⚡ I got my first computer when my parents got my brother and I an Atari 400 in 1983. One of the first things they got us were some cartridges that taught us computer programming using BASIC and video game design using Dale Disharoon's, Adventure Creator (1984). My brother and I spent many hours over the years designing our own video games and computer programs with those.
So it was only natural that I learned to program HTML using Mosaic on a Unix computer at college and used it to advertise events for the variety of clubs I worked for in the early 1990s. In the early 2000s I went to law school where I befriended the school's webmaster and got a work-study job working as an assistant in managing the school's webpages. I spent a lot of late nights helping redesign the website and my design of the website was used from 2003 through 2008. After I graduated from law school I spent several years working for various law firms, but my heart was still in web design and I continued to work doing web design as an independent contractor. In 2007 the law school I used to work for needed a new webmaster and I just couldn't resist the opportunity to take over something which I had such a significant hand in for years. I worked there as Webmaster for ten years and only left when I wanted to spend more time with my children and in my local community. Of course, I still had the itch to design new things and so I started working with Tinker and Create in 2017 so we could teach a new generation in Foxboro and surrounding towns to be as excited about computer programming as I was when I was a kid.
- Learning C#
- Updating vintage code