- Overview
- Setting up the webapp
- Configuration parameters
TARA login service is a webapp that integrates with the Ory Hydra OIDC server implementation. TARA login service provides login and consent flow implementations. Apache Ignite is used for session persistence between requests.
The webapp provides implementation for following authentication methods:
- Estonian ID-card
- Estonian Mobile-ID
- Estonian Smart-ID
- Estonian EIDAS
- Java (JDK 17+) runtime is required to build and run the webapp.
- Docker is required to package images, fonts, CSS and JavaScript using
. - Maven is required to build and test the software.
To build the software, execute the following commands in the current (TARA-Login) directory:
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/data" -w /data/disain -u $(id -u):$(id -g) node:14 sh -c 'npm install && node_modules/.bin/gulp build'
./mvnw clean package
For Git Bash on Windows:
MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/data" -w /data/disain node:14 sh -c 'npm install && node_modules/.bin/gulp build'
./mvnw clean package
You can find the compiled WAR archive in the target/ directory.
TARA login service is distributed as a WAR archive that can be deployed to a web server that supports Java Servlets (ie Apache Tomcat).
Example: to deploy the webapp to a standalone Tomcat server
- Add the tara-login-server-*.war file to Tomcat's webapp directory
- Set the location of the configuration file in Tomcat's setenv.sh (see chapter Configuration properties for further details)
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dspring.config.additional-location=file:/etc/tara-login-server/application.yml"
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.default-locale |
No | Locale that is used by default. Default et |
tara.default-authentication-methods |
No | default authentication methods. Example ID_CARD, MOBILE_ID, SMART_ID, EIDAS |
tara.error-report-address |
Yes | E-mail address where users can send error reports. Example help@example.com |
tara.auth-flow-timeout |
Yes | Duration till authentication flow timeout. Example 1800s (30min) |
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.hydra-service.login-url |
Yes | Url to initialize Ory Hydra OIDC server login process |
tara.hydra-service.accept-login-url |
Yes | Url to accept Ory Hydra OIDC server login request |
tara.hydra-service.reject-login-url |
Yes | Url to reject Ory Hydra OIDC server login request |
tara.hydra-service.accept-consent-url |
Yes | Url to accept Ory Hydra OIDC server consent |
tara.hydra-service.reject-consent-url |
Yes | Url to reject Ory Hydra OIDC server consent |
tara.hydra-service.health-url |
Yes | Ory Hydra service health url |
tara.hydra-service.request-timeout-in-seconds |
No | Ory Hydra service request timeout |
tara.hydra-service.max-connections-total |
No | Max connection pool size for hydra requests. Defaults to 50 |
govsso.hydra-service.login-url |
No | Url for requesting GovSSO Ory Hydra login request info |
govsso.hydra-service.client-id |
No | TARA client_id that GovSSO uses |
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.tls.trust-store-location |
Yes | Location of the truststore. Path to the location of the trusted CA certificates. In case the certificate files are to be loaded from classpath, this path should be prefixed with classpath: (example: classpath:tls-truststore.p12 ). In case the certificate files are to be loaded from disk, this path should be prefixed with file: (exaple file:/etc/tara/tls-truststore.p12 ). |
tara.tls.trust-store-password |
Yes | Truststore password |
tara.tls.trust-store-type |
No | Truststore type (jks, pkcs12). Defaults to PKCS12 if not specified |
tara.tls.x-road-trust-store-location |
Yes | Location of the X-road truststore. Path to the location of the trusted CA certificates. In case the certificate files are to be loaded from classpath, this path should be prefixed with classpath: (example: classpath:tls-truststore.p12 ). In case the certificate files are to be loaded from disk, this path should be prefixed with file: (exaple file:/etc/tara/tls-truststore.p12 ). |
tara.tls.x-road-trust-store-password |
Yes | Truststore password |
tara.tls.x-road-key-store-location |
Yes | Location of the X-road keystore. In case the key files are to be loaded from classpath, this path should be prefixed with classpath: (example: classpath:tls-keystore.p12 ). In case the key files are to be loaded from disk, this path should be prefixed with file: (exaple file:/etc/tara/tls-keystore.p12 ). |
tara.tls.x-road-key-store-password |
Yes | Keystore password |
tara.tls.x-road-store-type |
No | Truststore type (jks, pkcs12). Defaults to PKCS12 if not specified |
tara.tls.default-protocol |
No | Default protocol (see the list of supported values). Defaults to TLS if not specified |
tara.tls.enabled-protocols |
No | List of enabled protocols (see the list of standard names for protocols). Defaults to JVM specific configuration if not specified |
tara.tls.enabled-cipher-suites |
No | List of enabled cipher suites (see the list of standard names for cipher suites). Defaults to JVM specific configuration if not specified |
Table 1.3.1 - Enabling Mobile-ID authentication
