Particle Windchime is an experiment to generate an audible representation of a particle collision. Demo can be found at
- Install Processing
- Install SoundCipher
- $ cd ~/Documents/Processing/
- $ git clone
- $ cd ./Windchime
- $ open ./Windchime.pde [Then file > export]
- $ ./deploy
- $ open ./applet/index.html
Particle Windchime was a "hack" developed at Science Hackday: San Francisco (Nov 13th & 14th, 2010) by a team of physicists and software developers. It won 2 awards, "Best Use of Data" and "People's Choice".
The team consisted of:
- Matt Bellis (
- Derek Gathright (@derek)
- David Harris (@physicsdavid)
- Jeremy Nuger
- Michael Parrish (@michael_parrish)
- Ali Sajjadi (@psionn)
- Janine Scott (@isJaninieLittle)
- Ole Waldmann (@ole_wa)