This scripts makes Reaper a bit close to Ableton workflow. Also it brings useful things to save time.
- Install ReaPack
- Install SWS Extension
- Restart Reaper
- Open Extensions -> ReaPack -> Browse Packages and install common API extensions:
- js_ReaScriptAPI: API functions for ReaScripts
- ReaImGui: ReaScript binding for Dear ImGui
- Open Extensions -> ReaPack -> Import Repositories
- Add this repository to the form
- Done! You can find all new scripts in Extensions -> ReaPack -> Browse Packages
- Install script ek_Core functions, because many of scripts require this base script with common functions
- From time to time please execute Extensions -> ReaPack -> Synchronize Packages to get new versions of scripts.
One of the main thing is warping panel:
- Mode - ek_Change pitch mode for selected items
- Warp - ek_Toggle preserve pitch for selected items
- -1 semi - ek_Decrease pitch or rate for selected items
- +1 semi - ek_Increase pitch or rate for selected items
- Clear - ek_Clear pitch or rate for selected items
It works similar like in Ableton:
In two words, script changes pitch, if item has preserve pitch option and changes rate and length for selected items if items has this option off.
This function has many useful perks that processed in real-time:
- Track working time on a project. You can control how much time you spend on every particular project. It works automatically, when checkbox is enabled
- Automatically adjust grid to zoom. When you change zoom level, grid adjusts to it. Also you can choose grid level like in Ableton (adaptive or fixed). For detailed control recommended to install 'ek_Adaptive grid settings' script
- Automatically limit zoom to size of project. Max zoom level limits by the farthest item in the project.
- Automatically focus to MIDI editor when you click on an item. When you single click on item, you see only one MIDI editor and focus on this particular item.
- Auto-Switch playback via selected track in Media Explorer. If you use previewing in the "Play through the first selected track" mode in Media Explorer and want playback to follow the currently selected track.
- Automatically highlight buttons. This option highlights toolbar buttons in real-time. This applies to scripts: 'ek_Toggle preserve pitch for selected items', 'ek_Toggle trim mode for selected trackes', 'ek_Toggle monitoring fx plugin'
- Toggle monitoring fx slots in exclusive mode. If you use spectrum correction plugins (such as Realphones, Sonarworks Reference 4, SoundID Reference and etc.) on Monitoring FX when using headphones, you can always see if the plugin is enabled. For using it, add script 'ek_Toggle monitoring FX on slot 1-5' to your toolbar and this button will be highlighted automatically when the plugin on monitoring FX in particular slot is enabled.
- Different sample rate for recording. This option useful for sound designers, who usually uses 48kHz and forget to increase the sampling rate before recording to get better recording quality.
- Dark mode theme. If you want to turn on special dark theme in night hours, you can use this feature
- Additional global startup action. If you have your own action on startup, you can specified command Id and it will be executed on startup.
For installation:
- Install 'ek_Global startup action' script via Extensions -> ReaPack -> Browse Packages
- Execute script 'ek_Global startup action - settings' in Action List and enable 'Enable global action' checkbox
- Restart Reaper
- Check script 'ek_Global startup action - settings' again and enable features you need
Basically, 'Global startup action' controls adaptive grid, but if you want to have advanced control as in Ableton, you can install script 'ek_Adaptive grid settings'. It shows menu with grid settings and some options.
It's package script, here you are available some another scripts:
- ek_Adaptive grid switch to next grid step, ek_Adaptive grid switch to prev grid step (and version for MIDI Editor). It quick solution to switch grid. Works by Option+1/2 in Ableton
- ek_Adaptive grid settings (MIDI Editor). This is version menu for MIDI Editor
- Synced with MIDI Editor. Initially, grid in arrange view and in MIDI Editor is synced. If you change grid, it applies to both. But if you uncheck this option, grid becomes separated.
- Set grid width ratio. By this option, you can tweak threshold of changing grid depending on zoom level. Use number from 0 to infinite as scale ratio
- Set grid limits. By this option, you can set minimum and maximum grids. Works with adaptive grid
For installation:
- Install 'ek_Adaptive grid settings' script via Extensions -> ReaPack -> Browse Packages
- Attach this script to any toolbar
This complicated script helps to crop silence on the edges of items by individual thresholds. It is very useful for sounds with loud start and quite long tails. Additionally, you can set offset and fade time. For instant work, there is one more script ek_Edge silence cropper (no prompt) - it apply cropping by remembered values.
It has preview mode and it is very handy. Every setting has it own color:
Threshold - Blue - leading threshold is searched in the forward direction from the start of item, and the trailing one in the reverse direction from the end
Pad - Red - offset from threshold position
Fade - Green - started from pad position
Script has an adaptive relative mode to get more accurate results with a single preset at different sound volumes:
Script calculates the maximum peak (in db) in each item and applies a percentage of its volume to leading and trailing thresholds
- Install script ek_Edge silence cropper for GUI and preview mode
This small script helps to attach 2 independent actions on media item click: on header and zone below of it. Script have 2 workflows depends on option "Draw labels above the item when media item height is more than":
- If option disabled, header label is positioned on item and header part calculates as header label height
- If option enabled, header label is positioned above the item and "header part" calculates as 1/4 of the upper part of the item
- Install script ek_Separated actions for Media item in Mouse modifiers
- Execute it from Action list window. You will see small settings window. Choose command ids of actions you want to execute on header and zone below click
- Open Preferences -> Mouse modifiers
- Select Media item in Context and left click
- Select this script in Default action in main section
If you want to attach different actions on different mouse modifiers (for example, on left click, left drag or double click), please make copy of this script manually and add it with new unique name to Reaper (via Action list window: New action... -> Load ReaScript...) and put new script instance on new action in Mouse modifiers
This helps to keep track of file garbage in your projects. It shows a special warning if you have unused files in the project when saving.
