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Source code for Denoising Table-Text Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering (LREC-COLING 2024)


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Denoising Table-Text Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering

Source code for "Denoising Table-Text Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering" (LREC-COLING 2024)


We provide script to create a conda environment with all the required packages. Make sure to have conda installed on your system.

Then, run the following command to create the environment.

conda create -n dotter python=3.10
conda activate dotter


This codebase is built upon OTTeR. We follow the same data preprocessing steps as OTTeR, and provide the instruction mostly taken from OTTeR's README. For the rest of the README, we assume you are at the root of the repository, if not explicitly mentioned by "cd".

Step 0: Download dataset

Step0-1: OTT-QA dataset

mkdir data_wikitable
mkdir data_ottqa

git clone
cp OTT-QA/released_data/* ./data_ottqa

Step0-2: OTT-QA all tables and passages

cd data_wikitable/
cd ../

Step0-3: Download fused block preprocessed from OTTeR

Download OTTeR's processed linked passage from all_constructed_blink_tables.json. Then unzip it with gunzip and move the json file to ./data_wikitable.

Step 1: Denoising OTT-QA dataset

To denoise the OTT-QA dataset, we need to train false-positive removal model. Run the following command below to prepare the data for training the model.

Step1-1: Preprocess the data

mkdir ./preprocessed_data/
mkdir ./preprocessed_data/false_positive_removal
mkdir ./model/
mkdir ./model/trained_models

cd ./preprocessing
python --split train --nega intable_bm25 --aug_blink
python --split dev --aug_blink

Then it will make "train_intable_bm25_blink_false_positive_removal.pkl" and "dev__blink_false_positive_removal.pkl" in "./preprocessed_data/false_positive_removal". Let the path of former be TRAIN_FILE and the latter be DEV_FILE.

Step1-2: Train the model

Then, train the false positive removal model with the following command.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2,3 torchrun --nproc_per_node=${NUM_GPUS} ./scripts/ \
    --train_file ${TRAIN_FILE} \
    --dev_file ${DEV_FILE} \
    --seed 42 \
    --effective_batch_size 32 \
    --per_device_train_batch_size 16 \
    --per_device_eval_batch_size 16 \
    --learning_rate 2e-5 \
    --num_epochs 5 \
    --model_name_or_path bert-base-cased \
    --do_train_and_eval \
    --logging_steps 10 \
    --output_dir "./model/trained_models/false_positive_removal"

This will save the best model to ./model/trained_models/false_positive_removal/best_model. Let the path of the best model be MODEL_PATH.

Step1-3: Denoise the OTT-QA dataset

mkdir ./preprocessed_data/retrieval
cd ./preprocessing
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --split train --nega intable_contra --aug_blink --denoise --denoise_model_path ${MODEL_PATH}
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python --split dev --nega intable_contra --aug_blink --denoise --denoise_model_path ${MODEL_PATH}

This will make "train_intable_contra_blink_row_denoise.pkl" and "dev_intable_contra_blink_row_denoise.pkl" in "./preprocessed_data/retrieval". We denote the path of former as DENOISED_TRAIN_FILE and the latter as DENOISED_DEV_FILE.

Step 2: Training the rank-aware column encoder

python -m scripts.train_RATE \
    --num_train_steps 60000 \
    --evaluation_steps 1000 \
    --logging_steps 20 \
    --batch_size 32 \
    --evaluation_batch_size 128 \
    --wikitable_path ${WIKITABLE_PATH} \
    --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} \

To train rank-aware column encoder, you need to specify the path to ./data_wikitable/all_plain_tables.json as WIKITABLE_PATH and the output directory as OUTPUT_DIR. We recommend OUTPUT_DIR to be an absolute path for ./model/trained_models/RATE.

This will save the best model to ./model/trained_models/RATE/best_checkpoint. Let the path of the best model be RATE_MODEL_PATH.

Step 3: Training the DoTTeR model (retriever)

Step3-1: Download synthetic-pretrained checkpoint from OTTeR

We initialize the encoder with the mixed-modality synthetic pretrained checkpoint from OTTeR. Download the checkpoint from here.

unzip -d ./checkpoint-pretrain 

Then, move the ./checkpoint-pretrain to ./model/.

Step3-2: Train the DoTTeR model

We provide a shell script to train the DoTTeR model. Before running the script, you need to specify the path to the preprocessed data and the path to the RATE model.


This will save the best model as in RT_MODEL_PATH.

Step 4: Evaluation

Step 4-1: Build retrieval corpus (fused blocks)

cd ./preprocessing

This will make "table_corpus_blink.pkl" in "./preprocessed_data/retrieval".

