A unique approach to app search and discovery combining:
- An app classification system using text feature extraction and supervised machine learning with support vector machines.
- A search system that displays results within ranked categories using Elasticsearch aggregations.
- Install Ruby and SASS: http://sass-lang.com/install
- If you're on Windows, install VC++ 2010 using the instructions at https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-gyp/wiki/Visual-Studio-2010-Setup.
- Use npm to install the global packages: 'npm install -g express nodemon bower browserify watchify gulp nodeunit'.
- Cd to the appakin repo root directory and run 'npm install' to install the dev dependencies. (All dev dependencies should be installed at the root level so that they are shared amongst all the projects in the repo.)
Cd to the /src/web.public directory and run 'gulp jshint'.
Cd to the /src/web.public directory and run 'gulp build'. You can check the build by cding to /build.output/web.public and running 'npm start'. Browse to http://localhost:3000/
crawler, slug and pg have build issues on Windows. I got around this with the following cmd, running it from the Visual Studio command line: npm install --msvs_version=2013 crawler
Note that you need to have VS2013 installed for this to work. (I have the full version of VS2013 installed.)
Cd to the /src/web.api directory and run 'gulp jshint'.
Cd to the /src/web.api directory and run 'gulp build'. You can check the build by cding to /build.output/web.api and running 'npm start'. Browse to http://localhost:3002/
If you're not wanting to run the API Web site in an IDE, just cd to the /src/web.api directory and run 'npm start'. Browse to http://localhost:3002/api/test/ping
on build: pscp -i d:\work\appakin-key.ppk -r d:\work\appakin\build-output\web.public ubuntu@appakin.com:temp/ <-- copies to temp/web.public
mac: scp -i appakin-key.pem appakin/build-output/web.public ubuntu@appakin.com:temp/
on live machine: gunzip < file.tar.gz | tar xvf - sudo cp -r v0.0.3 /var/www/appakin/releases/
sudo rm -rf node_modules sudo npm install
sudo ln -sfn v0.0.3 current ls -l
sudo restart appakin sudo restart appakin-admin sudo restart solr-admin << logs folder not there or
installing appakin
download and install xcode download and install git download and install latest java sdk download and install se6 java (needed by webstorm). Apple have file for this. download and install webstorm download and install tunnelblick
configure tunnelblick - david creates new openvpn settings for me and gives me configuration file
git clone git@
download and install solr - untar the file somewhere, then copy the example dir to where you want to have your solr install. Rename the directory to solr. Checkout the appakin-solr repo to some location, then copy it into the solr directory that's within the solr directory. Make sure the git files get copied over too.
install: mvim homebrew pgadmin
brew update
brew doctor
brew install postgresql
initdb brew --prefix
/var/postgres/data -E utf8
in pgadmin, change user to login to db to be your short mac username, and create a user called postgres with password postgres and all role privileges.
to run postgres on startup: ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/postgresql/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
to run postgres now: launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
brew install ant brew install node sudo gem install sass sudo npm install -g express nodemon bower gulp nodeunit cd to root of appakin repo: npm install cd to web.api directory: npm install cd to web.public directory: npm install
to update only npm: npm install -g npm@latest
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres/data or pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres/data -l logfile start
Then: In web.api dir: npm start In web.public dir: gulp dev In web.public dir: npm start
check on name of database backup file: ssh dev@appakin-dev copy database backup over: scp dev@appakin-dev:./appakin-2014-11-12.sql.bz2 ~/appakin-2014-11-12.sql.bz2 double click on it to expand it.
add a config-local.json file to web.api with connectionString override for your local postgres instance.