2224 commits
to release-bot
since this release
- [closed] Automation of API SaveConfigMap in Add Deployment Pipeline Flow(ConfigMapRouter) #1749
- [enhancement] App listing dropdown api - add app name filter #1739
- [bug] Items are align right in react select #1721
- [enhancement] Notification dashboard Takes lots of time to load applications. #1719
- [bug] Broken UI in logs & events log in devtron app #1713
- [enhancement][Task] Automation for App DeploymentTemplate Module APIs(PipelineConfigRouter)(2 APIs) #1710
- [enhancement] API Automation for PipelineConfigRouter #1694
- [enhancement] [FE] Uniformity in Devtron Headers throughout the dashboard 01 #1682
- [bug] After clicking "View Source Pipeline" on Linked CI-Pipeline we are not redirecting on correct URL(logs URL) #1671
- [bug] Non-dynamic height of terminal and logs tab #1668
- [enhancement] UX: Revisit cluster and node details UI for v0 #1664
- [enhancement] Gitops operation implementation modification on existing system. Template Save, CD Pipeline Create, Trigger Deployment #1660
- [Task] Historical Task Definition Functional Testing #1628
- [bug] Text we type in terminal is not visible when it reaches the end of terminal window #1597
- [enhancement] feat: hostAliases not acceptable in rollout deployment #1498