Thanks for checking out my dotfiles. If you want to use them, feel free to clone and repo and play around. If you want to setup up your computer with some useful (at least to me) stuff, they can take care of that for you.
This repository is managed by Yet Another Dotfiles Manager. To add it to a new computer:
$ git clone ~/.yadm-project
$ ~/.yadm-project/yadm clone -b main --bootstrap
$ rm -rf ~/.yadm-project
$ sudo xcode-select --install
is used to manage applications installed through the App Store.
Before it can be installed, though, Xcode needs to be installed through the App
Store. Its license must be accepted; this can be done through the command line:
$ sudo xcodebuild -license accept
If using an ARM-based processor, Rosetta 2 is required to run anything that is only available for x86-based processors.
$ /usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
This repository uses pre-commit to keep the files nicely formatted. pre-commit
and yadm play together nicely when committing, but since yadm stores the git
repository away from the working copy, anytime pre-commit
is invoked, it needs
to be told where the repository is.
$ env GIT_DIR=$HOME/.local/share/yadm/repo.git pre-commit install
macOS ships with the BSD version of some tools rather than the GNU version. For some of the GNU tools that it does include, they're out-of-date. Up-to-date GNU versions of these tools will be installed. Some other out-of-date tools will be updated as well.