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Review Assignment Due Date

EE538 Final Project - Fall 2024 - TrojanMap

The project is optional: you can select one of the following options:

  1. Work on the project and submit the reports.
  2. Submit homework assignments (HW4, 5).

If you choose to work on the project, you don't have to submit the remaining homework assignments. Similarly, if you choose to work on the homework assignment, you do not have to submit the project.

You should inform us of your choice by the first due date (Sunday, November 10).

Who should work on the project?

If you plan to become a software engineer, we recommend working on the project as it will give you more experience coding a real-life project. Otherwise, you can take the homework assignments.

Not everything in the project is covered in the class. The idea is for you to do some quick research and figure them out. For example, you should read about handling regular expressions in C++.

Which one is harder?

We expect both options to take a similar amount of time. The project, however, might require extra effort from you during the environment setup and installation prerequisites.

How many students in each team?

Each team should consist of one or two students. You can find a teammate who is in other sections of the course. You should select your teammates by the first due date (November 10).

What should I submit?

The project is submitted in different phases. You are required to submit the following:

  1. Phase 1, 2, and 3: these should be submitted on GitHub.

  2. Video presentation: you and your teammate will create a 3-4 minute video, post it as an unlisted video on Youtube and submit the link. The video should include:

    • Teammates introduction
    • Demo of the executable
    • Quick overview of the algorithm and code architecture
    • Tables, plots and comparisons
    • No coding details in the video

    Here is a sample video from a previous semester.

  3. A final report in the README file of your GitHub submission. The final report should include the questions that are asked in this README file, your tables and plots for the runtime results, and any other detail of your code.

Due Dates

  • Phase 1: Sunday, November 10, 23:59
  • Phase 2: Sunday, Novermber 17, 23:59
  • Phase 3: Sunday, December 1, 23:59
  • Video Presentation: Sunday, December 1, 23:59
  • Report: Sunday, December 8, 23:59


This project focuses on using data structures in C++ and implementing various graph algorithms to build a map application.


  • Please use the repository generated by GitHub repository, read through, and implement the functions of the project.
  • Please make sure that your code can run bazel run and bazel test.
  • You need to fill in, and maybe mapui.h, and add unit tests in the tests directory.
  • We will compare the code similarity between submissions and the previous semester's submissions. Please complete the project within your group.

The Data Structure

Each point on the map is represented by the class Node shown below and defined in trojanmap.h.

// A Node is the location of one point in the map.
class Node {
  Node(const Node &n) {
    id =;
    lat =;
    lon = n.lon;
    name =;
    neighbors = n.neighbors;
    attributes = n.attributes;
  std::string id;    // A unique id assigned to each point.
  double lat;        // Latitude
  double lon;        // Longitude
  std::string name;  // Name of the location. E.g. "Bank of America".
      neighbors;  // List of the ids of all neighbor points.
      attributes;  // List of the attributes of the location.


The details of the environment setup will be reviewed in the discussion session. Please do not miss that class!

External Libraries Installation

For visualization, we use OpenCV library. You will use this library as a black box and don't need to worry about the graphic details. Use the following commands to install OpenCV and other libraries.

For macOS Users

Step 1. Type the following three lines in your terminal.

$ brew install cmake
$ brew install opencv
$ brew install ncurses

Step 2. Check the installation paths of opencv and ncurses by

$ brew info opencv


$ brew info ncurses

respectively, and update their paths in the WORKSPACE file of your project root directory with the actual installation paths.

For Ubuntu users

Step 1. Type the following lines in your terminal.

$ cd **your project folder**
$ git clone
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install cmake libgtk2.0-dev pkg-config
$ sudo apt install libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk3-module
$ sudo apt install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev
$ cp -r ubuntu/* ./

Step 2. Make sure you set the path_to_install_folder to be the absolute path to the install folder under opencv when running the following commands.

