With import-in-the-middle
enabled, I found a bug where assigning to a
variable in a module does not work as expected.
This is a simplified version of what happens in a SvelteKit application, using this module.
I have tested this behavior with Node 20.9.0 and 18.18.2.
$ npm run test
> iitm-sveltekit-repro@0.0.1 test
> node index.js
setting env, env.FOO is bar
using env from another module, env.FOO is bar
$ npm run test:iitm
> iitm-sveltekit-repro@0.0.1 test:iitm
> node --experimental-loader import-in-the-middle/hook.mjs index.js
(node:12408) ExperimentalWarning: Custom ESM Loaders is an experimental feature and might change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
setting env, env.FOO is bar
using env from another module, env.FOO is baz