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Description iPaaS component that connects to Salesforce API


Salesforce component is designed for Salesforce API integration.

Completeness Matrix

Salesforse-component Completeness Matrix

Salesforse-component Completeness Matrix

API version

The component uses Salesforce - API Version 45.0, except:

  • Deprecated Actions and Triggers - API Version 25.0


Authentication occurs via OAuth 2.0. In the component repository you need to specify OAuth Client credentials as environment variables:

  • OAUTH_CLIENT_ID - your OAuth client key
  • OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET - your OAuth client secret

Create new App in Salesforce

In order to make OAuth work, you need a new App in your Salesforce. During app creation process you will be asked to specify the callback URL, to process OAuth authentication via platform your callback URL should be

More information you can find here


During credentials creation you would need to:

  • choose Environment
  • enter Username and Password in a pop-up window after click on Authenticate button.
  • verify and save your new credentials.


According to Salesforce documentation

Each connected app allows five unique approvals per user. When a sixth approval is made, the oldest approval is revoked.

You can get error refresh token has been expired if the same user account was authenticated with same OAuth Application (OAuth Client) more than 4 times. This is feature of the Salesforce platform that automatically invalidates the oldest refresh_token as soon as a number of given refresh tokens for an individual user account exceeds 4.



Executing a SOQL Query that may return many objects. Each resulting object is emitted one-by-one. Use the Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) to search your organization’s Salesforce data for specific information. SOQL is similar to the SELECT statement in the widely used Structured Query Language (SQL) but is designed specifically for Salesforce data. This action allows you to interact with your data using SOQL. Empty object will be returned, if query doesn't find any data.

Input fields description

  • Include deleted - checkbox, if checked - deleted records will be included into the result list.

Input fields description

  • Optional batch size - A positive integer specifying batch size. If no batch size is specified then results of the query will be emitted one-by-one, otherwise, query results will be emitted in an array of maximum batch size.
  • Allow all results to be returned in a set - checkbox which allows emitting query results in a single array. Optional batch size option is ignored in this case.
  • SOQL Query - Input field where you should type the SOQL query. E.g. "SELECT ID, Name from Contact where Name like 'John Smi%'"
  • Max Fetch Count - limit for a number of messages that can be fetched. 1,000 is the default value when the variable is not set.

Create Object

Creates a new Selected Object. Action creates a single object. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Salesforce account. Output metadata is the same as input metadata, so you may expect all fields that you mapped as input to be returned as output.

Note: In case of an Attachment object type you should specify Body in base64 encoding. ParentId is a Salesforce ID of an object (Account, Lead, Contact) which an attachment is going to be attached to.

Input fields description

  • Object - Input field where you should choose the object type, which you want to find. E.g. Account
  • Utilize data attachment from previous step (for objects with a binary field) - a checkbox, if it is checked and an input message contains an attachment and specified object has a binary field (type of base64) then the input data is put into object's binary field. In this case any data specified for the binary field in the data mapper is discarded.

This action will automatically retrieve all existing fields of chosen object type that available on your Salesforce organization


When Utilize data attachment from previous step (for objects with a binary field) is checked and this action is used with Local Agent error would be thrown: 'getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND steward-service.platform.svc.cluster.local steward-service.platform.svc.cluster.local:8200'

Delete Object (at most 1)

Deletes an object by a selected field. One can filter by either unique fields or all fields of that sobject. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Salesforce account.

Input field description

  • Object - dropdown list where you should choose the object type, which you want to find. E.g. Account.
  • Type Of Search - dropdown list with two values: Unique Fields and All Fields.
  • Lookup by field - dropdown list with all fields on the selected object, if on Type Of Search is chosen All Fields, or with all fields on the selected object where type is id or unique is true , if on Type Of Search is chosen Unique Fields then all searchable fields both custom and standard will be available for selection.

Result is an object with 3 fields.

  • id - string, salesforce object id
  • success - boolean, if operation was successful true
  • errors - array, if operation fails, it will contain description of errors

Metadata description

Metadata for each particular Object type + Lookup by field is generating dynamically.

Upsert Object

Creates or Updates Selected Object. Action creates a single object. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Salesforce account. Output metadata is the same as input metadata, so you may expect all fields that you mapped as input to be returned as output.

Input field description

  • Object - Input field where you should choose the object type, which you want to find. E.g. Account
  • Optional Upsert field - Input field where you should specify the ExternalID name field. E.g. ExtId__c.
  • Utilize data attachment from previous step (for objects with a binary field) - a checkbox, if it is checked and an input message contains an attachment and specified object has a binary field (type of base64) then the input data is put into object's binary field. In this case any data specified for the binary field in the data mapper is discarded.

