In silentdisco root folder execute:
./ install
Log in to localhost:8080 and complete the configuration
The azuracast stream is propagated to the network by a nodejs server; it reads the stream and broadcasts it to all connected websockets.
In silentdisco/server folder execute the command to build and run the application, specifying the environment variables
- SERVER_IP: the ip address of the machine on the lan
- STREAM_URL: the URL of the azuracast stream
An example of the launch script would be as follows:
export SERVER_IP=
export STREAM_URL=
docker-compose up -d --build
In order to see the execution logs you may run the following command (where server_silentdisco_1
is the name of the container generated by the build):
docker logs server_silentdisco_1
When everything is setup, the clients may connect to the server using a web browser
The server relies on io.emit()
in order to broadcast the stream as fast as possible with fixed packet size.
In order to reduce the amount of exchanged data, a mono mixdown is performed.
On client side the major bottleneck is represented by the time needed by AudioContext.decodeAudioData()
, expecially on less modern devices.
The delay needed to synchronize the streams is applied with amortization, otherwise would result in choppy playback: it takes around a minute to synchronize two devices having 500 ms of difference in latency
silentdisco is using the following third party software:
- azuracast
- timesync