$ cd opencv/
$ mkdir build install
$ cd build
$ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=**path_to_install_folder** -D BUILD_LIST=core,highgui,imgcodecs,imgproc,videoio ..
$ make -j$(nproc) install

For example, if cloned this repo under "/Users/ari/github/TrojanMap", you should type:

$ cd opencv/
$ mkdir build install
$ cd build
$ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/ari/github/TrojanMap/opencv/install -D BUILD_LIST=core,highgui,imgcodecs,imgproc,videoio ..
$ make -j$(nproc) install

The -j$(nproc) flag is to use all available CPU threads to speed up the build process. If you notice that your computer runs out of memory, you may remove this flag or set it to a smaller value (i.e. make -j2 install).

Run the program

For macOS users, run

$ bazel run src/main:main

For Ubuntu users, run

$ bazel run --cxxopt='-std=c++17' src/main:main

If everything is correct, a menu similar to this will show up.

TrojanMap Menu
* Enter the function number (1-11) to start:                  
* 1. Autocomplete                                             
* 2. Find the location                                        
* 3. Find all location categories                             
* 4. Get all locations of a category                          
* 5. Get location matching regular expression                 
* 6. CalculateShortestPath                                    
* 7. Cycle Detection                                          
* 8. Topological Sort                                         
* 9. Traveling salesman problem                              
* 10. Find Nearby                                              
* 11. Find Path to Visit All Places
* 12. Check Exist of Path with Constrain
* 13. Exit                                                     

Test The Program

We created some tests for you to test your program, please run

$ bazel test tests:trojanmap_test

You may also need to add the --cxxopt='-std=c++17' flag if you are using Linux.

Please add you test in the and run

$ bazel test tests:trojanmap_test_student

video link :

Item 1: Autocomplete The Location Name (Phase 1)

std::vector<std::string> Autocomplete(std::string name);

We consider the names of nodes as the locations. Implement a method to type the partial name of the location and return a list of possible locations with the partial name as the prefix. Please treat uppercase and lowercase as the same character. Please return an empty output if the input string is empty.


Input: "Chi"
Output: ["Chick-fil-A", "Chipotle", "Chinese Street Food"]


* 1. Autocomplete                                             

Please input a partial location:ch
Chinese Street Food
Cheebos Burger
Chevron 1
Chase Plaza Heliport
Chevron 2
Church of Christ
Chucks Chicken & Waffles
Time taken by function: 2 ms
  • What is the runtime of your algorithm?
  • (Optional) Can you do it faster than O(n)? answer : runtime of auto complete : Iterating through all the nodes -> O(n); converting each string to lower -> O(l) so combines run time complexity is O(n*l).

our report:

    1. Autocomplete

Please input a partial location:uni Results***** Union & 18th 1 Union & 18th University Park University S.D.A. Church Food Pantry University Seventh Day Adventist Church United Church of Christ Scientist Universal Truck Driving School

Time taken by function: 2 ms

Item 2-1: Find the place's coordinates in the Map (Phase 1)

std::pair<double, double> GetPosition(std::string name);

Given a location name, return the latitude and longitude. There are no duplicated location names. You should mark the given locations on the map. If the location does not exist, return (-1, -1). The algorithm is case-sensitive.


Input: "Target"
Output: (34.0257016, -118.2843512)

* 2. Find the position                                        

Please input a location:Target
Latitude: 34.0257 Longitude: -118.284
Time taken by function: 1 ms


Item 2-2: Check Edit Distance Between Two Location Names (Phase 2)

int CalculateEditDistance(std::string name1, std::string name2);

When entering a location name that does not exist in the map, your program should determine whether the input can be replaced with a "similar name" or not. By "similar names" we mean the names that exist in the map with a smallest distance from the original input.

The distance between two names A and B is the minimum number of operations required to convert A to B. There are 3 operations:

  • Insert a character
  • Delete a character
  • Replace a character

If the exact match is found, it will be shown on the map. Otherwise, the map will show the most similar name by using FindClosestName and print a warning.

For example, if I type Rolphs, I should get a warning like "Did you mean Ralphs instead of Rolphs?".

Write a dynamic programming solution to calculate edit distance.

std::string FindClosestName(std::string name);


  • Space can be treated like other characters.
  • Spell checking part should be case insensitive.


