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Fábio Nogueira edited this page Mar 21, 2017 · 43 revisions

Welcome to the dsoa-platform wiki!

This project aims to develop DSOA (Dynamic Service-Oriented Architecture), a middleware platform that intents to support the development of dynamically adaptive service compositions based on QoS criteria. Basically this plataform builds on the ideas of adaptive systems and autonomous computing to propose an environment that supports QoS-based service compositions using an adaptive loop implemented atop of dependency injection, event processing and service-oriented computing technologies.

Dynamic Service Oriented Architecture (DSOA) Platform

In order to introduce the platform, we first motivate it by presenting its context and the main challenges related to the development of service based applications. Following, we start our journey through the worlds of distributed systems and middleware. Afterwords, we move to the adaptive middleware and autonomic computing planets... Then, we enter the service-orientation galaxy and present its beings and their languages. Finally, we arrive at our final destination, the DSOA land, and present you some its mutant beings... Please, fasten your seatbelts and let's start our trip!!!

  1. Introdução
  2. Sistemas Auto-Adaptativos
  3. Plataformas de Suporte aos Sistemas Auto-Adaptativos
  4. DSOA Conceptual View
  5. References

In such big universe there are so many languages that it is usually not easy to understand or be understood. To help us to bear this diversity, we centralize the definition of some important terms in our pocket Glossary.

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