documentation | SlavicTop |
canonical citation | Avgustinova & Zhang, 2009 |
license | LGPL-LR |
grammar type | medium-sized linguistic grammar |
required external components | MYSTEM |
associated resources | SynTagRus |
maintainer | Olga Zamaraeva |
contributors | |
latest release | 20200601 |
website | https://olzama.github.io/rqg.zip/ |
vcs | |
demo | |
documentation | RussianQuestionsGrammarTop |
canonical citation | Zamaraeva 2021 |
license | LGPL-LR |
grammar type | Matrix-based experimental linguistic grammar |
required external components | |
associated resources | |
lexical items | 60 |
lexical rules | 66 |
grammar rules | 39 |
features | 162 |
types (with glb) | 1732 |
maintainer | JustinChunleiYang |
contributors | NatHillard, DanFlickinger, JustinChunleiYang |
latest release | July 2011 |
website | https://github.com/delph-in/docs/wiki/MandarinGrammarOnline |
vcs | svn co svn://lemur.ling.washington.edu/shared/mandarin |
demo | none yet |
documentation | none yet |
canonical citation | Yang, Chunlei & Dan Flickinger. 2014. ManGO: grammar engineering for deep linguistic processing. New Technology of Library and Information Service 30 (3):57-64. |
canonical citation | |
license | MIT |
grammar type | medium-sized linguistic grammar |
maintainer | PetyaOsenova |
contributors | DanFlickinger, KirilSimov |
latest release | July 2010 |
website | http://www.bultreebank.org/BURGER/index.html |
vcs | svn co http://svn.delph-in.net/burger/trunk burger |
demo | |
documentation | http://www.bultreebank.org/BURGER/BURGER3.pdf |
canonical citation | Petya Osenova 2011. Localizing a Core HPSG-based Grammar for Bulgarian. In: Hanna Hedeland, Thomas Schmidt, Kai Worner (eds.) Multilingual Resources and Multilingual Applications, Proceedings of GSCL 2011, ISSN 0176-599X, Hamburg, pp. 175-180. |
license | |
grammar type | medium-sized grammar |
required external components | |
associated resources |
Published 2011-07-18
maintainer | Emily M. Bender |
contributors | |
contact | ebender -at- uw -dot- edu |
website | https://github.com/delph-in/docs/wiki/WambayaTop |
demo | |
documentation | |
issue tracker | |
version control | svn://lemur.ling.washington.edu/instructors/ebender/wambaya |
latest revision | 18936 |
latest release | 2011-07-18 |
canonical citation | Bender 2008 (.bib) (.pdf) |
license | MIT |
grammar type | Medium-sized lingiustic grammar |
required external resources | |
associated resources | |
lexical items | 1528 |
lexical rules | 161 |
grammar rules | 87 |
features | 150 |
types (with glb) | 3430 |
maintainer | YiZhang |
contributors | RuiWang, YuChen |
latest release | 20110616 |
website | http://mcg.opendfki.de/ |
vcs | svn co https://mcg.opendfki.de/repos/trunk mcg |
demo | (not yet) |
documentation | (not yet) |
canonical citation | (to appear) |
license | LGPL-LR |
grammar type | medium-sized linguistic grammar |
required external components | none |
associated resources | none |
maintainer | ZhenzhenFan |
contributors | SanghounSong, FrancisBond, JustinChunleiYang |
latest release | 2019 |
website | https://github.com/delph-in/docs/wiki/ZhongTop |
vcs | git clone https://github.com/delph-in/zhong.git |
demo | http://delph-in.github.io/delphin-viz/demo/ |
documentation | none yet |
canonical citation | Fan, Zhenzhen, Sanghoun Song, and Francis Bond. An HPSG-based Shared-Grammar for the Chinese Languages: Zhong [∣], Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks 2015 (in conjunction with ACL 2015). Beijing, China. 2015. |
license | |
grammar type | medium-sized linguistic grammar |
maintainer | AntskeFokkens |
contributors | |
latest release | 20110616 |
website | Metagrammar Homepage |
vcs | (not yet) |
demo | (not yet) |
documentation | |
canonical citation | Fokkens (2011) bib |
license | |
grammar type | medium-sized linguistic grammar |
required external components | morphology (standard not decided) |
associated resources | DMG |
maintainer | AntskeFokkens |
contributors | |
latest release | 20110616 |
website | Metagrammar Homepage |
vcs | (not yet) |
demo | (not yet) |
documentation | |
canonical citation | Fokkens (2011) bib |
license | |
grammar type | medium-sized linguistic grammar |
required external components | morphology |
associated resources | GMG |
maintainer | LivnatHerzigSheinfux |
contributors | LivnatHerzigSheinfux, TaliAradGreshler, PetterHaugereid, NuritMelnik, ShulyWintner |
July 2013 | |
website | HeGram (Delph-In) and HeGram (Haifa) |
vcs | |
demo | |
documentation | |
canonical citation | |
license | MIT |
grammar type | Medium-sized linguistic grammar |
required external components | |
associated resources | the MILA morphological processor of Hebrew |
Published 2015-07-06
maintainer | DavidMoeljadi |
contributors | DavidMoeljadi; FrancisBond; SanghounSong; DanFlickinger; MichaelGoodman; LuisMorgadoCosta |
contact | davidmoeljadi@gmail.com |
website | http://moin.delph-in.net/IndraTop |
demo | http://chimpanzee.ling.washington.edu/demophin/indra/ |
documentation | http://moin.delph-in.net/IndraTop |