Step 4-2: Encode corpus with the trained DoTTeR model

We first encode the OTT-QA dev set, then the table corpus(fused blocks) with the trained DoTTeR model.

export BASIC_PATH="."
export RATE_MODEL_PATH=${BASIC_PATH}/model/trained_models/RATE/best_checkpoint
export RT_MODEL_PATH=${BASIC_PATH}/model/trained_models/dotter

python -m scripts.encode_corpus \
  --do_predict \
  --predict_batch_size 100 \
  --model_name roberta-base \
  --shared_encoder \
  --predict_file ${BASIC_PATH}/data_ottqa/dev.json \
  --init_checkpoint ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/ \
  --embed_save_path ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/question_dev \
  --inject_summary \
  --injection_scheme "column" \
  --rate_model_path ${RATE_MODEL_PATH}\
  --normalize_summary_table \
  --max_c_len 512 \
  --num_workers 8

export DATA_PATH=${BASIC_PATH}/preprocessed_data/retrieval
export TABLE_CORPUS=table_corpus_blink

python -m scripts.encode_corpus \
    --do_predict \
    --encode_table \
    --shared_encoder \
    --predict_batch_size 800 \
    --model_name roberta-base \
    --predict_file ${DATA_PATH}/${TABLE_CORPUS}.pkl \
    --init_checkpoint ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/ \
    --embed_save_path ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/${TABLE_CORPUS} \
    --inject_summary \
    --injection_scheme "column" \
    --rate_model_path ${RATE_MODEL_PATH}\
    --normalize_summary_table \
    --max_c_len 512 \
    --num_workers 24

Step 4-3: Build index and search with FAISS

Table recall can be evaluated with the following command.

python -m scripts.eval_ottqa_retrieval \
	 --raw_data_path ${BASIC_PATH}/data_ottqa/dev.json \
	 --eval_only_ans \
	 --query_embeddings_path ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/question_dev.npy \
	 --corpus_embeddings_path ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/${TABLE_CORPUS}.npy \
	 --id2doc_path ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/${TABLE_CORPUS}/id2doc.json \
   --output_save_path ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/dev_output_k100_${TABLE_CORPUS}.json \
   --beam_size 100

This will save the retrieval results to dev_output_k100_${TABLE_CORPUS}.json in RT_MODEL_PATH/indexed_embeddings.

Block recall can be evaluated with the following command, after evaluating table recall.

python -m scripts.eval_block_recall \
     --split dev \
     --retrieval_results_file ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/dev_output_k100_${TABLE_CORPUS}.json

Step 4-4: Preparing QA dev data from retrieval outputs

This step will prepare the QA dev data from the retrieval outputs. We use the top 15 table-text blocks(fused blocks) for QA

export CONCAT_TBS=15
python -m preprocessing.qa_preprocess \
     --split dev \
     --topk_tbs ${CONCAT_TBS} \
     --retrieval_results_file ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/dev_output_k100_${TABLE_CORPUS}.json \
     --qa_save_path ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/dev_preprocessed_${TABLE_CORPUS}_k100cat${CONCAT_TBS}.json

Step 5: QA model

Step 5-1: Prepare QA training data

This step will find the top 15 table-text blocks for each question in the training set using DoTTeR, and prepare the training data for the QA model.

export BASIC_PATH="."
export RATE_MODEL_PATH=${BASIC_PATH}/model/trained_models/RATE/best_checkpoint
export RT_MODEL_PATH=${BASIC_PATH}/model/trained_models/dotter
export TABLE_CORPUS=table_corpus_blink
export CONCAT_TBS=15

python -m scripts.encode_corpus \
  --do_predict \
  --predict_batch_size 100 \
  --model_name roberta-base \
  --shared_encoder \
  --predict_file ${BASIC_PATH}/data_ottqa/train.json \
  --init_checkpoint ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/ \
  --embed_save_path ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/question_train \
  --inject_summary \
  --injection_scheme "column" \
  --rate_model_path ${RATE_MODEL_PATH}\
  --normalize_summary_table \
  --max_c_len 512 \
  --num_workers 16

python -m scripts.eval_ottqa_retrieval \
	   --raw_data_path ${BASIC_PATH}/data_ottqa/train.json \
	   --eval_only_ans \
	   --query_embeddings_path ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/question_train.npy \
	   --corpus_embeddings_path ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/${TABLE_CORPUS}.npy \
	   --id2doc_path ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/${TABLE_CORPUS}/id2doc.json \
	   --output_save_path ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/train_output_k100_${TABLE_CORPUS}.json \
	   --beam_size 100

python ../preprocessing/ \
	    --split train \
	    --topk_tbs ${CONCAT_TBS} \
	    --retrieval_results_file ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/indexed_embeddings/train_output_k100_${TABLE_CORPUS}.json \
	    --qa_save_path ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/train_preprocessed_${TABLE_CORPUS}_k100cat${CONCAT_TBS}.json