Input: "Rolphs", "Ralphs"
Output: 1

In the user interface of your program, you should show the names that have the minimum edit distance to the name that the user entered.


Input: "Rolphs"
Output: "Ralphs"

* 2. Find the location                                        

Please input a location:Rolphs
No matched locations.
Did you mean Ralphs instead of Rolphs? [y/n]y
Latitude: 34.0318 Longitude: -118.291
Time taken by function: 2 ms

our report:

    1. Find the location

Please input a location:The Cofffe a tea le
Results***** No matched locations. Did you mean The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf instead of The Cofffe a tea le? [y/n]y Latitude: 34.0172 Longitude: -118.282

Time taken by function: 2 ms

Item 3: Get All Categories (Phase 2)

std::vector<std::string> GetAllCategories();

Some of the locations have category types (attributes field in data.csv file).

In this section, your program should print all available categories among all existing categories in the map. There should be no duplicates in the output.

Item 4: Get All Locations In A Category (Phase 2)

std::vector<std::string> GetAllLocationsFromCategory(std::string category);

In this section if the user entries a category, the program prints all locations that match that category. For example, if there is a category called "bank", your program should print all location ids that match the "bank" category.



    1. Get all locations in a category

Please input the category:library "368169838", "368169842", "3699294513", "6042978413", "368169848", TrojanMap Menu

Item 5: Get Locations Using A Regular Expression (Phase 2)

std::vector<std::string> GetLocationRegex(std::regex location);

In this section if the user enters a regular expression, they should see all location ids that match that regular expression.

Your program should also verify if the input regular expression was correct. Return an empty vector if the regex is not valid or matches no items.

Item 6: CalculateShortestPath between two places (Phase 2)

std::vector<std::string> CalculateShortestPath_Dijkstra(std::string &location1_name,
                                               std::string &location2_name);
std::vector<std::string> CalculateShortestPath_Bellman_Ford(std::string &location1_name,
                                               std::string &location2_name);

Given 2 locations A and B, find the best route from A to B. The distance between 2 points is the euclidean distance using latitude and longitude. You should use both Dijkstra algorithm and Bellman-Ford algorithm. Compare the time for the different methods. Show the routes on the map. If there is no path, please return empty vector.

Please report and compare the time spent by these algorithms.

You should create a table like below, which includes the runtime of the algorithm for several examples.

Point A to Point B Dijkstra Bellman Ford optimmized Bellman Ford non-optimized
t1 (ms) t2 (ms) t3 (ms)
Ralphs to Target 56 5313
Chevron to Target 86 9060
Chase - Cheebos Burger 163 6500
George Lucas Instructional Building to Arco 94 7273
Trojan Grounds (Starbucks) to Ralphs 75 7141
Chipotle to DASH 58 7181
Hope Manor to The Pearl 58 12639
Dulce to the Barber Shop 103 5682
Vermont & Exposition 1 to Distributing Station 31 116 8302
Stimson House to Hoover & 28th 63 8426
Felix Chevrolet to Pico & Grand 156 9728
Hill & Adams to Driveway 72 10411
Lyons Center to Venice & Flower 124 10796
Olive & 12th to Lululemon 92 10600
Grand & 39th to Chick-fil-A 35 9269
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf to Birnkrant 45 8485

Your table should show have at least 15 rows.


* 6. CalculateShortestPath                                    

Please input the start location:Ralphs
Please input the destination:Target
The distance of the path is:0.927969 miles
Time taken by function: 39 ms

The distance of the path is:0.927969 miles
Time taken by function: 7084 ms

our result

    1. CalculateShortestPath

Please input the start location:Chase Please input the destination:Los Angeles (University of Southern California) Dijkstra**** Results***** "9591449441","9559739232","3398574883","6814916518","5690152757","6814916510","3398574890","6813379493","4015423961","4015423960","7860380185","4015423959","9591448314","1841835270","2193435032","1378231753","9591449436","123292100","123292045","6939732877","6122247089", The distance of the path is:0.27959 miles

