- Dynamic User Creation
- Dynamic Group Creation
- Dynamic Group Membership Creation
- Dynamic Permission Set Creation
- Dynamic Account Assignment Creation
- Dynamic Reference of Existing Users
- Dynamic Reference of Existing Groups
- AWS Managed Policy Support
- Customer Managed Policy Support
- Dynamic Application Creation (with Portal Options, Users and Groups assignments and Assignments Access Scopes configuration)
- Locals are used to allow for global changes to multiple account assignments. If hard coding the account ids for your account assignments, you would need to change them in every place you want to reference the value. To simplify this, we recommend storing your desired account ids in local values. See the
directory for more information and sample code. - When using Customer Managed Policies with account assignments, you must ensure these policies exist in all target accounts before using the module. Failure to do this will cause deployment errors because IAM Identity Center will attempt to reference policies that do not exist.
- Ensure that the name of your object(s) match the name of your principal(s) (e.g. user name or group name). See the following example with object/principal names 'Admin' and 'nuzumaki':
sso_groups = {
Admin : {
group_name = "Admin"
group_description = "Admin IAM Identity Center Group"
// Create desired USERS in IAM Identity Center
sso_users = {
nuzumaki : {
group_membership = ["Admin",]
user_name = "nuzumaki"
given_name = "Naruto"
family_name = "Uzumaki"
email = "nuzumaki@hiddenleaf.village"
// Create desired Applications in IAM Identity Center
sso_applications = {
FirstApplication : {
application_provider_arn = "arn:aws:sso::aws:applicationProvider/custom"
description = "I am the First Application"
name = "FirstApplication"
portal_options = {
sign_in_options = {
application_url = "http://example.com"
origin = "APPLICATION"
visibility = "ENABLED"
status = "ENABLED"
assignment_required = true
assignments_access_scope = [
authorized_targets = ["FirstApplication"]
scope = "sso:account:access"
group_assignments = ["Dev"]
user_assignments = ["nuzumaki"]
The object/principal names are referenced throughout the module. Failure to follow this guidance may lead to unintentional errors such as the following:
Error: Invalid index
│ on ../../main.tf line 141, in resource "aws_identitystore_group_membership" "sso_group_membership":
│ 141: member_id = (contains(local.this_users, each.value.user_name) ? aws_identitystore_user.sso_users[each.value.user_name].user_id : data.aws_identitystore_user.existing_sso_users[each.value.user_name].id)
│ ├────────────────
│ │ aws_identitystore_user.sso_users is object with 2 attributes
│ │ each.value.user_name is "nuzumaki"
│ The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.
To resolve this, ensure your object and principal names are the same (case-sensitive) and re-run terraform plan
and terraform apply
// This is a template file for a basic deployment.
// Modify the parameters below with actual values
module "aws-iam-identity-center" {
source = "aws-ia/iam-identity-center/aws"
// Create desired GROUPS in IAM Identity Center
sso_groups = {
Admin : {
group_name = "Admin"
group_description = "Admin IAM Identity Center Group"
Dev : {
group_name = "Dev"
group_description = "Dev IAM Identity Center Group"
QA : {
group_name = "QA"
group_description = "QA IAM Identity Center Group"
Audit : {
group_name = "Audit"
group_description = "Audit IAM Identity Center Group"
// Create desired USERS in IAM Identity Center
sso_users = {
nuzumaki : {
group_membership = ["Admin", "Dev", "QA", "Audit"]
user_name = "nuzumaki"
given_name = "Naruto"
family_name = "Uzumaki"
email = "nuzumaki@hiddenleaf.village"
suchiha : {
group_membership = ["QA", "Audit"]
user_name = "suchiha"
given_name = "Sasuke"
family_name = "Uchiha"
email = "suchiha@hiddenleaf.village"
// Create permissions sets backed by AWS managed policies
permission_sets = {
AdministratorAccess = {
description = "Provides AWS full access permissions.",
session_duration = "PT4H", // how long until session expires - this means 4 hours. max is 12 hours
aws_managed_policies = ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess"]
tags = { ManagedBy = "Terraform" }
ViewOnlyAccess = {
description = "Provides AWS view only permissions.",
session_duration = "PT3H", // how long until session expires - this means 3 hours. max is 12 hours
aws_managed_policies = ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/job-function/ViewOnlyAccess"]
tags = { ManagedBy = "Terraform" }
CustomPermissionAccess = {
description = "Provides CustomPoweruser permissions.",
session_duration = "PT3H", // how long until session expires - this means 3 hours. max is 12 hours
aws_managed_policies = [
inline_policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.CustomPermissionInlinePolicy.json
// Only either managed_policy_arn or customer_managed_policy_reference can be specified.
