- PDF Link: cheatsheet-jenkins-groovy-A4.pdf, Category: languages
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Name | Comment |
Specify parameter to run jobs | build job:'job1', parameters:[string(name:'name1', value:va1)] |
Run job in different agents | node($agent_label) {...} |
Ask for user input | stage('stage2'){ input "OK to go?" } |
Actively fail current pipeline job | error("Build failed because of this and that..") |
List all Jenkins plugins and versions | list-all-plugins.groovy |
Check whether property exists | if (env.keep_failed_env) |
Jenkins Pipeline enable timestamps | options{timestamps()} |
Set envs within a jenkins pipeline | withEnv(["key1=$var1"]) |
Install plugin via groovy | Hudson.instance.updateCenter.getPlugin(plugin).deploy().get() |
Keep previous job run via groovy | buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '20', numToKeepStr: '60')) |
Customize job workspace | customWorkspace "/some/other/path" |
git scm checkout to relative directory | extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'XXX']] |
Keep going when previous stage has failed | keep-going-with-errors.groovy |
Send slack notification in pipeline | slack-notification.groovy |
Pass parameter across jenkins jobs | jenkinsfile-pass-parameter.groovy |
Set timeout & retry | jenkinsfile-timeout-retry.groovy |
Use finally to do cleanup | jenkinsfile-finally.groovy |
Run jenkins jobs in a sequential way | jenkinsfile-sequentially.groovy |
Run jenkins jobs in parallel | jenkinsfile-parallelly.groovy |
Reference | Link: Syntax Reference, Link: Jenkins User Documentation |
Reference | Link: Groovy Language Documentation |
Reference | Link: Example, Link: Example |
Name | Comment |
Set timezone for jenkins | timezone.groovy |
Set timezone for jenkins | System.setProperty('org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.fmt.timeZone', 'America/Los_Angeles') |
Configure default view | jenkins-views.groovy |
Configure Jenkins url | jenkins-url.groovy |
Create a Jenkins user | create-jenkins-user.groovy |
Groovy manages files/folders | files-folder.groovy |
Configure max executors in Jenkins | master-executors.groovy |
Configure only 1 executor per worker | For each agent, configure # of executors |
Configure slack plugin | config-slack.groovy |
Configure pipeline shared libraries | config-pipeline-library.groovy |
Get jenkins version from CLI | java -jar /usr/share/jenkins/jenkins.war --version |
Reference | GitHub: cloudbees/jenkins-scripts, GitHub: jenkinsci/pipeline-examples |
Name | Comment |
List performance metrics for each Jenkins agents | list-all-jenkins-agent.sh |
Name | Comment |
Config jenkins kubernetes plugin | jenkins-kubernetes-cloud.groovy |
Validate Kubernetes jenkins setup | validate-kubernetes-cloud.groovy |
Kubernetes run with envs configured | runWithEnvVariables.groovy |
Reference | GitHub: kubernetes-plugin pipeline examples |
Name | Comment |
Add a list of jobs by regexp to a view | myView.setIncludeRegex(".*Integration.*") , addjobstoview-byregexp.groovy |
Create jenkins views and add jobs to it | jenkins-views.groovy |
Add a view of build monitor view plugin | build-monitor-views.xml |
Change view description in groovy | myView.doSubmitDescription |

Name | Comment |
List all my jenkins jobs | println Jenkins.instance.projects.collect { it.name } |
List all jenkins jobs | list-all-jobs.groovy |
Create and trigger a job | create-jenkins-job.groovy |
Manage jenkins jobs | manage-jenkins-jobs.groovy |
Cancel queued jenkins jobs by regexp | kill-queued-jenkins.groovy |
Support HTML for job and parameter descriptions | Link: OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin |
Name | Comment |
string | string(name: 'key1', defaultValue: 'Default value', description: 'some parameter') |
text | text(name: 'key1', defaultValue: 'Default value', description: 'some parameter') |
boolean | booleanParam(name: 'key1', defaultValue: true, description: 'some parameter') |
choice | choice(name: 'key1', choices: 'One\nTwo\nThree\n', description: 'some parameter') |
password | password(name: 'key1', defaultValue: 'SECRET', description: 'Enter a password') |
file | file(name: 'key1', description: 'Choose a file to upload') |
Name | Comment |
logged-in users can do anything | logged-in-users.groovy |
Enable ldap in Jenkins | enable-ldap.groovy |
Create a jenkins secret text | create-secret-text.groovy |
Configure authorization in Jenkins | matrix-authorization-strategy.groovy |
Jenkins skip wizzard when initialization | -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false |
Jenkins skip wizzard when initialization | instance.setInstallState(InstallState.INITIAL_SETUP_COMPLETED) |
Slave To Master Access Control | 00-slave-to-master-access.groovy |
CSRF Protection | 00-csrf.groovy |
Add Jenkins permission | jenkins-permission.groovy |
Disable CLI over Remoting | 00-disable-cli-remoting.groovy |
Disable jnlp | jenkins.setSlaveAgentPort(-1) |
Access Control for Builds | jenkins.security.QueueItemAuthenticatorConfiguration.xml |
Name | Comment |
Add default jobs | Copy jobs/ /usr/share/jenkins/ref/jobs/ |
Copy custom built plugins | COPY plugins/*.hpi /usr/share/jenkins/ref/plugins/ |
Use jenkins cli | COPY config/jenkins.properties /usr/share/jenkins/ref/ |
Add jenkins groovy scripts | COPY config/*.groovy /usr/share/jenkins/ref/init.groovy.d/ |
Configure Jenkins with some defaults | COPY config/*.xml /usr/share/jenkins/ref/ |
Install jenkins plugins | /usr/local/bin/install-plugins.sh < /usr/share/jenkins/ref/plugins.txt |