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.enabled |
No | Enable or disable Mobile-ID authentication method. Default false |
Table 1.3.2 - Assigning the Level of assurance to authentication method
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.level-of-assurance |
Yes | Level of assurance of this auth method. Example HIGH |
Table 1.3.3 - Integration with the SK MID service
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.host-url |
Yes | Mobile-ID authentication service url |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.truststore-path |
Yes | Path to truststore file. Example. file:src/test/resources/mobileid-truststore-test.p12 |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.truststore-type |
Yes | Type of the truststore from truststore-path. Example. PKCS12 |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.truststore-password |
Yes | Password of the truststore from truststore-path. Example changeit |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.relying-party-uuid |
Yes | UUID from mobile id contract |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.relying-party-name |
Yes | Name from mobile id contract |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.display-text |
Yes | Text to be displayed in user's mobile device. Used as a fallback in case the OIDC client has not registered a short name. |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.hash-type |
Yes | Type of authentication hash. Possible values SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.connection-timeout-milliseconds |
No | Connection timeout of the MID authentication initiation request. Default 5000 |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.read-timeout-milliseconds |
No | Read timeout used for MID requests. Must be at least 5 seconds longer than MID long polling timeout. Default 35000 |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.long-polling-timeout-seconds |
No | Long polling timeout period used for MID session status requests. Default 30 |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.interval-between-session-status-queries-in-milliseconds |
No | Interval between Mobile-ID status polling queries (from UI to tara-login-service). Default 5000 |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.delay-initiate-mid-session-in-milliseconds |
No | Delay before initiating Mobile-ID session after verification code is displayed. Default 0 |
tara.auth-methods.mobile-id.delay-status-polling-start-in-milliseconds |
No | Delay before long polling. Default 500 |
Table 1.4.1 - Enabling Smart-ID authentication
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.enabled |
No | Enable or disable Smart-ID authentication method. Default false |
Table 1.4.2 - Assigning the Level of assurance to authentication method
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.level-of-assurance |
Yes | Level of assurance of this auth method. Example HIGH |
Table 1.4.3 - Integration with the SK SID service
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.host-url |
Yes | Smart-ID authentication service url |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.truststore-path |
Yes | Path to truststore file. Example. file:src/test/resources/ocsp/sid-truststore.p12 |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.truststore-type |
Yes | Type of the truststore from truststore-path. Example. PKCS12 |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.truststore-password |
Yes | Password of the truststore from truststore-path. Example changeit |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.relying-party-uuid |
Yes | UUID from RIA smart id contract |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.relying-party-name |
Yes | Name from RIA smart id contract |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.display-text |
Yes | Text to be displayed in user's mobile device. Used as a fallback in case the OIDC client has not registered a short name. |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.hash-type |
No | Type of authentication hash. Possible values SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 Default SHA512 |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.connection-timeout-milliseconds |
No | Connection timeout of the SID session status requests. Default 5000 |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.read-timeout-milliseconds |
No | Read timeout used for SID requests. Must be at least 5 seconds longer than SID long polling timeout. Default 35000 |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.long-polling-timeout-milliseconds |
No | Long polling timeout period used for SID session status requests. Default 30000 |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.delay-initiate-sid-session-in-milliseconds |
No | Delay before initiating Smart-ID session after verification code is displayed. Default 3000 |
tara.auth-methods.smart-id.delay-status-polling-start-in-milliseconds |
No | Delay before long polling. Default 500 |
ID-card authentication has been implemented using Web eID, which consists of a JavaScript library, a browser plugin and the native application to access the ID-card.