// Before using customer_managed_policy_reference, first deploy the policy to the account.
// Don't in-place managed_policy_arn to/from customer_managed_policy_reference, delete it once.
permissions_boundary = {
// managed_policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/PowerUserAccess"
customer_managed_policy_reference = {
name = "ExamplePermissionsBoundaryPolicy"
// path = "/"
tags = { ManagedBy = "Terraform" }
// Assign users/groups access to accounts with the specified permissions
account_assignments = {
Admin : {
principal_name = "Admin" # name of the user or group you wish to have access to the account(s)
principal_type = "GROUP" # principal type (user or group) you wish to have access to the account(s)
principal_idp = "INTERNAL" # type of Identity Provider you are using. Valid values are "INTERNAL" (using Identity Store) or "EXTERNAL" (using external IdP such as EntraID, Okta, Google, etc.)
permission_sets = ["AdministratorAccess", "ViewOnlyAccess"] # permissions the user/group will have in the account(s)
account_ids = [ # account(s) the group will have access to. Permissions they will have in account are above line
"111111111111", // replace with your desired account id
"222222222222", // replace with your desired account id
Audit : {
principal_name = "Audit"
principal_type = "GROUP"
principal_idp = "INTERNAL"
permission_sets = ["ViewOnlyAccess"]
account_ids = [
// Create desired Applications in IAM Identity Center
sso_applications = {
FirstApplication : {
application_provider_arn = "arn:aws:sso::aws:applicationProvider/custom"
description = "I am the First Application"
name = "FirstApplication"
portal_options = {
sign_in_options = {
application_url = "http://example.com"
origin = "APPLICATION"
visibility = "ENABLED"
status = "ENABLED"
assignment_required = true
assignments_access_scope = [
authorized_targets = ["FirstApplication"]
scope = "sso:account:access"
group_assignments = ["Dev"]
user_assignments = ["nuzumaki"]
file for information on how to contribute.
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 0.14.0 |
aws | >= 4.35.0 |
awscc | >= 0.55.0 |
Name | Version |
aws | >= 4.35.0 |
No modules.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
account_assignments | List of maps containing mapping between user/group, permission set and assigned accounts list. See account_assignments description in README for more information about map values. | map(object({ |
{} |
no |
existing_google_sso_users | Names of the existing Google users that you wish to reference from IAM Identity Center. | map(object({ |
{} |
no |
existing_permission_sets | Names of the existing permission_sets that you wish to reference from IAM Identity Center. | map(object({ |
{} |
no |
existing_sso_groups | Names of the existing groups that you wish to reference from IAM Identity Center. | map(object({ |
{} |
no |
existing_sso_users | Names of the existing users that you wish to reference from IAM Identity Center. | map(object({ |
{} |
no |
permission_sets | Permission Sets that you wish to create in IAM Identity Center. This variable is a map of maps containing Permission Set names as keys. See permission_sets description in README for information about map values. | any |
{} |
no |
sso_applications | List of applications to be created in IAM Identity Center | map(object({ |
{} |
no |
sso_groups | Names of the groups you wish to create in IAM Identity Center. | map(object({ |
{} |
no |
sso_users | Names of the users you wish to create in IAM Identity Center. | map(object({ |
{} |
no |
Name | Description |
account_assignment_data | Tuple containing account assignment data |
principals_and_assignments | Map containing account assignment data |
sso_applications_arns | A map of SSO Applications ARNs created by this module |
sso_applications_group_assignments | A map of SSO Applications assignments with groups created by this module |
sso_applications_user_assignments | A map of SSO Applications assignments with users created by this module |
sso_groups_ids | A map of SSO groups ids created by this module |