You should specify external or internal Id for making some updates in salesforce object. If you want to create new Object you should always specify Optional Upsert field and value of ExternalId in input body structure.


When Utilize data attachment from previous step (for objects with a binary field) is checked and this action is used with Local Agent error would be thrown: 'getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND steward-service.platform.svc.cluster.local steward-service.platform.svc.cluster.local:8200'

Lookup Object (at most 1)

Lookup an object by a selected field. Action creates a single object. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Salesforce account. Output metadata is the same as input metadata, so you may expect all fields that you mapped as input to be returned as output.

Input field description

  • Object - Dropdown list displaying all searchable object types. Select one type to query, e.g. Account.
  • Type Of Search - Dropdown list with two values: Unique Fields and All Fields.
  • Lookup by field - Dropdown list with all fields on the selected object if the Type Of Search is All Fields. If the Type Of Search is Unique Fields, the dropdown lists instead all fields on the selected object where type is id or unique is true.
  • Include linked objects - Multiselect dropdown list with all the related child and parent objects of the selected object type. List entries are given as Object Name/Reference To (Relationship Name). Select one or more related objects, which will be join queried and included in the response from your Salesforce Organization. Please see the Limitations section below for use case advisories.
  • Allow zero results - Checkbox. If checked and nothing is found in your Salesforce Organization, an empty object will be returned. If not checked and nothing is found, the action will throw an error.
  • Pass binary data to the next component (if found object has it) - Checkbox. If it is checked and the found object record has a binary field (primitive type base64), then its data will be passed to the next component as a binary attachment.
  • Enable Cache Usage - Flag to enable cache usage.

Metadata description

Metadata contains one field whose name, type and mandatoriness are generated according to the value of the configuration fields Lookup by field and Allow criteria to be omitted.


When a binary field (primitive type base64, e.g. Documents, Attachments, etc) is selected on Include linked objects, an error will be thrown: 'MALFORMED_QUERY: Binary fields cannot be selected in join queries. Instead of querying objects with binary fields as linked objects (such as children Attachments), try querying them directly.' There is also a limit to the number of linked objects that you can query at once - beyond two or three, depending on the number of fields in the linked objects, Salesforce could potentially return a Status Code 431 or 414 error, meaning the query is too long. Finally, due to a bug with multiselect dropdowns, it is recommended to deselect all of the elements in this field before you change your selection in the Object dropdown list.

When Pass binary data to the next component (if found object has it) is checked and this action is used with Local Agent, an error will be thrown: 'getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND steward-service.platform.svc.cluster.local steward-service.platform.svc.cluster.local:8200'


Action has caching mechanism. By default action stores last 10 request-response pairs for 10 min duration. This parameters can be changed by setting environment variables:

  • HASH_LIMIT_TIME - Hash expiration time in milis
  • HASH_LIMIT_ELEMENTS - Hash size number limit

Lookup Objects

Lookup a list of objects satisfying specified criteria.

Input field description

  • Object - dropdown list where you should choose the object type, which you want to find. E.g. Account.
  • Include deleted - checkbox, if checked - deleted records will be included into the result list.
  • Output method - dropdown list with following values: "Emit all", "Emit page", "Emit individually".
  • Number of search terms - text field to specify a number of search terms (positive integer number [1-99] or 0).
  • Enable Cache Usage - Flag to enable cache usage.
  • Max Fetch Count - limit for a number of messages that can be fetched. 1,000 is the default value when the variable is not set.


Action has caching mechanism. By default action stores last 10 request-response pairs for 10 min duration. This parameters can be changed by setting environment variables:

  • HASH_LIMIT_TIME - Hash expiration time in milis
  • HASH_LIMIT_ELEMENTS - Hash size number limit

Metadata description

Depending on the the configuration field Output method the input metadata can contain different fields: Output method - "Emit page": Field "Page size" - optional positive integer that defaults to 1000; Field "Page number" - required non-negative integer (starts with 0, default value 0);

Output method - "Emit all": Field "Maximum number of records" - optional positive integer (default value 1000);

Output method - "Emit individually": Field "Maximum number of records" - optional positive integer (default value 10000);

Note that the number of records the component emits may affect the performance of the platform/component.

Groups of fields for each search term go next:

Field "Field name" - string represents object's field (a list of allowed values is available); Field "Field value" - string represents value for selected field; Field "Condition" - one of the following: "=", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "LIKE", "IN", "NOT IN";

Between each two term's group of fields:

Field "Logical operator" - one of the following: "AND", "OR";

Output data is an object, with a field "results" that is an array of objects.

