This repository contains a Dockerfile and support scripts for building and running the Simatch MSL robot soccer simulator using Docker.
The Simatch sources and documentation can be found here:
If you have not done so before, install Docker Community Edition. For alternative ways to install Docker CE on Ubuntu see:
One way of installing is using the get-docker convenience script as follows:
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
Adding user to "docker" group allows you to use docker commands without sudo:
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
Remember that you will have to log out and back in for this to take effect!
Now download the simatch-docker workspace from GitHub:
cd ~
git clone
Finally build the simatch docker image:
cd ~/simatch-docker
./ simatch
If the building completes you are ready to run Simatch using Docker.
To run the Simatch MSL soccer game simulator open a terminal window and enter following commands:
cd ~/simatch-docker
./ simatch roslaunch nubot_gazebo game_ready.launch
If you also want to run nubot robot code for cyan robots then open a new terminal window and enter:
cd ~/simatch-docker
./ simatch rosrun nubot_common
Replace cyan by magenta in above command if you want to control magenta robots with nubot code.
You can start the coach software for the cyan team in another terminal window as follows:
cd ~/simatch-docker
./ simatch rosrun coach4sim
Likewise for the magenta team replace cyan by magenta.
If you want to start all of the above on one computer:
cd ~/simatch-docker
./ simatch roslaunch simatch_cyan.launch
Again replace cyan by magenta if you like.