Table 1.5.1 - Enabling ID-card authentication
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.enabled |
No | Enable or disable ID-card authentication method. Default false |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.site-origin |
Yes | Web page's origin (scheme (protocol), hostname (domain), and port) where user's browser accesses TARA service from. Web eID browser component embeds web page's origin into authentication token signature and this configuration value must be identical, otherwise signature validation fails. Example: https://example.com |
Table 1.5.2 - Assigning the Level of assurance to authentication method
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.level-of-assurance |
Yes | Level of assurance of this auth method. Allowed values: HIGH , SUBSTANTIAL , LOW . |
Table 1.5.3 - Configuring truststore for OCSP responder certificates
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.truststore-path |
Yes | Path to truststore file. Example file:src/test/resources/idcard-truststore-test.p12 |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.truststore-type |
Yes | Type of the truststore from truststore-path. Example PKCS12 |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.truststore-password |
Yes | Password of the truststore from truststore-path. Example changeit |
Table 1.5.4 - Explicit configuration of the OCSP service(s)
The webapp allows multiple sets of OCSP configurations to be defined by using the tara.auth-methods.id-card.ocsp[{index}]
Each OCSP configuration can contain the following set of properties:
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.ocsp[0].issuer-cn |
Yes | Required issuer CN. Example TEST of ESTEID-SK 2015 |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.ocsp[0].url |
Yes | Ocsp url. Example http://aia.demo.sk.ee/esteid2018 |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.ocsp[0].nonce-disabled |
No | Determines whether the Ocsp nonce extension is enabled. When enabled a random nonce is sent with the OCSP request and verified in response. Default false |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.ocsp[0].accepted-clock-skew-in-seconds |
No | Max clock skew when checking Ocsp response age. Default 2 |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.ocsp[0].response-lifetime-in-seconds |
No | Max allowed age of the Ocsp response (age is calculated using thisUpdate field int the OCSP response). Default 900 |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.ocsp[0].connect-timeout-in-milliseconds |
No | Max connect timeout for OCSP request. Default 3000 |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.ocsp[0].read-timeout-in-milliseconds |
No | Max read timeout for OCSP request. Default 3000 |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.ocsp[0].responder-certificate-cn |
No | Required responder certificate CN. Example TEST of SK OCSP RESPONDER 2020 |
NB! A default configuration is used when a user certificate is encountered by a trusted issuer, that has no matching OCSP configuration by the issuer's CN and the user certificate contains the AIA OCSP URL (the configuration will use the default values of the properties listed in Table 4)
Example 1: using SK AIA OCSP only (a non-commercial, best-effort service):
enabled: true
level-of-assurance: HIGH
site-origin: https://example.com
truststore-path: file:src/test/resources/idcard-truststore-test.p12
truststore-type: PKCS12
truststore-password: changeit
- issuer-cn: TEST of ESTEID-SK 2015
url: https://localhost:9877/esteid2015
nonce-disabled: true
connect-timeout-in-milliseconds: 500
- issuer-cn: TEST of ESTEID2018
url: http://aia.demo.sk.ee/esteid2018
Example 2: using SK's commercial OCSP only (with subscription only):
enabled: true
level-of-assurance: HIGH
site-origin: https://example.com
truststore-path: file:src/test/resources/idcard-truststore-test.p12
truststore-type: PKCS12
truststore-password: changeit
- issuer-cn: ESTEID-SK 2015, ESTEID2018
url: http://ocsp.sk.ee/
responder-certificate-cn: SK OCSP RESPONDER 2015
Table 1.5.5 - Configuring fallback OCSP service(s)
When the primary OCSP service is not available (ie returns other than HTTP 200 status code, an invalid response Content-Type or the connection times out) a fallback OCSP connection(s) can be configured to query for the certificate status.