Step 5-2: Train the QA model

We use the same training script from OTTeR to train the QA model.

export BASIC_PATH="."
export TABLE_CORPUS=table_corpus_blink
export MODEL_NAME=mrm8488/longformer-base-4096-finetuned-squadv2
export RT_MODEL_PATH=${BASIC_PATH}/model/trained_models/dotter
export QA_MODEL_PATH=${BASIC_PATH}/trained_models/qa_longformer_${TOPK}/dotter
export CONCAT_TBS=15
export SEED=42
export TOPK=15
export EXP_NAME=dotter_qa

mkdir ${QA_MODEL_PATH}
python -m scripts.train_final_qa \
    --do_train \
    --do_eval \
    --model_type longformer \
    --dont_save_cache \
    --overwrite_cache \
    --model_name_or_path ${MODEL_NAME} \
    --evaluate_during_training \
    --data_dir ${RT_MODEL_PATH} \
    --output_dir ${QA_MODEL_PATH} \
    --train_file ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/train_preprocessed_${TABLE_CORPUS}_k100cat${CONCAT_TBS}.json \
    --dev_file ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/dev_preprocessed_${TABLE_CORPUS}_k100cat${CONCAT_TBS}.json \
    --per_gpu_train_batch_size 4 \
    --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 8 \
    --learning_rate 1e-5 \
    --num_train_epochs 5 \
    --max_seq_length 4096 \
    --doc_stride 1024 \
    --topk_tbs ${TOPK} \
    --seed ${SEED} \
    --run_name ${EXP_NAME} \
    --eval_steps 2000

In this script, we don't support setting effective batch size. Instead, we set the batch size per GPU and the number of GPUs. We use batch size 16 and 4 GPUs in the example above.

Step 5-3: Evaluting the QA model

export PREDICT_OUT=dotter_qa_dev_result
export MODEL_NAME=mrm8488/longformer-base-4096-finetuned-squadv2
export TOPK=15
export QA_MODEL_PATH=${BASIC_PATH}/trained_models/qa_longformer_${TOPK}/dotter

python -m scripts.train_final_qa \
    --do_predict \
    --model_type ${MODEL_NAME} \
    --dont_save_cache \
    --overwrite_cache \
    --model_name_or_path ${MODEL_NAME} \
    --data_dir ${RT_MODEL_PATH} \
    --output_dir ${QA_MODEL_PATH} \
    --predict_file ${RT_MODEL_PATH}/dev_preprocessed_${TABLE_CORPUS}_k100cat${CONCAT_TBS}.json \
    --predict_output_file ${PREDICT_OUT}.json \
    --per_gpu_train_batch_size 4 \
    --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 8 \
    --doc_stride 1024 \
    --topk_tbs ${TOPK} \
    --threads 4 \


    title = "Denoising Table-Text Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering",
    author = "Kang, Deokhyung  and
      Jung, Baikjin  and
      Kim, Yunsu  and
      Lee, Gary Geunbae",
    editor = "Calzolari, Nicoletta  and
      Kan, Min-Yen  and
      Hoste, Veronique  and
      Lenci, Alessandro  and
      Sakti, Sakriani  and
      Xue, Nianwen",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)",
    month = may,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Torino, Italia",
    publisher = "ELRA and ICCL",
    url = "",
    pages = "4634--4640",
    abstract = "In table-text open-domain question answering, a retriever system retrieves relevant evidence from tables and text to answer questions. Previous studies in table-text open-domain question answering have two common challenges: firstly, their retrievers can be affected by false-positive labels in training datasets; secondly, they may struggle to provide appropriate evidence for questions that require reasoning across the table. To address these issues, we propose Denoised Table-Text Retriever (DoTTeR). Our approach involves utilizing a denoised training dataset with fewer false positive labels by discarding instances with lower question-relevance scores measured through a false positive detection model. Subsequently, we integrate table-level ranking information into the retriever to assist in finding evidence for questions that demand reasoning across the table. To encode this ranking information, we fine-tune a rank-aware column encoder to identify minimum and maximum values within a column. Experimental results demonstrate that DoTTeR significantly outperforms strong baselines on both retrieval recall and downstream QA tasks. Our code is available at",


This codebase is built upon the codebase from OTTeR. We thank authors for open-sourcing them.


Source code for Denoising Table-Text Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering (LREC-COLING 2024)








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