A library for making tidy drawings of trees.
Provides a reagent component which implements a O( n * depth ) algorithm for tree drawing inspired by Reingold and Tilford's Tidier Drawings of Trees and Bill Mill's survey of tree drawing algorithms Drawing Presentable Trees.
If we want to draw some tree
in an element with id target-el
, we write:
(ns example
(:require [reagent.core :refer [render-component]
[tidy-trees.reagent :refer [tidy-tree]))
(render-component [tidy-tree tree opts] (. js/document (get-ElementById "#target-el"))
where opts is a map containing the following entries:
- When applied with a node, returns whether the node is a branch.:children?
- When applied with a node, returns the nodes children as a seq.:label-branch
- When applied with a branch node, returns a label for the branch node.:label-term
- When applied with a terminal node, returns a label for the terminal node.:v-gap
- The minimum amount of space between levels:h-gap
- The amount of space between adjacent nodes on the same level.:edges
- Determines the way tree edges are drawn. Supported options are:straight