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This is a nodeJS customer profile repo to demo E2E Architecture Design for customer profile API


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E2E Quality Assurance Test 2E Quality Assurance Test
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This is a nodeJS customer profile repo to demo E2E Architecture Design for customer profile API. This API returns the customer profile details from AWS DynamoDB database. .

Generate and use multiple ssh keys for multiple github account

  • Generate SSH keys for 2 github accounts
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -f ~/.ssh/{KeyFileNameForAccount1}
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -f ~/.ssh/{KeyFileNameForAccount2}
  • Add the above keys to ssh client
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/{KeyFileNameForAccount1}
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/{KeyFileNameForAccount2}
  • List your ssh keys
$ ssh-add -l
  • Modify ssh config file. Port 443 combined with would make sure that you don't have problems with firewalls if any. Firewalls usually block outbound connections to any ports other than 443 or 80
$ cd ~/.ssh/
$ touch config
$ vi config

	Port 443
	User git
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/{KeyFileNameForAccount1}

	Port 443
	User git
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/{KeyFileNameForAccount2}
  • Change Permissions on config
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
  • Set URL for Git
$ git remote set-url origin{GITHUB_USERNAME_FOR_ACCOUNT1}:{Company1Name}/customer-profile-repo.git
  • To get a copy of this repo
$ git clone{GITHUB_USERNAME_FOR_ACCOUNT1}:{Company1Name}/customer-profile-repo
  • push updates
$ git add -A
$ git commit -am "commit message, please write clearly the updates you have done as part of the commit"
$ git push

Counting objects: 9, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
Writing objects: 100% (9/9), 1.41 KiB | 1.41 MiB/s, done.
Total 9 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (6/6), completed with 4 local objects.
   ffba2fc..5605747  master -> master

How to create a new feature branch?

  • Create new directory for the new feature locally on your mac
mkdir newUselessFeature
cd newUselessFeature
  • clone master repo
git clone{GITHUB_USERNAME}:earth2software/customer-profile-repo.git
  • change directory to cloned master
$ cd customer-profile-repo
  • List local branches you have
$ git branch
* master
  • List all local and remote branches
$ git branch -a
* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
  • To get a baring of the updates I have made
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
  • Create a new branch. The below command will create a new branch from master as well checkout out that new branch at the same time
$ git checkout -b dev/uselessFeatureBranch
  • do the changes/develop the new feature
  • Stage the updates for commitment
$ git add -A
  • Commit updates to the branch
$ git commit -m "commiting useless feature branch"
  • Push the new feature branch
$ git push --set-upstream origin dev/uselessFeatureBranch

How to create nodeJS Unit Test Cases

  1. Install JEST (Facebook)
$ cd app
$ npm install --save-dev jest-cli
$ cat package.json
  1. Create Unit Test Cases file
$ vi server.test.js
  1. add the below to server.test.js (It tests return object in case no records are found)
const search_transform = require('./server.js');
test('Transform Response from CloudSearch', () => {
  var cloudSearchResponseString = `{
    "status": {
        "rid": "/rnE+e4oCAqfEEs=",
        "time-ms": 6
    "hits": {
        "found": 0,
        "hit": [
        "start": 0

  var cloudSearchResponseObject = JSON.parse(cloudSearchResponseString);

    var expectedReturnObject = [];
    let notFound = {};
    notFound['crn'] = 'No records found';
    notFound['name'] = 'No records found';
    notFound['dateOfBirth'] = 'No records found';
    notFound['singlelineaddress'] = 'No records found';

  1. Modify package.json
"scripts": {
        "test": "jest --forceExit"
  1. Run Unit Test
$ npm run test

> customer-profile-api-app@0.1.0 test 
> jest

 PASS  ./server.test.js
  ✓ Transform Response from CloudSearch (3ms)

  console.log server.js:119
    server running at port: 8080

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        1.061s
Ran all test suites.

.env file

.env file is used by NodeJS code to set configuration inside the API app.

AWS CodeDeploy

If you will use AWS CodeDeploy to deploy the App/API to AWS EC2 resources. AWS CodeDeploy uses below files to manage deployment:

  • appspec.yml
  • scripts/stop_server
  • scripts/remove_existing_files
  • scripts/install_dependencies
  • scripts/start_server

AWS CodeDeploy monitors this repository and if any changes happens, the code gets checked out and deployed to dev first.

Docker on AWS ECS

  • If you will use Docker, Dockerfile is the file you use to build the docker image
$ docker build --tag="earth2/customer-profile-app:v1.0.0" {directory_where_your_files_are}
  • Get docker image id
$ docker images
REPOSITORY                    TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
earth2/customer-profile-app   v1.0.0              df888ed3e290        About an hour ago   91.1MB
alpine                        3.7                 3fd9065eaf02        11 days ago         4.15MB
  • To run docker image
$ docker run -d -t -i -e APIKey={APIKey} -e APISecret={APISecret} -e AWSCloudSearchDomainEndpoint='{AWSCloudSearchDomainEndpoint}' -p 80:8080 -it {DockerImageId}

  • To check docker logs
$ docker logs a83a35aa19c97cca5a8bd925ccd529a6ee28af755b2f587847232ee57db9c575

> customer-profile-api-app@0.1.0 start /opt/app
> node server.js "server.js"

server running at port: 8080
  • Login to a docker container
docker exec -it {ContainerID} /bin/sh

docker exec -it a83a35aa19c97cca5a8bd925ccd529a6ee28af755b2f587847232ee57db9c575 /bin/sh
  • Test App/API
$ curl http://localhost:80/customers?name=adam
    "status": "OK",
    "predictions": [
            "name": "test adam",
            "firstname": "adam",
            "lastname": "emmitt",
            "dateofbirth": "1967-05-01",
            "singlelineaddress": "702T 10 16 Marquet Street",
            "crn": "100000002"
            "name": "maza adam ali",
            "firstname": "jack",
            "lastname": "lester",
            "dateofbirth": "1977-05-01",
            "singlelineaddress": "701T 10 16 Marquet Street",
            "crn": "100000003"


to install it on a machine you need to issues the below commands (All commands has to be executed as root or using sudo): scripts/install_dependencies

cd /home/ec2-user/express-service
curl -sL | bash -
yum install -y nodejs
npm install forever -g
npm install --save ./local_modules/my-module
npm install

you need to have the .env file under /home/ubuntu/workspace

Start API/App

scripts/start_server (All commands has to be executed as root or using sudo)

cd /home/ec2-user/express-service
export PORT=80
forever start -o /home/ec2-user/express-service/logs/out.log -e /home/ec2-user/express-service/logs/err.log server.js

Check node processes running

forever list

Stop API/App

scripts/stop_server (All commands has to be executed as root or using sudo)

forever stopall

To stop one process, you can list then using pid you can stop it

forever list
forever stop {Prcoess_Id}


$ sudo forever list
info:    Forever processes running
data:        uid  command       script    forever pid   id logfile                 uptime       
data:    [0] 1f2h /usr/bin/node server.js 16310   16320    /root/.forever/1f2h.log 0:2:4:52.312 

sudo forever stop 16320
info:    Forever stopped process:
    uid  command       script    forever pid   id logfile                 uptime       
[0] 1f2h /usr/bin/node server.js 16310   16320    /root/.forever/1f2h.log 0:2:8:20.135 

How to test

curl http://{host_name}:80/customers?name=jack


add curl example here

OpenAPI Specs

Swagger/OpenAPI Specs can be found at Customer Profile API OpenAPI Specs


This is a nodeJS customer profile repo to demo E2E Architecture Design for customer profile API








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