In case of multiple fallback configurations per issuer, the execution order is determined by the order of definition in the configuration.
The following properties can be used to configure a fallback OCSP service:
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].issuer-cn |
Yes | A comma separated list of certificate issuer CN's. Determines the issuer(s) this fallback configuration will be applied to. Note that the certificate by CN must be present in the truststore (tara.auth-methods.id-card.truststore-path) |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].url |
Yes | HTTP URL of the OCSP service. |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].responder-certificate-cn |
No | Explicit OCSP response signing certificate CN. If not provided, OCSP reponse signer certificate is expected to be issued from the same chain as user-certificate. Note that the certificate referenced by CN must be present in the truststore (tara.auth-methods.id-card.truststore-path) |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].nonce-disabled |
No | Boolean value, that determines whether the nonce extension usage is disabled. Defaults to false if not specified. |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].accepted-clock-skew-in-seconds |
No | Maximum accepted time difference in seconds between OCSP provider and TARA-Server. Defaults to 2 , if not specified. |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].response-lifetime-inseconds |
No | Maximum accepted age of an OCSP response in seconds. Defaults to 900 if not specified. |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].connect-timeout-in-milliseconds |
No | Connection timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 3000 , if not specified. |
tara.auth-methods.id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].read-timeout-in-milliseconds |
No | Connection read timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 3000 if not specified. |
Example: AIA OCSP by default using a static backup OCSP
enabled: true
level-of-assurance: HIGH
site-origin: https://example.com
truststore-path: file:src/test/resources/idcard-truststore-test.p12
truststore-type: PKCS12
truststore-password: changeit
- issuer-cn: TEST of ESTEID-SK 2015
url: https://aia.demo.sk.ee/esteid2015
nonce-disabled: true
connect-timeout-in-milliseconds: 500
- issuer-cn: ESTEID-SK 2015
url: http://aia.demo.sk.ee/esteid2015
nonce-disabled: true
responder-certificate-cn: TEST of KLASS3-SK 2010
- issuer-cn: TEST of ESTEID2018
url: http://aia.demo.sk.ee/esteid2018
- issuer-cn: ESTEID2018
url: http://aia.demo.sk.ee/esteid2018
responder-certificate-cn: TEST of KLASS3-SK 2010
- issuer-cn: TEST of ESTEID-SK 2015, TEST of ESTEID2018, ESTEID-SK 2015, ESTEID2018
url: http://ocsp.sk.ee/
responder-certificate-cn: SK OCSP RESPONDER 2015
Table 1.6.1 - Enabling Eidas authentication
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.auth-methods.eidas.enabled |
No | Enable or disable Eidas authentication method. Default false |
Table 1.6.2 - Assigning the Level of assurance to authentication method
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.auth-methods.eidas.client-url |
Yes | Eidas client url. Example. https://eidas-client:8889 |
tara.auth-methods.eidas.refresh-countries-interval-in-milliseconds |
No | How often allowed countries are requested from Eidas client. Default. 300000 |
tara.auth-methods.eidas.request-timeout-in-seconds |
No | Eidas client request timeout. Default. 3 |
tara.auth-methods.eidas.read-timeout-in-seconds |
No | Eidas client read timeout. Default. 3 |
tara.auth-methods.eidas.max-connections-total |
No | Max connection pool size for eidas client requests. Defaults to 50 |