Time taken by function: 18 ms

Bellman_Ford Results***** "9591449441","9559739232","3398574883","6814916518","5690152757","6814916510","3398574890","6813379493","4015423961","4015423960","7860380185","4015423959","9591448314","1841835270","2193435032","1378231753","9591449436","123292100","123292045","6939732877","6122247089", The distance of the path is:0.27959 miles

Time taken by function: 4912 ms


Item 7: Cycle Detection (Phase 2)

bool CycleDetection(std::vector<double> &square);

In this section, we use a square-shaped subgraph of the original graph by using four coordinates stored in std::vector<double> square, which follows the order of left, right, upper, and lower bounds.

Then try to determine if there is a cycle path in the that subgraph. If it does, return true and report the path of the cycle on the map. Otherwise return false.

Your report should include at least five examples.

Example 1:

Input: square = {-118.299, -118.264, 34.032, 34.011}
Output: true

Here we use the whole original graph as our subgraph.


Example 2:

Input: square = {-118.290, -118.289, 34.030, 34.020}
Output: false

Here we use a square area inside USC campus as our subgraph


* 5. Cycle Detection                                          

Please input the left bound longitude(between -118.320 and -118.250):-118.299
Please input the right bound longitude(between -118.320 and -118.250):-118.264
Please input the upper bound latitude(between 34.000 and 34.040):34.032
Please input the lower bound latitude(between 34.000 and 34.040):34.011
there exists a cycle in the subgraph 
Time taken by function: 0 ms

* 5. Cycle Detection                                          

Please input the left bound longitude(between -118.320 and -118.250):-118.290
Please input the right bound longitude(between -118.320 and -118.250):-118.289
Please input the upper bound latitude(between 34.000 and 34.040):34.030
Please input the lower bound latitude(between 34.000 and 34.040):34.020
there exist no cycle in the subgraph 
Time taken by function: 0 ms


    1. Cycle Detection

Please input the left bound longitude(between -118.320 and -118.250):-118.290 Please input the right bound longitude(between -118.320 and -118.250):-118.275 Please input the upper bound latitude(between 34.000 and 34.040):34.032 Please input the lower bound latitude(between 34.000 and 34.040):34.011 Results***** there exists a cycle in the subgraph

Time taken by function: 16 ms

    1. Cycle Detection

Please input the left bound longitude(between -118.320 and -118.250):-118.319 Please input the right bound longitude(between -118.320 and -118.250):-118.249 Please input the upper bound latitude(between 34.000 and 34.040):34.008 Please input the lower bound latitude(between 34.000 and 34.040):34.039 Results***** there exist no cycle in the subgraph

Time taken by function: 0 ms

Item 8: Topological Sort (Phase 2)

std::vector<std::string> DeliveringTrojan(std::vector<std::string> &location_names,
                                            std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> &dependencies);

In this section, we assume that we are using a UAV which means we can fly directly from 1 point to another point. Tommy Trojan got a part-time job from TrojanEats, for which he needs to pick up and deliver food from local restaurants to various location near the campus. Tommy needs to visit a few different location near the campus with certain order, since there are some constraints. For example, he must first get the food from the restaurant before arriving at the delivery point.

The TrojanEats app will have some instructions about these constraints. So, Tommy asks you to help him figure out the feasible route!

Here we will give you a vector of location names that Tommy needs to visit, and also some dependencies between those locations.

For example,

location_names = {"Ralphs", "Chick-fil-A", "KFC"}
dependencies = {{"Ralphs","KFC"}, {"Ralphs","Chick-fil-A"}, {"Chick-fil-A", "KFC"}}

Here, {"Ralphs","KFC"} means that Tommy must go to Ralphs prior to KFC.

Your output should be:

Output: Ralphs  -> Chick-fil-A -> KFC

Also, we provide PlotPointsOrder function that can visualize the results on the map. It will plot each location name and also some arrowed lines to demonstrate a feasible route.

If no feasible route exists, you could simply return an empty vector.


