- Easy to use: low-code APIs such as mediapipe-python.
- Low overhead: No unnecessary data copy, allocation, and free during the processing.
- Flexible: Users can use custom media bytes as input.
- For TfLite models, the library not only supports all models downloaded from MediaPipe Solutions but also supports TF Hub models and custom models with essential information.
- Object Detection
- Image Classification
- Image Segmentation
- Interactive Image Segmentation
- Gesture Recognition
- Hand Landmark Detection
- Image Embedding
- Face Detection
- Face Landmark Detection
- Pose Landmark Detection
- Audio Classification
- Text Classification
- Text Embedding
- Language Detection
Every task has three types: XxxBuilder
, Xxx
, XxxSession
. (Xxx
is the task name)
is used to create a task instanceXxx
, which has many options to set.example: use
to build aImageClassifier
task.let classifier = ImageClassifierBuilder::new() .max_results(3) // set max result .category_deny_list(vec!["denied label".into()]) // set deny list .gpu() // set running device .build_from_file(model_path)?; // create a image classifier
is a task instance, which contains task information and model information.example: use
to create a newImageClassifierSession
let classifier_session = classifier.new_session()?;
is a running session to perform pre-process, inference, and post-process, which has buffers to store mid-results.example: use
to run the image classification task and return classification results:let classification_result = classifier_session.classify(&image::open(img_path)?)?;
Note: the session can be reused to speed up, if the code just uses the session once, it can use the task's wrapper function to simplify.
// let classifier_session = classifier.new_session()?; // let classification_result = classifier_session.classify(&image::open(img_path)?)?; // The above 2-line code is equal to: let classification_result = classifier.classify(&image::open(img_path)?)?;
- vision:
- gesture recognition:
- hand detection:
- image classification:
- image embedding:
- image segmentation:
- object detection:
- gesture recognition:
- audio:
- audio classification:
- audio classification:
- text:
- text classification:
- text classification:
use mediapipe_rs::tasks::vision::ImageClassifierBuilder;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let (model_path, img_path) = parse_args()?;
let classification_result = ImageClassifierBuilder::new()
.max_results(3) // set max result
.build_from_file(model_path)? // create a image classifier
.classify(&image::open(img_path)?)?; // do inference and generate results
// show formatted result message
println!("{}", classification_result);
Example input: (The image is downloaded from https://storage.googleapis.com/mediapipe-assets/burger.jpg)
Example output in console:
$ cargo run --release --example image_classification -- ./assets/models/image_classification/efficientnet_lite0_fp32.tflite ./assets/testdata/img/burger.jpg
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.01s
Running `/mediapipe-rs/./scripts/wasmedge-runner.sh target/wasm32-wasi/release/examples/image_classification.wasm ./assets/models/image_classification/efficientnet_lite0_fp32.tflite ./assets/testdata/img/burger.jpg`
Classification #0:
Category #0:
Category name: "cheeseburger"
Display name: None
Score: 0.70625573
Index: 933
use mediapipe_rs::postprocess::utils::draw_detection;
use mediapipe_rs::tasks::vision::ObjectDetectorBuilder;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let (model_path, img_path, output_path) = parse_args()?;
let mut input_img = image::open(img_path)?;
let detection_result = ObjectDetectorBuilder::new()
.max_results(2) // set max result
.build_from_file(model_path)? // create a object detector
.detect(&input_img)?; // do inference and generate results
// show formatted result message
println!("{}", detection_result);
if let Some(output_path) = output_path {
// draw detection result to image
draw_detection(&mut input_img, &detection_result);
// save output image
Example input: (The image is downloaded from https://storage.googleapis.com/mediapipe-tasks/object_detector/cat_and_dog.jpg)
Example output in console:
$ cargo run --release --example object_detection -- ./assets/models/object_detection/efficientdet_lite0_fp32.tflite ./assets/testdata/img/cat_and_dog.jpg
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.00s
Running `/mediapipe-rs/./scripts/wasmedge-runner.sh target/wasm32-wasi/release/examples/object_detection.wasm ./assets/models/object_detection/efficientdet_lite0_fp32.tflite ./assets/testdata/img/cat_and_dog.jpg`
Detection #0:
Box: (left: 0.12283102, top: 0.38476586, right: 0.51069236, bottom: 0.851197)
Category #0:
Category name: "cat"
Display name: None
Score: 0.8460574
Index: 16
Detection #1:
Box: (left: 0.47926134, top: 0.06873521, right: 0.8711677, bottom: 0.87927735)
Category #0:
Category name: "dog"
Display name: None
Score: 0.8375256
Index: 17
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let model_path = parse_args()?;
let text_classifier = TextClassifierBuilder::new()
.max_results(1) // set max result
.build_from_file(model_path)?; // create a text classifier
let positive_str = "I love coding so much!";
let negative_str = "I don't like raining.";
// classify show formatted result message
let result = text_classifier.classify(&positive_str)?;
println!("`{}` -- {}", positive_str, result);
let result = text_classifier.classify(&negative_str)?;
println!("`{}` -- {}", negative_str, result);
Example output in console (use the bert model):
$ cargo run --release --example text_classification -- ./assets/models/text_classification/bert_text_classifier.tflite
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.01s
Running `/mediapipe-rs/./scripts/wasmedge-runner.sh target/wasm32-wasi/release/examples/text_classification.wasm ./assets/models/text_classification/bert_text_classifier.tflite`
`I love coding so much!` -- ClassificationResult:
Classification #0:
Category #0:
Category name: "positive"
Display name: None
Score: 0.99990463
Index: 1
`I don't like raining.` -- ClassificationResult:
Classification #0:
Category #0:
Category name: "negative"
Display name: None
Score: 0.99541473
Index: 0
use mediapipe_rs::tasks::vision::GestureRecognizerBuilder;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let (model_path, img_path) = parse_args()?;
let gesture_recognition_results = GestureRecognizerBuilder::new()
.num_hands(1) // set only recognition one hand
.max_results(1) // set max result
.build_from_file(model_path)? // create a task instance
.recognize(&image::open(img_path)?)?; // do inference and generate results
for g in gesture_recognition_results {
println!("{}", g.gestures.classifications[0].categories[0]);
Example input: (The image is download from https://storage.googleapis.com/mediapipe-tasks/gesture_recognizer/victory.jpg)
Example output in console:
$ cargo run --release --example gesture_recognition -- ./assets/models/gesture_recognition/gesture_recognizer.task ./assets/testdata/img/gesture_recognition_google_samples/victory.jpg
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.02s
Running `/mediapipe-rs/./scripts/wasmedge-runner.sh target/wasm32-wasi/release/examples/gesture_recognition.wasm ./assets/models/gesture_recognition/gesture_recognizer.task ./assets/testdata/img/gesture_recognition_google_samples/victory.jpg`
Category name: "Victory"
Display name: None
Score: 0.9322255
Index: 6
Every audio media which implements the trait AudioData
can be used as audio tasks input.
