Simple Tool to create explorer tree icons for the SAP Commerce Backoffice interface from simple icon files.
The SAP Commerce Cloud Backoffice interface requires a special crafted sprite image to show it as icon in the explorer tree. This tool helps creating this sprites based on a simple icon file.
The simplest case is to convert a single icon. For this you must have an input icon meeting the following criterias:
- Size is 16x16 pixels (given by SAP Commerce)
- Transparent background (otherwise it will not really work)
- File format should be "png"
Run the following commands to create the sprite (replace the example icon with your own):
$ pip install sap-commerce-backoffice-icons
$ backofficeIconConverter exampleIcons/star.png
Process icon exampleIcons/star.png...
exampleIcons/star.png => exampleIcons/backoffice-star.png
That's it! Now you can use this icon sprite in your custom Backoffice extension as icon for your custom types. For more help on how to do this, see Tutorial.
You can also convert multiple icons:
$ backofficeIconConverter ~/FolderWithSomeIcons/* --output converted
To install the script for development or to run it directly from source, the following steps are needed:
- Install Python >3.7
- Install Poetry (see
- Make the project ready to be used:
git clone
cd sap-commerce-backoffice-icons
poetry install
- Run the script via Poetry virtual env:
poetry run backofficeIconConverter exampleIcons/star.png