  • You also need to finish ReadLocationsFromCSVFile and ReadDependenciesFromCSVFile functions, so you could read and parse data from you own CSV files. We also give two sample CSV files under input folder, which could be a reference.
  • When it asks you filenames, you need to give the absolute path.
  • If you do not have ReadLocationsFromCSVFile and ReadDependenciesFromCSVFile functions ready yet, you can just press enter when it asks you filenames. It will call the default locations and dependencies.
  • The locations are actually nodes, and the dependencies could be directed edges. You may want to first construct a DAG and then implement topological sort algorithm to get the route.


  • Your report should show several examples of topological sort with at least 5 to 10 nodes.

Below is an example output of 3 nodes

Topological Sorting Results:
Time taken by function: 2 ms


In the user interface, we read the locations and dependencies from topologicalsort_dependencies.csv and topologicalsort_locations.csv to modify your input there.

Item 9: The Traveling Trojan Problem (AKA Traveling Salesman!) (Phase 3)

In this section, we assume that we are using a UAV which means we can fly directly from 1 point to another point. Given a vector of location ids, assume every location can reach all other locations in the vector (i.e. assume that the vector of location ids is a complete graph). Find the shortest route that covers all the locations exactly once and goes back to the start point.

You will need to return the progress to get the shortest route which will then be converted to an animation.

We will use the following algorithms:

  • Brute-force (i.e. generating all permutations, and returning the minimum)
std::pair<double, std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>> TravelingTrojan_Brute_force(
      std::vector<std::string> location_ids);
  • Brute-force enhanced with early backtracking
std::pair<double, std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>> TravelingTrojan_Backtracking(
      std::vector<std::string> location_ids);
std::pair<double, std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>> TravelingTrojan_2opt(
      std::vector<std::string> location_ids);

We use early backtracking when the current cost is higher than current minimum.

Please report and compare the time spent by these 3 algorithms. 2-opt algorithm may not get the optimal solution. Please show how far your solution is from the optimal solution.

Show the routes on the map. For each intermediate solution, create a new plot. Your final video presentation should include the changes to your solution.

We will randomly select N points in the map and run your program.

* 9. Traveling salesman problem                              

In this task, we will select N random points on the map and you need to find the path to travel these points and back to the start point.

Please input the number of the places:8
Calculating ...
The distance of the path is:7.94756 miles
You could find your animation at src/lib/output.avi.          
Time taken by function: 59 ms

Calculating ...
The distance of the path is:7.94756 miles
You could find your animation at src/lib/output_backtracking.avi.
Time taken by function: 20 ms

Calculating ...
The distance of the path is:7.94756 miles
You could find your animation at src/lib/output_2opt.avi.     
Time taken by function: 0 ms


TSP videos

our reported result:

Please input the number of the places:8 "122670250","540998272","8474747073","304903519","6790384663","4399697335","1870795271","123132702", Calculating ... Results***** TravelingTrojan_Brute_force "122670250","1870795271","6790384663","540998272","304903519","123132702","8474747073","4399697335","122670250", The distance of the path is:7.0713 miles

You could find your animation at src/lib/output0.avi.
Time taken by function: 49 ms

Calculating ... Results***** TravelingTrojan_Backtracking "122670250","1870795271","6790384663","540998272","304903519","123132702","8474747073","4399697335","122670250", The distance of the path is:7.0713 miles

You could find your animation at src/lib/output0_backtracking.avi. Time taken by function: 46 ms

Calculating ... Results***** TravelingTrojan_2opt "122670250","1870795271","4399697335","6790384663","540998272","304903519","123132702","8474747073","122670250", The distance of the path is:7.11906 miles

You could find your animation at src/lib/output0_2opt.avi.
Time taken by function: 2 ms

our result:

Please input the number of the places:8 "122670250","540998272","8474747073","304903519","6790384663","4399697335","1870795271","123132702", Calculating ... Results***** TravelingTrojan_Brute_force "122670250","1870795271","6790384663","540998272","304903519","123132702","8474747073","4399697335","122670250", The distance of the path is:7.0713 miles

