NOTE (April 2018): This code is now implemented as an R package 'BASEmetab', which can be installed from github with devtools. See repo ( and user guide (
Code accompanying Grace et al. (2015) Fast processing of diel oxygen curves: estimating stream metabolism with BASE (BAyesian Single-station Estimation). Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 13, 103–114
PDF user guide included in 'BASE' folder. Download the whole folder as a zip file to get started. Contact: Darren Giling ( or Mike Grace (
Recent updates:
January 2018 (v2.3) nb: This is the last update to this code - it is now implemented as a package
- Simplified file handling (no need to separate files before running)
- Smoothing of PAR and DO
- Automated updating of unconverged chains
- Added better physical constraints on K prior
March 2017 (v2.2)
- Fix to the prior distribution for tau
October 2016 (v2.1)
- Added output of rates on sub-daily timescale
July 2016 (v2.0)
- Changes to model structure following findings of Song et al (2016) L&O:M doi: 10.1002/lom3.10112
- Implementated parallel computing of chains