Plugin | Summary |
Kubernetes Plugin | Jenkins plugin to run dynamic agents in a Kubernetes/Docker environment |
Credentials Plugin | Load the ssh key |
SiteMonitor Plugin | Monitor URLs |
Timestamper Plugin | Add timestamp to job output |
Dashboard View Plugin | Create dashboard |
Log Parser Plugin | Parse the console output and highlight error/warning/info lines. |
Build-timeout Plugin | Abort if job takes too long |
Naginator Plugin | Retry failed a job |
ThinBackup Plugin | Backup jenkins |
JobConfigHistory Plugin | Backup job configuration |
“Anything Goes” formatter | use JavaScript inside your project description |
AnsiColor Plugin | Add support for ANSI escape sequences, including color, to Console Output |
Build User Vars Plugin | Describe the user who started the build |
Gitlab Plugin | Allows GitLab to trigger Jenkins builds |
Workspace Cleanup | Plugin to delete the build workspace. |
UpdateSites Manager plugin | manage update sites, where Jenkins accesses in order to retrieve plugins |
Name | Comment |
Git checkout code | git-checkout.groovy |
Get all git commits since last success | git-commits-before-fail.groovy |
List git tags and branches | git-list-tags-and-branches.groovy |
Name | Comment |
Get hostname | println InetAddress.localHost.canonicalHostName |
Get IP address | println InetAddress.localHost.hostAddress |
Get hostname by ip | get-ip-by-hostname.groovy |
validate user input: ip address | assert ip_address.matches("\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}") |
Name | Comment |
Kubernetes Plugin | Jenkins plugin to run dynamic agents in a Kubernetes/Docker environment |
Config jenkins kubernetes plugin | jenkins-kubernetes-cloud.groovy |
Cleanup for Docker stale containers/images/volumes | docker-cleanup.groovy |
Jenkins customize docker build args | additionalBuildArgs '--build-arg SSH_PRIVATE_KEY...' |
Name | Comment |
Illegal class name | JVM doesn’t like class names with a hyphen |
Name | Comment |
Get environment variables |
get-env.groovy, println env.WORKSPACE
Groovy execute command | execute-command.groovy |
Get data type of a variable | myObject.getClass() |
Print stdout | print.groovy echo ‘Action is done’, println “Hello World” |
Use boolean parameter | if (istrue == “false”) {…} |
Basic integer caculation | def a = 3, b = 7; println “$a + |
Run groovy online | SaaS: Groovy Web console |
Run groovy script from Jenkins | Link: Jenkins Script Console |
Reference | Link: Apache Groovy |

Name | Comment |
Check string startsWith | assert s.startsWith("\t") |
Trim whitespaces | s=s.trim() |
Concat string | first = 'Joe'; last = 'Smith'; println("Name: $first $last") |
Convert list to string | l.join(";") |
Create string with multi-lines | multi-line-string.groovy |
Convert string to list | split-string.groovy |
Convert string to json | string-to-json.groovy |
Remove tags | input.replaceAll("\\<.*?>","") |
Regex match | regexp-match.groovy |
Name | Comment |
Regex case insensitive | (item.name == ~/(?i).*NSX.*/ ) |
Reference | Regular Expressions in Groovy |
Name | Comment |
Iterate a list | for(item in [1,2,3,4]){ println item } |
Iterate a list | (1..3).each { println "Number ${it}"} |
Add item to list | def alist = [10, 9, 8]; alist << 7 |
List size | def alist = [10, 9, 8]; alist.size() |
Split string with delimiter | '1128-2'.tokenize('-') |
Name | Comment |
Read file into a string | String fileContents = new File('/tmp/test.txt).text |
Read file content as a variable | def env = System.getenv() , def content = readFile("/tmp/test.txt") |
Write file in pipeline | writeFile file: “output/my.txt”, text: “This is a test” |
Read a property file | def conf = readProperties file: “${env.WORKSPACE}@script/my.properties” |
Read and write json files | json-file.groovy |
Obtain a relative path | relative-path.groovy |
Name | Comment |
Run shell and get output | def out = sh script: command, returnStdout: true |
Run shell and get exit code | def status = sh script: command, returnStatus: true |
Name | Comment |
Create a map | def m = ['fruit':'Apple', 'veggie':'Carrot'] |
Add an item to map | m.put('denny','hello') |
Check if key exists | m.containsKey('key1') |
Loop a map | loop-map.groovy |
Name | Comment |
Convert string to json | string-to-json.groovy |
Convert dictionary to json | dict-to-json.groovy |
Read and write json files | json-file.groovy |

Name | Comment |
Date to string | new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")) |
String to date | Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z") |
String to date | Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", "2001-01-01T00:00:00+0000") |
Name | Comment |
Check jenkins slave jar version | check-slave-jar-version.groovy |
Find dead executors and remove them | find-dead-executors.groovy |
Set env for each agent | set-agent-env.groovy |
Name | Comment |
Delete jenkins job by regexp | delete-job-by-regexp.groovy |
Deploy Jenkins via docker | https://hub.docker.com/r/jenkins/jenkins/ |
Clean up old builds | Link: CloudBees Best Strategy for Disk Space Management |
License: Code is licensed under MIT License.