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StephanOepen edited this page Jul 29, 2013 · 4 revisions


LTG staff actively participates in the informal, multi-national research collaboration on Deep Linguistic Processing with HPSG Initiative (DELPH-IN). At the annual DELPH-IN Summit (i.e. gathering of the clique), partners often give overviews of (more or less) relevant developments at individual sites. This page is intended to develop into a stream of LTG updates related to DELPH-IN.

2013 LTG Site Update

Two funded projects currently use and extend DELPH-IN technologies, WeSearch (on methods for parser adaptation to user-generated content) and LAP (the Language Analysis Portal, part of the Norwegian CLARIN(O) initiative).

Besides the work in WeSearch by AngelinaIvanova (on relating bi-lexical dependency representations and DELPH-IN HPSG analyses) and by RebeccaDridan (on, among things, ubertagging for faster and more accurate parsing), which are presented separately at the 2013 Summit, the project also provides the funding for collaboration with CSLI and occassional inter-site visits

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