Now the library has builtin implementation to support symphonia
, ffmpeg
, and raw audio data as input.
Examples for Audio Classification:
use mediapipe_rs::tasks::audio::AudioClassifierBuilder;
#[cfg(feature = "ffmpeg")]
use mediapipe_rs::preprocess::audio::FFMpegAudioData;
#[cfg(not(feature = "ffmpeg"))]
use mediapipe_rs::preprocess::audio::SymphoniaAudioData;
#[cfg(not(feature = "ffmpeg"))]
fn read_audio_using_symphonia(audio_path: String) -> SymphoniaAudioData {
let file = std::fs::File::open(audio_path).unwrap();
let probed = symphonia::default::get_probe()
symphonia::core::io::MediaSourceStream::new(Box::new(file), Default::default()),
let codec_params = &probed.format.default_track().unwrap().codec_params;
let decoder = symphonia::default::get_codecs()
.make(codec_params, &Default::default())
SymphoniaAudioData::new(probed.format, decoder)
#[cfg(feature = "ffmpeg")]
fn read_video_using_ffmpeg(audio_path: String) -> FFMpegAudioData {
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let (model_path, audio_path) = parse_args()?;
#[cfg(not(feature = "ffmpeg"))]
let audio = read_audio_using_symphonia(audio_path);
#[cfg(feature = "ffmpeg")]
let audio = read_video_using_ffmpeg(audio_path);
let classification_results = AudioClassifierBuilder::new()
.max_results(3) // set max result
.build_from_file(model_path)? // create a task instance
.classify(audio)?; // do inference and generate results
// show formatted result message
for c in classification_results {
println!("{}", c);
The session includes inference sessions (such as TfLite interpreter), input and output buffers, etc. Explicitly using the session can reuse these resources to speed up.
Origin :
use mediapipe_rs::tasks::text::TextClassifier;
use mediapipe_rs::postprocess::ClassificationResult;
use mediapipe_rs::Error;
fn inference(
text_classifier: &TextClassifier,
inputs: &Vec<String>
) -> Result<Vec<ClassificationResult>, Error> {
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(inputs.len());
for input in inputs {
// text_classifier will create new session every time
Use the session to speed up:
use mediapipe_rs::tasks::text::TextClassifier;
use mediapipe_rs::postprocess::ClassificationResult;
use mediapipe_rs::Error;
fn inference(
text_classifier: &TextClassifier,
inputs: &Vec<String>
) -> Result<Vec<ClassificationResult>, Error> {
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(inputs.len());
// only create one session and reuse the resources in session.
let mut session = text_classifier.new_session()?;
for input in inputs {
When building the library with ffmpeg
feature using cargo, users must set the following environment variables:
: the pre-built FFmpeg library path. You can download it from https://github.com/yanghaku/ffmpeg-wasm32-wasi/releases.WASI_SDK
), You can download it from https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-sdk/releasesBINDGEN_EXTRA_CLANG_ARGS
: set sysroot and target and function visibility for libclang. (The sysroot must be absolute path).
export FFMPEG_DIR=/path/to/ffmpeg/library
export WASI_SDK=/opt/wasi-sdk
export BINDGEN_EXTRA_CLANG_ARGS="--sysroot=/opt/wasi-sdk/share/wasi-sysroot --target=wasm32-wasi -fvisibility=default"
# Then run cargo
The default device is CPU, and user can use APIs to choose device to use:
use mediapipe_rs::tasks::vision::ObjectDetectorBuilder;
fn create_gpu(model_blob: Vec<u8>) {
let detector_gpu = ObjectDetectorBuilder::new()
fn create_tpu(model_blob: Vec<u8>) {
let detector_tpu = ObjectDetectorBuilder::new()
This work is made possible by Google's work on Mediapipe.
- LFX Workspace: A Rust library crate for mediapipe models for WasmEdge NN
- WasmEdge
- MediaPipe
- wasi-nn safe
- wasi-nn specification
- wasi-nn
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for more details.