A way to download rubrics from the Instructure Canvas LMS using CanvasAPI.
If you are going to use CanvasMyRubrics.py, please install Python v3 before taking any other steps.
Linux: From your system shell, navigate to the directory that you downloaded CanvasMyRubrics.py. Type the command below.
user@pc:~$ python3 ./CanvasMyRubrics.py
Windows .exe: You can double-click on the .exe file, or run it from PowerShell or the Commandline as shown below.
Windows .py: If you attributed .py files with the python executable, you can double-click on CanvasMyRubrics.py. Otherwies, from either PowerShell or the Commandline, navigate to the directory that you downloaded CanvasMyRubrics.py. Type the command below.
C:\somedir\python CanvasMyRubrics.py
Follow the onscreen prompts.