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StephanOepen edited this page Jun 18, 2016 · 138 revisions

Tentative Timetable

for the 2016 DELPH-IN Summit at Stanford University

June 16, Thursday
09:00–11:00 Plenary Session 1 (Chair: FrancisBond)
09:00–10:10 Site Updates (Five to Ten Minutes Each)
Cambridge (GuyEmerson)
Seattle (EmilyBender)
Amsterdam (AntskeFokkens)
Stanford (DanFlickinger)
Trondheim (LarsHellan, via DanFlickinger)
Singapore (FrancisBond)
Paris (BertholdCrysmann)
Oslo (see also LtgOslo/Delphin) (StephanOepen)
10:10–10:20 Grammar Update for Indra (DavidMoeljadi)
10:20–10:30 Grammar Update for Zhong (FrancisBond)
10:30–11:00 ERS Tutorial Recap (DanFlickinger, EmilyBender, AnnCopestake, WoodleyPackard)
11:00–11:30 Coffee Break
11:30–13:00 Plenary Session 2 (Chair: StephanOepen)
11:30–12:00 Recent Developments in Statistical Transfer (MichaelGoodman) Notes
12:00–12:30 PyDMRS (with Demo) and Work (in Progress) on a DMRS Graph Description Language (AlexKuhnle, GuyEmerson) Notes
12:30–13:00 Huge Morphological Grammars with ACE and LKB: on the Example of Automatically Generated Grammars of Chintang (OlgaZamaraeva) Notes
13:00–14:00 Lunch (On-Site)
14:00–16:00 Plenary Session 3 (Chair: BertholdCrysmann)
14:00–14:30 Discussion: Calculating Alternative Sets for Focus-Sensitive Operators Notes (KristenHowell)
14:30–14:50 Thesis Proposal: Agreement & Coordination in Grammar Customization (LaurieDermer)
14:50–15:10 Thesis Proposal: Valence-Changing Morphology in Grammar Customization (ChrisCurtis) Notes
15:10–15:40 Reconsidering the Characteristic Variable Principle (JoshuaCrowgey) Notes
15:40–16:00 Modular HPSG for Scaling DELPH-IN Grammars (GlennSlayden)
16:00–16:30 Coffee Break
16:30–18:00 Plenary Session 4 (Chair: AlexLascarides)
16:30–17:10 Resumption in HaG (BertholdCrysmann)
17:10–18:00 Discussion: Use of DELPH-IN Resources in Teaching (UlrichSchaefer, MelanieSiegel)
June 17, Friday
09:00–11:00 Plenary Session 5 (Chair: MontserratMarimon)
09:00–09:20 Generalized Quantifiers to SQL (WoodleyPackard)
09:20–09:50 Taking out Scope: Generation from Semantic Dependency Graphs (StephanOepen)
09:50–10:30 Discussion: Mal-Rules (LuisMorgadoCosta) Notes
10:30–11:00 Business Meeting
11:00–11:30 Coffee Break
11:30–13:00 Plenary Session 6 (Chair: RebeccaDridan)
11:30–12:00 Revisiting Compositionality (AnnCopestake; via Skype)
12:00–12:30 Report on AESW Shared Task Results (DanFlickinger, WoodleyPackard, MichaelGoodman)
12:30–13:00 Updates on the ERG Semantic Interface: Making Dreams Come True (StephanOepen, DanFlickinger, WoodleyPackard, FrancisBond)
13:00–14:00 Lunch (On-Site)
14:00–16:00 Plenary Session 7 (Chair: AntskeFokkens)
14:00–14:20 Tools Updates: PyDelphin v0.5.0 and gTest v0.1.0 (MichaelGoodman)
14:20–14:50 The Delphin-Viz Library: RESTful API and Browser-Based Visualisations of Different DELPH-IN Data Structures (NedLetcher, MichaelGoodman, StephanOepen)
14:50–15:20 Standardizing Interface Representations for Downstream Tasks like Entailment or Reasoning (DickCrouch)
15:20–16:00 Discussion: Meaning Representations for Entailment or Reasoning (CleoCondoravdi, StephanOepen)
16:00–16:30 Coffee Break
16:30–18:00 Plenary Session 8 (Chair: EmilyBender)
16:30–18:00 (Non-Virtual) Linguistic Analysis Design: サ変 --- Verbal Nouns or Nominal Verbs? Under-Specifying Events and Individuals (FrancisBond)
June 18, Saturday
09:00–10:30 Plenary Session 9 (Chair: UlrichSchaefer)
09:00–09:30 Functional Distributional Semantics (GuyEmerson)
09:30–10:25 Discussion: Word Sense Inventories for ‘Deep’ Grammars, Role assignment, Valence Alternations and Nominalizations (DanFlickinger, StephanOepen)
10:25–10:30 Group Picture in the Courtyard
10:30–11:00 Coffee Break
11:00–12:30 Plenary Session 10 (Chair: MelanieSiegel)
11:00–11:30 Development of a Small Corpus of Syntactic Phenomena, Focusing in Particular on Evaluating Inter-Annotator Agreement (NedLetcher)
11:30–12:20 Discussion: Maintenance, Sharing, and Re-Use of Resources: Lexica, Test Suites, and Others (FrancisBond)
12:20–12:30 Quick Round-the-Table: Pitching Special Interest Groups
12:30–13:30 Lunch (On-Site)
13:30–15:00 Plenary Session 11 (Chair: GlennSlayden)
13:30–13:50 Integration of Robust Parsing into ACE (WoodleyPackard)
13:50–14:20 Discussion: Robust Parsing with the ERG (WoodleyPackard, DanFlickinger)
14:20–15:00 Discussion: Demonstrating the Utility of ‘Deep’ Linguistic Processing (EmilyBender)
15:00–22:00 Excursion and BBQ Party

Proposed Special-Interest Groups (Sunday and Monday)

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