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StephanOepen edited this page Jan 31, 2017 · 66 revisions


This page collects logistical and contentful information on the first all-hands SynSem meeting, from Monday, February 6, to Wednesday, February 8. The meeting will be hosted at Lyseby Hotel, just outside of Oslo.

The programme will start at 10:00 in the morning of February 6, but there will be a social dinner (probably starting at 19:30) for those arriving early enough on Sunday evening.


Name At OSL From OSL First Meal Last Meal Preferences
EmilyBender Sunday, 11:55 (DL9268) Friday, 06:30 (DL9285) Sunday, dinner Wednesday, lunch no invertebrate seafood
GosseBouma Sunday, 20:50 (SK828) Wednesday, 16:20 (SK4745) Monday, breakfast Wednesday, lunch
MiriamButt Sunday, 19:00 (LX1216) Wednesday, 13:20 (LX1211) Monday, breakfast Wednesday, breakfast
StergiosChatzikyriakidis Sunday, dinner Wednesday, lunch
MaryDalrymple Saturday, 06:50 (TG945) Thursday, 13:30 (TG955) Sunday, dinner Wednesday, lunch gluten-free, no red meat
HelgeDyvik Sunday Wednesday Sunday, dinner Wednesday, lunch
JanHajič Sunday, 16:25 (KL1147) Wednesday, 09:30 (DY1502) Sunday, dinner Wednesday, breakfast
Dan Flickinger Sunday, 15:40 (SK4608) Friday Sunday, dinner Wednesday, lunch
MatthewGotham Monday, lunch Wednesday, lunch
DagHaug Monday, lunch Wednesday, lunch
JoakimNivre Sunday, 16:30 (SK491) Wednesday, 16:00 (SK882) Sunday, dinner Wednesday, lunch
StephanOepen Sunday, dinner Wednesday, lunch allergic to seafood
AdamPrzepiórkowski Sunday, 12:35 (DY1021) Thursday, 11:00 (DY1020) Sunday, dinner Wednesday, lunch
MarkSteedman Sunday, 16:25 (KL1147) Tuesday, 17:25 (KL1148) Sunday, dinner Tuesday, lunch
LiljaØvrelid Monday, dinner Wednesday, lunch


The hotel is accessible by public transport, where the final leg requires a ten-minute walk along a minor road. The hotel is close to the stop called Voksenkollen on the T-bane (‘tunnel train’, running underground in the city center and above ground otherwise). From downtown Oslo, take the T-bane line #1 towards Frognerseteren. When coming from the airport, one can either transfer at the main train station (Oslo S) or at Nationaltheatret; transit onto the T-bane is slightly easier and faster at the latter station, but some trains coming from the airport only go to Oslo S.

From the airport, take the airport express train (Flytoget) to either Oslo S (all trains) or Nationaltheatret (every other train). There are other options—regional and local trains—too, but these are less frequent and operate on a different ticket system than Flytoget. As you leave the customs area, turn right and walk straight towards the Flytoget departure terminal. Tickets are available from vending machines (using all sorts of credit cards) and possibly a staffed ticket office; there is no benefit in getting a round-trip ticket.

At Oslo S or (preferably) Nationaltheatret follow the ‘T’ signs to transfer into the T-bane and find the platform for line #1 in the direction of Frognerseteren. You will need a separate ticket for the T-bane, which in turn will be available from vending machines; seeing as you will be returning to Oslo soon, consider pre-installing the mobile ticket application, which will make public transport a lot easier (but does not cover the Flytoget line, which provides its own mobile application, if you are determined). The T-bane will gradually take you up the hills surrounding Oslo, past the Holmenkollen ski jump, and eventually to the Voksenkollen stop, which is near the end of the line.

At the Voksenkollen stop you leave the platform in the direction ‘against’ the incoming T-bane line, i.e. turn right as you leave the train, and slightly right again onto the countryside road that runs past the T-bane stop. There are signs towards Lysebu hotell at the road, and after walking around a gentle curve and past the Lysebu bus stop, one turns right onto an even smaller, dead-end road towards the hotel. In case you want to look for on-line assistance, the address of the hotel is Lysebuveien 12, 0790 Oslo.

Voksenkollen is situated many hundred meters above Oslo and well beyond the bounds of civilization; please prepare adequately for your trip and observe the mountain code. In case of an emergency (or other needs for assistance), please call Stephan at +47 4546 6632.


There will be five basic types of programme elements: (a) plenary discussion of ‘grand’ research questions; (b) an open space experiment; (c) two parallel reading groups; (d) contrastive syntactico-semantic analysis of nominated sentences; and (e) social and ‘downtime’ activities. While we suggest an outline below, we expect that the group will be free to collaboratively adjust and re-prioritize as we see fit.

Monday, February 6
10:00 11:00 Round-the-Table Introductions & Expectation Management
11:00 12:30 Keeping me Awake at Night: Gosse, Miriam, Joakim
12:30 13:30 Lunch
13:30 14:30 Excursion into the Wilderness
14:30 16:30 Sleepless Curious Minds: Emily, Jan, Mary, Stergios
16:30 17:00 Coffee
17:00 18:00 Open Space Preparations
18:00 18:30 Sentence #4 (Maybe Over Drinks)
Tuesday, February 7
09:30 10:30 Awake at Night: Mark, Matthew
10:30 11:00 Coffee
11:00 12:00 Readings Groups: Croft et al. (2017); van Cranenburgh (2017)
12:00 13:00 Lunch
13:00 14:00 More Wilderness
14:00 15:30 Open Space
15:30 16:00 Sentence #5 (Over Coffee & Fruit)
16:00 17:00 Reading Groups: Champollion (2016); Han Lau et al. (2016)
17:00 18:00 Researchers Rarely Sleep: Adam, Helge
18:00 18:30 Wrapping Up the Day
Wednesday, February 8
09:30 11:30 Sleepless for a Full Year: Dag, Dan, Lilja, Stephan
11:30 12:30 Moving On: Plans for SynSem
12:30 13:30 Lunch


#1 The linguist and philosopher tried to talk to me and my wife. MaryDalrymple
#2 What and where did Mary and her friends eat or drink? AdamPrzepiórkowski
#3 Once again, he shook his head, kept his face expressionless and his voice very calm, and had a strongly supported alibi ready. DanFlickinger
#4 A similar technique is almost impossible to apply to other crops, such as cotton, soybeans and rice. StephanOepen
#5 Which problem would a greater man than John have liked to solve? HelgeDyvik
#6 It was Mary who solved the problem.  JoakimNivre
#7 It is the earliest Hemingway work to employ his iceberg theory of writing, in which the underlying meaning is hinted at, rather than explicitly stated. StergiosChatzikyriakidis

Non-English sentence [EmilyBender]

その  試験   は   思った    より  やさしかった。
Sono shiken wa  omot-ta   yori yasashikat-ta.
DEM  exam   TOP think-PST than easy-PST.
`The exam was easier than I thought.' [jpn] Source: Makino & Tsutsui 1986:567

Selected Readings


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