Spotify in your menu bar
SpotMenu is a combination of TrayPlay
and Statusfy written entirely almost entirely in swift.
Toast: control + command + m
- The default behavior is to show the SpotMenu icon, Artist and Track title in the menubar. Right click → Preferences to customize.
- The animated gif currently demonstrates the functionality of version 1.7
- New layout
- Option added in preferences to turn off now playing keyboard shortcut toast
- Source code updated to Swift 4
- Portuguese translation added (credits: @clinis)
- Brazilian portuguese translation added (credits: @maurojuniorr)
- Catalan tranlsation added (credits: @bcubic)
Download the zip file version 1.7. Unarchive it. Run In case of unidentified developer follow these steps!
You can find all releases here.
via Homebrew Cask
brew cask install spotmenu
First, you'll need Xcode 9. You can download this at the Mac App Store. Second, you'll need CocoaPods.
Now, use Git to clone the repository.
git clone
cd SpotMenu
pod install
Finally, open up the SpotMenu.xcworkspace. Set the "Scheme" to build the "SpotMenu" target for "My Mac". Then Product > Run (or the shortcut ⌘R).
- Version 1.7 has been updated to swift 4.0 therefore Xcode 9 is required.
- In some cases it might be required to select the "Spotify" scheme and build it before selecting "SpotMenu".
- To fix "cannot find a team matching ..." error follow these steps
- @danieltmbr
- @maurojuniorr
- @Triloworld
- @fabi94music
- @rebdeb
- @bcubic
- @clinis
- Everyone who posted an issue / pull request
- Star and Fork
- Post any issues you find
- Post new feature requests
- Pull requests are welcome
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