issue tracker | https://github.com/davidmoeljadi/INDRA |
version control | https://github.com/davidmoeljadi/INDRA |
latest release | 2018-01-23 |
canonical citation | Moeljadi, Bond, and Song 2015 |
license | MIT |
grammar type | Medium-sized linguistic grammar |
required external resources | Indonesian POS Tagger (for unknown word handling) |
associated resources | bridging rules, transfer grammars for machine translation, unknown word handling with YY-mode |
lexical items | 16751 |
lexical rules | 19 |
grammar rules | 44 |
features | 164 |
types (with glb) | 2066 |
Published 2015-08-04
maintainer | Le Tuan Anh |
contributors | |
contact | tuananh.ke@gmail.com |
website | https://github.com/letuananh/virgo |
demo | http://compling.hss.ntu.edu.sg/demophin/virgo/ |
documentation | https://github.com/letuananh/virgo |
issue tracker | https://github.com/letuananh/virgo/issues |
version control | https://github.com/letuananh/virgo |
latest revision | |
latest release | 2014-05-11 |
canonical citation | |
license | MIT License |
grammar type | Experimental grammar |
required external resources | |
associated resources | |
lexical items | 67 |
lexical rules | 0 |
grammar rules | 12 |
features | 128 |
types (with glb) | 1437 |
maintainer | Alexandre Rademaker and Leonel Figueiredo de Alencar |
contributors | |
latest release | https://github.com/LR-POR/PorGram |
website | https://github.com/LR-POR/PorGram |
vcs | |
demo | |
documentation | |
canonical citation | |
license | MIT |
grammar type | (should match subheading in grammar table) |
required external components | (if applicable) |
associated resources | (if applicable) |
maintainer | |
contributors | (If other than only current maintainer) |
latest release | |
website | |
vcs | |
demo | |
documentation | |
canonical citation | |
license | |
grammar type | (should match subheading in grammar table) |
required external components | (if applicable) |
associated resources | (if applicable) |
- Resource grammar: Broad coverage, used in one or more applications
- Treebank trained grammar: Cheetah-style grammar built out of combination of hand-crafted rules and treebank-derived grammatical and statistical information
- Medium-sized linguistic grammar: Grammar with a growing number of analyses, not yet (big enough to be) used in applications.
- Experimental grammar: Small grammar fragment used for developing/testing one or a small set of linguistic analyses
We have a script for automatically generating grammar metadata (even formatted as MoinMoin or LaTeX tables). First, check out the script:
git clone https://github.com/delph-in/grammar-catalogue.git
Run the script with -h to get a usage menu:
$ ./create-catalogue-entry.sh -h
create-catalogue-entry.sh [OPTIONS] [PATH]
-h|--help : display this help message
-d|--debug : print debug messages
-q|--quiet : suppress warning messages
-l|--latex : format output for LaTeX
-w|--www : format output as HTML
PATH: (optional) create catalogue entry for grammar at PATH
or the current directory if unspecified
As explained in the usage, you can either run the script from your grammar's directory, or give the grammar's directory as an argument. Some information will be pulled automatically from the grammar, but most should be stored in a file called METADATA. There is an template in the grammar-catalogue/ directory that you may use, or you can adapt ones created for other grammars (such as the ERG or Jacy). Once you have the METADATA file created, try running create-catalogue-entry.sh:
$ ./create-catalogue-entry.sh ../logon/dfki/jacy/
NOTE: Now attempting to extract data for the catalogue entry.
This could take several minutes, so please be patient.
|| [#Jacy Jacy Japanese Grammar (Jacy)] || Japanese || FrancisBond ||
== Jacy Japanese Grammar (Jacy) ==
''Published 2014-02-14''
|| maintainer || FrancisBond ||
|| contributors || MelanieSiegel; EmilyBender; ChikaraHashimoto; StephanOepen ||
|| contact ||
|| website ||
|| demo ||
|| documentation ||
|| issue tracker ||
|| version control || svn co
jacy ||
|| latest revision || 556 ||
|| latest release || 2013-01-01 ||
|| canonical citation || Siegel and Bender 2002 ([
.bib]) ([
.pdf]) ||
|| license || MIT ||
|| grammar type || [#GrammarTypes Resource grammar] ||
|| required external resources || ChaSen morphological analyzer ||
|| associated resources || parse ranking model; unknown word handling; Hinoki treebank ||
|| lexical items || 56914 ||
|| lexical rules || 69 ||
|| grammar rules || 51 ||
|| features || 187 ||
|| types (with glb) || 2563 ||
The first line is the link to put at the top of this wiki page, and the rest is to be copied below. The links and anchors will be configured for you (just check that the anchor name isn't already used).
If you see
ls: cannot access /usr/bin/tempfile: No such file or directory
Then change this line in create-catalogue-entry.sh:
grammar_metrics=$(tempfile -d ./)
to this:
grammar_metrics=$(mktemp -p ./)
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