These packages are used to simulate the flying robot Ardrone in ROS environment using gazebo simulator. Totally they are 4 packages. Their functions are descript as below:
cvg_sim_gazebo: contains object models, sensor models, quadrocopter models, flying environment information and individual launch files for each objects and pure environment without any other objects.
cvg_sim_gazebo_plugins: contains gazebo plugins for the quadrocopter model. quadrotor_simple_controller is used to control the robot motion and deliver navigation information, such as: /ardrone/navdata. Others are plugins for sensors in the quadrocopter, such as: IMU sensor, sonar sensor, GPS sensor.
message_to_tf: is a package used to create a ros node, which transfers the ros topic /ground_truth/state to a /tf topic.
cvg_sim_msgs: contains message forms for the simulator.
Some packages are based on the tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg by Stefan Kohlbrecher, TU Darmstadt.
How to install the simulator:
Create a workspace for the simulator
mkdir -p ~/tum_simulator_ws/src cd ~/tum_simulator_ws/src catkin_init_workspace
Download dependencies
git clone # The AR.Drone ROS driver git clone cd .. rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo -y
Build the simulator
Source the environment
source devel/setup.bash
How to run a simulation:
Run a simulation by executing a launch file in cvg_sim_gazebo package:
roslaunch cvg_sim_gazebo ardrone_testworld.launch