- Install script ek_Save project with a check of unused media files
- Just attach it on Cmd/Ctrl+S instead of saving by default.
The script helps to rename an unlimited number of elements of different types with one click. You can also change their color. In addition, script has advanced mode for replacing, additing, changing titles of elements.
- Install script ek_Smart renaming depending on focus
- Just attach it on Cmd/Ctrl+R instead of renaming by default.
You can import the generated SFX from directly into the arrangement window using this script. It's simple, just enter your text prompt, press generate and that's it.
- Install script ek_Generate SFX via ElevenLabs
- Go to profile on and generate API key
- Insert API-key in settings of the script
- Enter some text prompt and click "Generate and import"
KNOWN ISSUES: Script doesn't work with projects with non-latin characters in the path
This script extremely useful for wokirng with markers and videos. It snaps selected items to markers or regions started from specified number.
It has 3 behaviours (You can see how it works shematically on pictograms in GUI):
- Simple - every item will be snapped to one marker,
- Stems - items on different tracks will be snapped to one marker in order of selection,
- Consider overlapped items - overlapped items will be joined to one stem and will be snapped to one marker
You can set custom offset depends on your need:
- Beginning of leading item
- Snap offset of leading item
- First cue marker in leading item
- Peak of leading item
Script gives posibility to limit markers/regions snapping. For example only 2 markers after specified.
Script requires ReaImGui, but also it has 2 useful additional scripts without GUI:
- ek_Snap items to closest markers
- ek_Snap items to closest regions
- Install script ek_Snap items to markers or regions
Script adds 1 second gap between selected items. Press CMD/CTRL to add 0.1 seconds gap.
This script arranges selected items by notes in first selected MIDI item
This script creates crossfade on edges of tracks. It useful when you don't use overlap on crossfades for better precise but anyway want to create crossfades
Installation for better experience:
- Open Preferences -> Editing Behavior -> Mouse Modifiers
- In Context field choose Media item edge and double click in right one
- Choose this script in field Default action
- Done! It means that when you double click on edge between media items, you create crossfade between them
This script deletes selected items with the same color of item under mouse position
Pitch tool brings Ableton workflow for pitch manipulations of audio clips.
- Change pitch mode for selected items menu
- Toggle preserve pitch for selected items
- Increase/Decrease pitch or rate for selected items
- Switch to prev/next pitch mode for selected items
- Clear pitch or rate for selected items
Script removes 1 second gap between selected items. Press CMD/CTRL to remove 0.1 seconds gap.
This script selects items with the same color and on same track of item under mouse position
Remake of amazing script by AZ and it works a bit different way. You can split by edit cursor if mouse position on it (or in Tolerance range in pixels). If you move mouse on transport panel and execute script, you will see settings window
This script makes group disable, if any selected item is grouped and otherwise if not.
This script toggles option of editing multiple items on one track at the same time
This package has many scripts which are making navigation in arrange view and at the same time are moving some items depends on selection
This script extends selection of items from selected to mouse cursor. As usual this action attaches in mouse modifiers on media item section
This script helps live with Project Limit option is on. It makes zoom available to places behind limits
This script helps live with Project Limit option is on. It makes zoom available to places behind limits
This action allows preview playback in the Media Explorer (if available) within the arrangement window
This script toggle time selection by razor or selected items or envelope lines. Actually it works with loop points, so it supports behaviour when loop points and time selection is unlinked. Also it toggles transport repeat like in Ableton
This package has 2 scripts "ek_Tracks navigator - go to prev track" and "ek_Tracks navigator - go to next track". With these scripts you can navigate between non-tiny visible tracks and envelopes. You can attach scripts to arrow keys
Create region based on razor, selected items or time selection
Toggle Docker tool allows you to have just one opened window in one docker. When you open another toggle docker window, current one closes. Also you can switch last opened window by special scripts like "ek_Toggle Docker - toggle bottom window"
This script monitors a certain fx slot in the monitoring chain and switches the bypass on it. For realtime highlighting install 'Global startup action'
It changes color for items or tracks depending on focus
If item has several takes and option "Show all takes in lane (when room)" is on, we gonna delete active take. If automation lane in focus, delete it. And in other case it deletes track and select previous available track
If any item is selected, it duplicate item. In other case is duplicate track
It just inserts track or inserts it in the end of list depending on situation
Script moves selected tracks to new track as childs
It decrease volume for selected track a bit and shows tooltip with set volume
It increase volume for selected track a bit and shows tooltip with set volume
Script shows window with input to set volume
It just toggles exclusive arm for selected tracks
This script makes fx offline when selected track is muted
This script toggles mute for selected tracks and makes fx online if it is offine
Toggles selected track soloed
Toggles trim mode for selected tracks and shows current state as button highlight
This package has 2 scripts "ek_Collapse selected tracks" and "ek_Expand selected tracks". They toggle selected tracks/envelope lanes between 3 states: small, medium, large. Execute one of these scripts on transport panel and put height values there
Please fill free to contact me here or on LinkedIn or Facebook if you have any questions.
If you like my scripts, you can support me via PayPal, BuyMeACoffee or subscribe on my Soundcloud.