tara.auth-methods.eidas.relay-state-cache-duration-in-seconds |
No | Eidas client read timeout. Default. 30 |
tara.auth-methods.eidas.script-hash |
No | hash to allow inline javascript for eidas redirect. Default. sha256-8lDeP0UDwCO6/RhblgeH/ctdBzjVpJxrXizsnIk3cEQ= |
Table 1.7.1 - Enabling legal-person attribute support
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.legal-person-authentication.enabled |
No | Enables or disables the legalperson attribute support and endpoints. Defaults to true if not specified. |
Table 1.7.2 - Integration with the Estonian business registry
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.legal-person-authentication.x-road-server-url |
Yes | X-Road security request URL. Example https://localhost:9877/cgi-bin/consumer_proxy |
tara.legal-person-authentication.x-road-service-member-class |
Yes | X-Road service member class. Example GOV |
tara.legal-person-authentication.x-road-service-instance |
Yes | X-Road service instance. Example ee-dev |
tara.legal-person-authentication.x-road-service-member-code |
Yes | X-Road service member code. Example 70000310 |
tara.legal-person-authentication.x-road-service-subsystem-code |
Yes | X-Road service subsystem code. Example arireg |
tara.legal-person-authentication.x-road-client-member-class |
Yes | X-Road client member class. Example GOV |
tara.legal-person-authentication.x-road-client-instance |
Yes | X-Road client instance. Example ee-dev |
tara.legal-person-authentication.x-road-client-member-code |
Yes | X-Road client member code. Example 70006317 |
tara.legal-person-authentication.x-road-client-subsystem-code |
Yes | X-Road client subsystem code. Example idp |
tara.legal-person-authentication.x-road-server-read-timeout-in-milliseconds |
No | X-Road security server response read timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 3000 if not specified. |
tara.legal-person-authentication.x-road-server-connect-timeout-in-milliseconds |
No | X-Road security server connect timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 3000 if not specified. |
tara.legal-person-authentication.esindus-v2-allowed-types |
No | List of legal person types in arireg.esindus_v2 service response that are considered valid for authentication. Defaults to TÜ,UÜ, OÜ,AS,TÜH,SA,MTÜ if not specified. |
The webapp uses Spring Boot Actuator
to enable endpoints for monitoring support. To customize Monitoring, Metrics, Auditing, and more see Spring Boot Actuator documentation.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
management.endpoints.web.base-path |
No | Base path of heartbeat endpoint. Default / |
management.endpoints.web.exposure.exclude |
No | Endpoint IDs that should be excluded or * for all. Example heartbeat Default * |
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include |
No | Endpoint IDs that should be included or * for all. Example heartbeat |
The webapp implements custom health endpoint with id heartbeat
and custom health indicators with id's oidcServer
, truststore
. This endpoint is disabled by default.
curl -X GET https://localhost:8443/heartbeat
"currentTime": "2021-01-21T11:32:48.955620Z",
"upTime": "PT11M45S",
"buildTime": "2021-01-21T11:19:12.785Z",
"name": "tara-login-server",
"startTime": "2021-01-21T11:21:03.568Z",
"commitId": "11111cd7b41f111111dfa93ba2f2cf16b55fef4c",
"version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
"commitBranch": "develop",
"status": "UP",
"dependencies": [
"name": "ignite",
"status": "UP"
"name": "oidcServer",
"status": "UP"
"name": "truststore",
"status": "UP"
This endpoint is turned off by default. Here is the minimum required configuration to turn it on:
exclude: ""
include: "heartbeat"
Ignite is used for storing user’s session information.