Bulk Create/Update/Delete/Upsert

Bulk API provides a simple interface for quickly loading large amounts of data from CSV file into Salesforce (up to 10'000 records). Action takes a CSV file from the attachment as an input. CSV file format is described in the Salesforce documentatio

Input field description

  • Operation - dropdown list with 3 supported operations: Create, Update and Delete.
  • Object - dropdown list where you should choose the object type to perform bulk operation. E.g. Case.
  • Timeout - maximum time to wait until the server completes a bulk operation (default: 600 sec).

Metadata description

  • External ID Field - a name of the External ID field for Upsert operation. E.g. my_external_id__c

Result is an object with a property result: array. It contains objects with 3 fields.

  • id - string, salesforce object id
  • success - boolean, if operation was successful true
  • errors - array, if operation failed contains description of errors


  • No errors thrown in case of failed Object Create/Update/Delete/Upsert ("success": "false").
  • Object ID is needed for Update and Delete.
  • External ID is needed for Upsert.
  • Salesforce processes up to 10'000 records from the input CSV file.

Bulk Query

Fetches records to a CSV file.

Input field description

  • SOQL Query - Input field where you should type the SOQL query. E.g. "SELECT ID, Name from Contact where Name like 'John Smi%'"

Result is a CSV file in the attachment.

Lookup Object (deprecated)

Lookup an object by a selected field. Action creates a single object. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Salesforce account. Output metadata is the same as input metadata, so you may expect all fields that you mapped as input to be returned as output.

Input field description

  • Optional batch size - A positive integer specifying batch size. If no batch size is specified then results of the query will be emitted one-by-one, otherwise, query results will be emitted in an array of maximum batch size.
  • Object - Input field where you should choose the object type, which you want to find. E.g. Account
  • Lookup field - Input field where you should choose the lookup field which you want to use for result filtering. E.g. Id.
  • Max Fetch Count - limit for a number of messages that can be fetched. 1,000 is the default value when the variable is not set.

For now, you can specify all unique, lookup, ExternalID/Id fields.

Execution result handling
Condition Execution result
Lookup failed - we were not able to find any parent object. Lookup action emits a single message with an empty body.
Lookup found a single object, e.g. we were able to identify a parent Account to the Contact A single message will be emitted, found object will be a body of the message
Lookup found multiple objects (that may happen when a lookup is made by non-unique field) Each found object will be emitted with the separate message

New Account (deprecated)

Creates a new Account. Action creates a single object. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Salesforce account. Output metadata is the same as input metadata, so you may expect all fields that you mapped as input to be returned as output.

Input fields description

This action will automatically retrieve all existing fields of Account object type that available on your Salesforce organization.

Action is deprecated. You can use Create Object action instead.

New Case (deprecated)

Creates a new Case. Action creates a single object. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Salesforce account. Output metadata is the same as input metadata, so you may expect all fields that you mapped as input to be returned as output.

Input fields description

This action will automatically retrieve all existing fields of Case object type that available on your Salesforce organization

Action is deprecated. You can use Create Object action instead.

New Contact (deprecated)

Creates a new Contact. Action creates a single object. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Salesforce account. Output metadata is the same as input metadata, so you may expect all fields that you mapped as input to be returned as output.

Input fields description

This action will automatically retrieve all existing fields of Contact object type that available on your Salesforce organization

Action is deprecated. You can use Create Object action instead.

New Event (deprecated)

Creates a new Event. Action creates a single object. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Salesforce account. Output metadata is the same as input metadata, so you may expect all fields that you mapped as input to be returned as output.

Input fields description

This action will automatically retrieve all existing fields of Event object type that available on your Salesforce organization

Action is deprecated. You can use Create Object action instead.

New Lead (deprecated)

Creates a new Lead. Action creates a single object. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Salesforce account. Output metadata is the same as input metadata, so you may expect all fields that you mapped as input to be returned as output.

Input fields description

This action will automatically retrieve all existing fields of Lead object type that available on your Salesforce organization

Action is deprecated. You can use Create Object action instead.

New Note (deprecated)

Creates a new Note. Action creates a single object. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Salesforce account. Output metadata is the same as input metadata, so you may expect all fields that you mapped as input to be returned as output.

Input fields description

This action will automatically retrieve all existing fields of Note object type that available on your Salesforce organization

Action is deprecated. You can use Create Object action instead.

New Task (deprecated)

Creates a new Task. Action creates a single object. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Salesforce account. Output metadata is the same as input metadata, so you may expect all fields that you mapped as input to be returned as output.

Input fields description

This action will automatically retrieve all existing fields of Task object type that available on your Salesforce organization

Action is deprecated. You can use Create Object action instead.



