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StephanOepen edited this page Jun 1, 2007 · 26 revisions


The [ LOGON] consortium holds its final meeting from June 6 through June 8, 2007, in [ Geilo], Norway. Focussing on its Norwegian-English MT demonstrator, the consortium will highlight scientific accomplishments, present and discuss black- and glass-box evaluation results on held-out data, reflect on strong and weak points of the approach, and discuss follow-up activities. These pages will, over time, provide useful information to participants, both organizational and content-wise. Please check regularly for updates and additional information.

Structure of the Meeting

The meeting will be broken into two parts, of which the first day (Wednesday) is an internal meeting of contributors to the LOGON book. For the second half of the meeting (Thursday and Friday), the project has invited a number of former LOGON participants (including recipients of MSc stipends), and a small number of external experts. Thursday will focus on project results, including the presentation (and discussion) of an in-depth output quality evaluation, by virtue of human judgments on held-out data, which the consortium is currently gathering. The final day of the meeting will be more workshop-like, jointly reflecting on perspectives for further hybridization of MT approaches and our views on the utility (if any) of `deep' NLP paradigms in general. Guests will be invited to contribute presentations on their own work and visions.

  • Wedneday, June 6
    Start End Topic Presenter
    12:30 13:30 Lunch
    13:30 15:30 Chapter Harmonization all
    15:30 16:00 Coffee
    16:30 18:30 Chapter Harmonization all
    19:30 Dinner
    Thursday, June 7
    Start End Topic Presenter
    09:30 10:00 Welcome & Introduction Jan Tore Lønning
    10:00 11:00 The LOGON Demonstrator: Summary Stephan Oepen
    11:00 11:30 Coffee
    11:30 12:30 Black-Box Evaluation Results Torbjørn Nordgård, Janne Bondi Johannessen, Lars Nygaard
    12:30 13:00 Discussion
    13:00 14:00 Lunch
    14:00 14:45 NorGram In-Depth: Semantic Parsing for Norwegian Helge Dyvik, Victoria Rosén, Paul Meurer
    14:45 15:30 ERG: Adapting a Resource Grammar for LOGON Dan Flickinger
    15:30 16:00 Coffee
    16:00 16:30 Discriminative End-to-End Re-Ranking Stephan Oepen, Erik Velldal, Jan Tore Lønning
    16:30 17:00 Glass-Box Evaluation: Where we Went Astray Helge Dyvik, Victoria Rosén, Jan Tore Lønning, Stephan Oepen, Dan Flickinger
    19:30 Banquet (takk for prosjektet)
    Friday, June 8
    Start End Topic Presenter
    09:00 09:30 Data and Domains John Carroll
    09:30 10:00 Treebanks, Translation, Information and Grammaticality Koenraad de Smedt
    10:00 10:30 Discussion: Portability across Domains and Genres all
    10:30 11:00 Coffee
    11:00 11:30 Some Issues in Adapting the LOGON Infrastructure Francis Bond
    11:30 12:00 EuroMatrix: Architectures for Hybrid MT Andreas Eisele
    12:00 12:30 Discussion: Lessons Learned Lately all
    12:30 14:00 Lunch
    14:00 14:45 Some Remarks on Translation, Machine Translation, and LOGON Martin Kay
    14:45 15:30 Discussion: Advances and Regression in MT Research all
    15:30 16:00 Coffee
    16:00 17:00 Discussion: Where to Go Next? all


The meeting will be held at [ Dr. Holms Hotel] in [ Geilo], Norway. Geilo is a mountain village in Southern Norway and traditional winter resort. It is best reached in a little over three hours by [ train] from either Oslo or Bergen. For travel to and from Oslo airport, please see the [ EAMT 2006] conference pages. The [ airport express train] takes approximately twenty minutes between Gardermoen (the airport) and Oslo S (the main train station).

  • Date Oslo S Hønefoss Geilo
    6-jun 08:11 09:38 11:42
    6-jun 10:33 12:25 14:37
    6-jun 16:07 17:37 19:33
    6-jun 23:11 00:56 03:25
    7-jun 08:11 09:38 11:42
    7-jun 10:33 12:25 14:37
    Date Bergen Geilo
    6-jun 07:58 10:56
    6-jun 10:28 13:36
    6-jun 15:58 18:54
    6-jun 22:58 02:19
    7-jun 07:58 10:56
    7-jun 10:28 13:36

It will be possible to catch a train back to Bergen or Oslo right after completion of the meeting on Friday; however, train connections on the following day may afford greater flexibility for those traveling abroad.

  • Date Geilo Hønefoss Oslo S
    8-jun 18:12 20:21 22:12
    8-jun 18:57 20:58 22:32
    9-jun 02:22 04:43 06:26
    9-jun 10:59 13:03 14:32
    9-jun 13:39 15:52 17:32
    Date Geilo Bergen
    8-jun 18:56 22:04
    8-jun 19:42 22:35
    9-jun 03:28 06:57
    9-jun 11:45 14:52
    9-jun 14:40 17:52

For those having to stay overnight in Oslo prior to their departing flight, the [ Radisson Gardemoen] hotel at the airport may be the most convenient. Using a little more time to explore Oslo, the [ Radisson Plaza] or [ Astoria] hotels are both very close to the downtain train station.

Should people want to explore some more of Norway, the [ EAMT] pages have some suggestions and pointers. Geilo is a good starting location for the famed [ Norway in a Nutshell] tour.


  • Francis Bond (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology; Japan)
  • John Carroll (University of Sussex; UK)
  • Helge Dyvik (University of Bergen; Norway)
  • Andreas Eisele (DFKI GmbH and Saarland University; Germany)
  • Liv Ellingsen (University of Oslo; Norway)
  • Dan Flickinger (Stanford University; USA)
  • Petter Haugereid (Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Norway)
  • Lars Hellan (Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Norway)
  • Janne Bondi Johannessen (University of Oslo; Norway)
  • Martin Kay (Stanford University; USA)
  • Gunn Inger Lyse (University of Bergen; Norway)
  • Jan Tore Lønning (University of Oslo; Norway)
  • Paul Meurer (University of Bergen; Norway)
  • Torbjørn Nordgård (Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Norway; and LingIT AS)
  • Lars Nygaard (University of Oslo; Norway)
  • Stephan Oepen (University of Oslo; Norway)
  • Victoria Rosén (University of Bergen; Norway)
  • Koenraad de Smedt (University of Bergen; Norway)
  • Erik Velldal (University of Oslo; Norway)
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