You could find your animation at src/lib/output0.avi.
Time taken by function: 49 ms

Calculating ... Results***** TravelingTrojan_Backtracking "122670250","1870795271","6790384663","540998272","304903519","123132702","8474747073","4399697335","122670250", The distance of the path is:7.0713 miles

You could find your animation at src/lib/output0_backtracking.avi. Time taken by function: 46 ms

Calculating ... Results***** TravelingTrojan_2opt "122670250","1870795271","4399697335","6790384663","540998272","304903519","123132702","8474747073","122670250", The distance of the path is:7.11906 miles

You could find your animation at src/lib/output0_2opt.avi.
Time taken by function: 2 ms

Please input the number of the places:6 "6790646135","1855166551","1732243851","6805760714","122996001","6813411589", Calculating ... Results***** TravelingTrojan_Brute_force "6790646135","1855166551","6805760714","122996001","6813411589","1732243851","6790646135", The distance of the path is:5.37418 miles

You could find your animation at src/lib/output0.avi.
Time taken by function: 59 ms

Calculating ... Results***** TravelingTrojan_Backtracking "6790646135","1855166551","6805760714","122996001","6813411589","1732243851","6790646135", The distance of the path is:5.37418 miles

You could find your animation at src/lib/output0_backtracking.avi. Time taken by function: 8 ms

Calculating ... Results***** TravelingTrojan_2opt "6790646135","1855166551","6805760714","122996001","6813411589","1732243851","6790646135", The distance of the path is:5.37418 miles

You could find your animation at src/lib/output0_2opt.avi.
Time taken by function: 0 ms

Please input the number of the places:7 "6808093910","6380132758","441890114","8858977769","1630940839","1967750276","122888042", Calculating ... Results***** TravelingTrojan_Brute_force "6808093910","441890114","1630940839","122888042","1967750276","8858977769","6380132758","6808093910", The distance of the path is:8.77622 miles

You could find your animation at src/lib/output0.avi.
Time taken by function: 5 ms

Calculating ... Results***** TravelingTrojan_Backtracking "6808093910","6380132758","8858977769","1967750276","122888042","1630940839","441890114","6808093910", The distance of the path is:8.77622 miles

You could find your animation at src/lib/output0_backtracking.avi. Time taken by function: 3 ms

Calculating ... Results***** TravelingTrojan_2opt "6808093910","6380132758","8858977769","1967750276","122888042","1630940839","441890114","6808093910", The distance of the path is:8.77622 miles

You could find your animation at src/lib/output0_2opt.avi.
Time taken by function: 0 ms

Calculating ... Results***** TravelingTrojan_3opt "6808093910","6380132758","8858977769","1967750276","122888042","1630940839","441890114","6808093910", The distance of the path is:8.77622 miles

You could find your animation at src/lib/output0_3opt.avi.
Time taken by function: 1 ms

Item 10: Find Nearby (Phase 3)

Given an attribute name C, a location name L and a number r and k, find at most k locations in attribute C on the map near L(do not include L) with the range of r and return a vector of string ids.

The order of locations should be from nearest to farthest, and you should not include the current location.

std::vector<std::string> TrojanMap::FindNearby(std::string attributesName, std::string name, double r, int k);

All attributes:

'artwork', 'attraction', 'bakery', 'bank', 'bar', 'beauty', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'bicycle_rental', 'bus_station', 
'cafe', 'car', 'car_repair', 'car_wash', 'charging_station', 'childcare', 'clinic', 'clothes', 'confectionery', 
'convenience', 'copyshop', 'dentist', 'department_store', 'driving_school', 'fabric', 'fast_food', 'food_court', 
'fountain', 'fuel', 'gallery', 'hairdresser', 'hospital', 'hotel', 'library', 'marketplace', 'mobile_phone', 'museum', 
'music', 'optician', 'parcel_locker', 'parking', 'pharmacy', 'place_of_worship', 'police', 'post_office', 
'restaurant', 'school', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 
'skate', 'social_facility', 'supermarket', 'theatre', 
'tobacco', 'yes', 'yoga'

Please report and compare the time spent by this algorithm and show the points on the map.

