Shared front-end and mobile logic written in Kotlin Multiplatform (
The library generates Swift framework for iOS, JVM library for Android, and Javascript code for Web.
Abacus uses Cocoapods to integrate with iOS project. The gradle configuration contains the steps needed to generate the .podspec file. Run
./gradlew podspec
to generate abacus.podspec. Configure your iOS project ( to import abacus.podspec.
You can also build the Abacus for iOS by running:
./gradlew assembleXCFramework
This generates the iOS framework in build/XCFrameworks folder.
Debugging on iOS directly from XCode is possible with a plugin (
Abacus builds and pushes the JVM target as a Github package with the following command:
The Android app ( has the Gradle build step to pull the Abacus target from GithubPackage.
If you are using v4-abacus with the v4-web repo, follow local development instructions here.
Abacus generates a Javascript / Typescript UMD module with the following command:
./gradlew assembleJsPackage
This outputs into build/packages/js.
A local npm package can be built with:
./gradlew packJsPackage
A tarball of the package should be created in build/packages and you can install it to your project for local testing:
npm install PATH_TO_TARBALL
Abacus is published to an npm library (
Shared code should have unit tests written in Kotlin residing in the src/CommonTest directory. Run the tests with the following command
./gradlew jvmtest
Integration tests can be written to call Abacus from non-Kotlin code (i.e., Swift, JS). Sample integration projects can be found in the integration directory.
Enable pre-commit to auto-lint/auto-format your changes before git commit:
brew install pre-commit pre-commit install
// create a state machine
val stateMachine = PerpTradingStateMachine()
// send socket payload to the state machine and get the state
// the param is the complete socket text
val state = stateMachine.socket(payloadText)
// See src/commonTest/kotlin/exchange.dydx.abacus/PerpV3Tests.kt for testing code
- Utils
- Protocols
state (top state)
- app -> AppStateMachine (contains network logic)
- modal -> StateMachine (contains business logic)
- changes -> Changes (utilities to identify which part of the state has changed)
step 1: processor (dynamic objects - dictionaries, list, not typed)
- markets
- orderbook
- trades
- funding
- asset (referenced from markets, such as icon, url etc)
- wallet (user info)
- account
- subaccount
- assetPositions
- openPositions
- orders
- fills
- transfers
- historicalPnl
- subaccount
- account
- configs (from Veronica mostly)
step 2 calculator (dynamic)
- market (summary info)
- account (step 3)
- subaccount
- 3.1 calculate positon notionalTotal/valueTotal etc
- 3.2 calculate account equity etc, leverage, margin usage, buyingpower
- 3.3 calcualte position levereage, buyingpower
- subaccount
- account transformer (step 2)
- calculate postOrder and postAllOrderStates for account (total from trade input) and positions (size from trade input)
- input (step 1)
- trade input
- size (size, usdcSize, leverage)
- transfer input (not complete)
- trade input
step 3 validator (from postOrder and postAllOrders states)
- trade
- transfer
step 4 output (structs, typed data)
- converts dynamic data to typed
step 5 responses
- Construct response object from output
test (supporting classes, mostly mocks) utils (just utilities)
AppStateMachine (app)
- StateMachine (payload and validation folder)
payload (test StateMachine payload and interaction)
- API -> expected state validation (separated from payload, to target validation tests)
app (test AppStateMachine IO requests)