Continuously runs the same SOQL Query and emits results one-by-one. Use the Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) to search your organization’s Salesforce data for specific information. SOQL is similar to the SELECT statement in the widely used Structured Query Language (SQL) but is designed specifically for Salesforce data. This action allows you to interact with your data using SOQL.

List of Expected Config fields

  • SOQL Query - Input field for your SOQL Query
  • Output method - dropdown list with options: Emit all - all found records will be emitted in one array records, and Emit individually - each found object will be emitted individual. Optional field, defaults to: Emit individually.

NOTE: Max possible fetch size is 2000 objects per execution.

Get New and Updated Objects Polling

Polls existing and updated objects. You can select any custom or built-in object for your Salesforce instance.

Input field description

  • Object - Input field where you should select the type of object which updates you want to get. E.g. Account;
  • Start Time - Indicates the beginning time to start polling from. Defaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z;
  • End Time - If provided, don’t fetch records modified after this time;
  • Size of Polling Page - Indicates the size of pages to be fetched. You can set positive integer, max 10 000, defaults to 1000;
  • Process single page per execution - You can select on of options (defaults to yes):
    1. yes - if the number of changed records exceeds the maximum number of results in a page, wait until the next flow start to fetch the next page;
    2. no - if the number of changed records exceeds the maximum number of results in a page, the next pages will fetching in the same execution.
  • Include linked objects - Multiselect dropdown list with all the related child and parent objects of the selected object type. List entries are given as Object Name/Reference To (Relationship Name). Select one or more related objects, which will be join queried and included in the response from your Salesforce Organization. Please see the Limitations section below for use case advisories.
  • Output method - dropdown list with options: Emit all - all found records will be emitted in one array records, and Emit individually - each found object will be emitted individual. Optional field, defaults to: Emit individually.
  • Max Fetch Count - limit for a number of messages that can be fetched. 1,000 is the default value when the variable is not set. For example, you have 234 “Contact” objects, 213 of them were changed from 2019-01-01. You want to select all “Contacts” that were changed from 2019-01-01, set the page size to 100 and process single page per execution. For you purpose you need to specify following fields:
    • Object: Contact
    • Start Time: 2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
    • Size of Polling Page: 100
    • Process single page per execution: yes (or leave this empty) image

As a result, all contacts will be fetched in three calls of the trigger: two of them by 100 items, and the last one by 13. If you select no in Process single page per execution, all 213 contacts will be fetched in one call of the trigger.


When a binary field (primitive type base64, e.g. Documents, Attachments, etc) is selected on Include linked objects, an error will be thrown: 'MALFORMED_QUERY: Binary fields cannot be selected in join queries. Instead of querying objects with binary fields as linked objects (such as children Attachments), try querying them directly.' There is also a limit to the number of linked objects that you can query at once - beyond two or three, depending on the number of fields in the linked objects, Salesforce could potentially return a Status Code 431 or 414 error, meaning the query is too long. Finally, due to a bug with multiselect dropdowns, it is recommended to deselect all of the elements in this field before you change your selection in the Object dropdown list.

Subscribe to platform events (REALTIME FLOWS ONLY)

This trigger will subscribe for any platform Event using Salesforce streaming API.

Input field description

  • Event object name - Input field where you should select the type of platform event which you want to subscribe E.g. My platform event

How to create new custom Platform event Entity:

Setup --> Integrations --> Platform Events --> New Platform Event Screenshot from 2019-03-11 11-51-10

You can find more detail information in the Platform Events Intro Documentation.

Environment Variables

  1. SALESFORCE_API_VERSION - API version for not deprecated actions and triggers e.g(46.0), default value 45.0

  2. LOG_LEVEL - trace | debug | info | warning | error controls logger level


At the moment this trigger can be used only for "Realtime" flows.

New Case (deprecated)

Polls existing and updated Cases (fetches a maximum of 1000 objects per execution)

Trigger is deprecated. You can use Get New and Updated Objects Polling action instead.

New Lead (deprecated)

Polls existing and updated Leads (fetches a maximum of 1000 objects per execution)

Trigger is deprecated. You can use Get New and Updated Objects Polling action instead.

New Contact (deprecated)

Polls existing and updated Contacts (fetches a maximum of 1000 objects per execution)

Trigger is deprecated. You can use Get New and Updated Objects Polling action instead.

New Account (deprecated)

Polls existing and updated Accounts (fetches a maximum of 1000 objects per execution)

Trigger is deprecated. You can use Get New and Updated Objects Polling action instead.

New Task (deprecated)

Polls existing and updated Tasks (fetches a maximum of 1000 objects per execution)

Trigger is deprecated. You can use Get New and Updated Objects Polling action instead.

Known limitations

Attachments mechanism does not work with Local Agent Installation