Persistent generic ordered maps for Go.
This is v2
which is based on 1.18 generics. If you can't (or don't want to)
use generics there is still v1
which uses code generation. See v1
Standard library does not provide a key-value store data structure that would also allow quick access to minimum/maximum and in-order iteration.
This package provides such data structure (called OrdMap
for "ordered map")
and implements it on top of AVL trees
(self balancing binary trees). This allows us O(log n)
read/write access to
arbitrary key as well as to the min & max while still supporting O(n)
iteration over elements - just that it's now in order.
One detail that may not be idiomatic for Go is that these OrdMap
s are
persistent data
structures - meaning
that each operation gives you back a new map while keeping the old intact. This
is beneficial when you have many concurrent readers - your writer can advance
while the readers still traverse the old versions (kind of similar to
In order to facilitate safe API and efficient internalization the this module ueses type parameters and thus requires go 1.18+.
go get
You only need to remember to always assign the returned value of all operations; the original object is never updated in-place:
package main
import (
func main() {
m1 := ordmap.NewBuiltin[int, string]()
m1 = m1.Insert(1, "foo") // adding entries
m1 = m1.Insert(2, "baz")
m1 = m1.Insert(2, "bar") // will override
fmt.Println(m1.Get(2)) // access by key
m1 = m1.Insert(3, "baz")
// this is how you can efficiently iterate in-order
for i := m1.Iterate(); !i.Done(); i.Next() {
fmt.Println(i.GetKey(), i.GetValue())
m1 = m1.Remove(1) // can also remove entries
fmt.Println(m1.Entries()) // or get a slice of all of them
// can use another map of different type in the same package
m2 := ordmap.NewBuiltin[int, int]()
v, ok := m2.Get(0)
fmt.Println("wat", v, ok)
m2 = m2.Insert(1, 1) // this one has "raw" ints for keys
m2 = m2.Insert(2, 3) // in order to support this you will also need to pass
m2 = m2.Insert(2, 2) // `-less "<"` to the genreeator in order to use
m2 = m2.Insert(3, 3) // native comparator
// can iterate in reverse as well
for i := m2.IterateReverse(); !i.Done(); i.Next() {
fmt.Println(i.GetKey(), i.GetValue())
fmt.Println(m2.Min(), m2.Max()) // access the extremes
See examples for more.
You will need to provide the Less
method on your - so the map knows how to
order itself. Or if you want to use one of the builtin types (e.g. int
) you
can use NewBulitin
which only takes supported types.`
func (k MyKey) Less(k2 MyKey) bool {
Go 1.18+ required.
Standard testing
go test ./...
100% test coverage expected on the core implementation (avl.go