* 10. Find Nearby                                    

Please input the attribute:supermarket
Please input the locations:Ralphs
Please input radius r:10
Please input number k:10
Find Nearby Results:
1 Trader Joes
2 Cal Mart Beer & Wine Food Store
3 Food 4 Less
Time taken by function: 5 ms


Item 11: Find the Shortest Path to Visit All locations (Phase 3)

Given an vector of locations, you need to find the shortest path to visit all the locations.

std::vector<std::string> TrojanMap::TrojanPath(std::vector<std::string> &location_names)

Please report and compare the time spent by this algorithm and show the points on the map.

* 11. Shortest Path to Visit all Nodes                        

Please input the locations filename:
The distance of the path is:2.26759 miles
Time taken by function: 233 ms


Item 12: Check the existence of the path with a constrained gas tank (Phase 3)

Given a map of nodes, you need to determine if it is possible to travel from a given starting point to a destination point with a car that has a certain size of gas tank. You can refuel at any nodes. If the distance between any two nodes on the path is larger than the size of the gas tank, you cannot travel between those nodes. Assume 1 gallon of gas can travel 1 mile.

Your task is to implement a function that takes in multiple queries and specifies if travelling between the two points of each query with the given gas tank is possible. Each query is a pair, std::pair<double, std::vector<std::string>>, consisting of the size of the gas tank and the starting and destination points as a vector of strings. The function should return a vector of bools indicating whether or not a path exists for each query. If a location specified in a query does not exist in the map, the function should return false.

  • If you could implement by Union Find, you could get 10 points. Otherwise, you get 8 points.
  • Hint:: While you can calculate the result of each query separately, it might be more optimal to use the result of one query to decide about other queries.
// Takes in a vector of queries. Each query consists of a pair: <tank_capacity, [source, destination]>.
// Returns the result of each query in a vector.
std::vector<bool> Queries(const std::vector<std::pair<double, std::vector<std::string>>> &q);

Please report and compare the time spent by this algorithm and show the points on the map.

Example: Suppose you have a map with the following nodes:


1 - 2 (distance = 2)
1 - 3 (distance = 3)
2 - 3 (distance = 1)
2 - 4 (distance = 4)
3 - 4 (distance = 1)

Suppose the queries are:

(1.5, {"1", "4"})
(2.5, {"1", "4"})
(3.5, {"1", "4"})
(4.5, {"1", "4"})
(3.0, {"2", "3"})
(3.0, {"3", "1"})
(2.0, {"1", "5"})

For each query, you need to determine whether or not it is possible to travel from the starting point to the destination point using a car with the given gas tank size.

The expected output for this example is:


Note that for the first query, it is not possible to travel from 1 to 4 using a car with a gas tank size of 1.5. There are four paths from 1 to 4: 1-2-4, 1-3-4, 1-2-3-4, and 1-3-2-4. Since the gas tank size is 1.5, you can not travel from 1 to 3 or 1 to 2. Therefore, the function should return false.

For the second query, if we want to travel from 1 to 4 using a car with a gas tank size of 2.5, we can refuel at 2, 3. Since 1->2 = 2 <= 2.5, 2->3 = 1 <= 2.5, 3->4=1 <= 2.5, we should return true! The problem is to make sure that the maximum distance between any two nodes on the path should be smaller than or equal to the size of the gas tank!

For the thrid query, it is possible to travel from 1 to 4 using a car with a gas tank size of 3.5. The maximum distance between two nodes on the path 1-3-4 is 3, which is smaller than the gas tank size. For the last query, 5 does not exist in the map, so the function should return false.

Another example where the inputs are read from your program's UI: We use the whole map near USC as the graph! For example, if we want to start from Target to Ralphs, there are a lot of nodes on the path. We want to make sure that the distance between any two nodes on the path is smaller than the size of the gas tank! For dummy, it means if the location does not exist, we should return false.