Map name | Description |
spring:session:sessions |
Session cache. Holds users' session information. Default configuration: cacheMode:PARTITIONED, atomicityMode:ATOMIC, backups:0, expiry: 300s |
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
spring.session.timeout |
No | Session timeout. If a duration suffix is not specified, seconds will be used. Default value 300s |
ignite.ignite-instance-name |
No | Ignite instance name. Default value tara-ignite |
ignite.discovery-spi.ip-finder.addresses |
Yes | Ignite cluster node discovery addresses. Should minimally contain local node ip address. Example value ['',''] |
ignite.ssl-context-factory.key-store-type |
Yes | Ignite key store type. Example value PKCS12 |
ignite.ssl-context-factory.key-store-file-path |
Yes | Ignite key store path. Example value /test/resources/tls-keystore.p12 |
ignite.ssl-context-factory.key-store-password |
Yes | Ignite key store password. |
ignite.ssl-context-factory.trust-store-type |
Yes | Ignite trust store type. Example value PKCS12 |
ignite.ssl-context-factory.trust-store-file-path |
Yes | Ignite trust store path. Example value /test/resources/tls-truststore.p12 |
ignite.ssl-context-factory.trust-store-password |
Yes | Ignite trust store password. |
ignite.ssl-context-factory.protocol |
No | Default protocol* (see the list of supported values). Defaults to TLS if not specified |
ignite.ssl-context-factory.protocols |
No | List of enabled protocols* (see the list of standard names for protocols). Defaults to JVM specific configuration if not specified |
ignite.ssl-context-factory.cipher-suites |
No | List of enabled cipher suites (see the list of standard names for cipher suites). Defaults to JVM specific configuration if not specified |
* For Ignite 2.10.0 and older, TLSv1.3 is not supported.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
spring.session.timeout |
No | Session timeout. If a duration suffix is not specified, seconds will be used. Default value 300s |
tara.content-security-policy |
No | Content security policy. Default value connect-src 'self'; default-src 'none'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; base-uri 'none'; frame-ancestors 'none'; block-all-mixed-content |
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.masked_field_names |
No | Comma separated field names to mask when structurally logging objects. Default value session_id |
Environment variable | Mandatory | Description, example |
No | Log files path. Default value Java IO temp dir (java.io.tmpdir) or /tmp |
No | Rolling file appender max files history. Default value 31 |
No | Log level for file logging. Default value OFF |
No | Log files path. Default value %d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z',GMT} [${springAppName}] [%15.15t] %highlight(%-5level) %-40.40logger{39} %green(%marker) [%X{trace.id},%X{transaction.id}] -%X{remoteHost} -%msg%n} |
No | Log files path. Default value INFO |
Application logs:
Authentication statistics logs:
Statistic logs contain authentication end results with states AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS, AUTHENTICATION_FAILED or AUTHENTICATION_CANCELED.
Table 1.12.1 - Alerts service configuration parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.alerts.enabled |
No | Enables alerts update service. Default value false |
tara.alerts.host-url |
Yes | Request url used when refreshing alerts list. Example value http://alerts-mock:8080/alerts |
tara.alerts.connection-timeout-milliseconds |
No | Connection timeout in milliseconds. Default value 3000 |
tara.alerts.read-timeout-milliseconds |
No | Read timeout in milliseconds. Default value 3000 |
tara.alerts.refresh-alerts-interval-in-milliseconds |
No | How often alerts are requested from the configured alerts url. Default. 600000 |
tara.alerts.alerts-cache-duration-in-seconds |
No | How long alerts request results are kept in cache, in case next refresh fails. Default. 86400 |
Table 1.12.2 - Static alert configuration parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Description, example |
tara.alerts.static-alert.message-templates[x].message |
No | Static alert message. |
tara.alerts.static-alert.message-templates[x].locale |
No | Static alert message locale. Example value: et |
Where x denotes index. Example:
tara.alerts.static-alert.message-templates[0].message=Tegemist on testkeskkonnaga ja autentimiseks vajalik info on <a href="https://e-gov.github.io/TARA-Doku/Testimine#testimine-testnumbrite-ja-id-kaardiga">TARA dokumentatsioonis</a>!
tara.alerts.static-alert.message-templates[1].message=This is a test environment and necessary credentials for testing is available in <a href="https://e-gov.github.io/TARA-Doku/Testimine#testimine-testnumbrite-ja-id-kaardiga">TARA documentation</a>!
API description in OpenAPI format can be found here.