It works nicely on Windows, maybe Linux testing...
edovshitler is a simple game I enjoyed making it. It's made using Python with pygame library and SQLite3.
Build it with pyinstaller
To create your own executable file with your changes:
Download pyinstaller:
pip install pyinstaller
then execute(inside the edovshitler folder):
pyinstaller --onefile
(The .exe is inside /dist folder)
All the files you see in dist folder except the executable file are mandatory (images and script used by .exe file)
It can run on Windows 10 | 8.1 | 8 | 7 | Vista
It's developed with pygame 1.9.5 library that helps game creating. It's a 2D game, based on Alien (a similar pc game). The game controls are:
Left arrow key = move to left
Right arrow key = move to right
Space key = shoot the enemies
P key = Pause and resume the game
It stores the record (maximum bombs avoided, maximum missiles shooted and maximum enemies killed) in the result.db database (SQLite3).
git clone
Download the repository
Execute the /dist/ file for initialize the database (or follow the step 4)
How to play:
3a. run the edovshitler.bat file by clicking two times on it
3b. with a command prompt in edovshitler folder type edovshitler and ENTER
3c. double click on /dist/game.exe file
If you want to reset the database:
4a. run the reset.bat file by clicking two times on it
4b. with a command prompt in edovshitler folder type reset and ENTER
4c. double click on /dist/ file
Have fun playing it! :zap::zap::zap:
- Add release on pip
- Add a Menu
- Add a pause/resume game option
- First release
This repository is under MIT License. to contact me.