* 12. Check Exist of Path with Constrain                      

Please input the start location:Target
Please input the destination:Ralphs
Please input the volumn of the gas tank:0.05
More Query? (y/n)y
Please input the start location:Ralphs
Please input the destination:Target 
Please input the volumn of the gas tank:0.01
More Query? (y/n)y
Please input the start location:KFC
Please input the destination:Target
Please input the volumn of the gas tank:0.02
More Query? (y/n)y
Please input the start location:dummy
Please input the destination:dummy
Please input the volumn of the gas tank:999
More Query? (y/n)n
From Target to Ralphs with 0.05 gallons of gas tank: Yes
From Ralphs to Target with 0.01 gallons of gas tank: No
From KFC to Target with 0.02 gallons of gas tank: No
From dummy to dummy with 999 gallons of gas tank: No
Time taken by function: 239 ms

Reporting Runtime:

For each menu item, your program should show the time it took to finish each task.

Please make sure to provide various examples when you report the runtime. For example for topological sort, show an example with few nodes and another example with 10 or more nodes. The idea is to see how your runtime grows as input size grows.

Runtime Comparison

For shortest path algorithms, you should compare solving the same problem with different algorithms (Dijkstra and Bellman-Ford). Please show the results on at least 3 different examples.

Similarly for the TSP problem, please provide various examples that show the runtime comparison. In particular, you should show at what point using the exhaustive search is not practical and compare the same input with the heuristic implementation.

Please provide a table like below that compares the runtime of your algorithms for different number of nodes:

Number of nodes Time with algorithm 1 Time with algorithm 2
t1 t2

Your table should show have at least 15 rows.

Report and Rubrics:

Your final project should be checked into Github. The of your project is your report.


Your file should include four sections: Please create a new file and write your report there.

  1. High-level overview of your design (Use diagrams and pictures for your data structures).
  2. Detailed description of each function and its time complexity.
  3. Time spent for each function.
  4. Discussion, conclusion, and lessons learned.


Phase 1: 2 points

  • Item 1 (AutoComplete): 1 point. (Phase 1)
  • Item 2-1 (GetPosition): 1 point. (Phase 1)

Phase 2: 38 points

  • Item 2-2 (EditDistance): 5 points. (Phase 2)
  • Item 3 (GetAllCategories): 3 Points. (Phase 2)
  • Item 4 (GetAllLocationsFromCategory): 2 Points. (Phase 2)
  • Item 5 (GetLocationRegex): 3 Points. (Phase 2)
  • Item 6 (Shortest path): 15 points. (Phase 2)
    • Bellman-Ford implementation
    • Dijkstra implementation
    • Table/Plot for comparison, and measure and report time spent by two algorithms.
  • Item 7 (Cycle detection): 5 points. (Phase 2)
    • Boolean value and draw the cycle if there exists one.
  • Item 8 (Topological Sort): 5 points (Phase 2)
    • Check whether there exist a topological sort or not
    • Return the correct order and plot those point on the map

Phase 3: 60 points

  • Item 9 (Traveling Trojan) (Phase 3)
    • Brute-force: 5 points.
    • Brute-force enhanced with early backtracking: 5 points.
    • 2-opt: 5 points.
    • Animated plot in the report.
  • Item 10 (Find Nearby): 5 points. (Phase 3)
    • Return the correct nearby results.
  • Item 11 (TrojanPath): 10 points. (Phase 3)
    • Return the correct ids and draw the points.
  • Item 12 (CheckPath): 10 points. (Phase 3)
    • Return the correct output.
  • Video presentation and report: 10 points. (Phase 3)
  • Creating reasonable unit tests: 10 points. - Three different unit tests for each function.

Extra credit items: Maximum of 20 points:

  1. Implementation of 3-opt: 10 points.

  2. Genetic algorithm implementation for Traveling Trojan: 10 points

  3. Create dynamic and animated UI using ncurses: 10 points

  4. Accurate measurement of your algorithm runtime using Google Benchmark while sweeping the input size and providing a diagram of how the runtime grows based on the input size: 10 points.