A Gradle plugin which reports timings of a project build and individual project tasks. See what tasks take the longest to run:
Task timings over threshold:
128ms :app:mergeDebugAssets
1099ms :app:mergeDebugResources
788ms :app:processDebugResources
5000ms :app:compileDebugJava
13757ms :app:proguardDebug
15965ms :app:dexDebug
3449ms :app:packageDebug
158ms :app:zipalignDebug
Add the plugin to your buildscript
's dependencies
classpath 'net.jokubasdargis.buildtimer:gradle-plugin:0.3.0'
Apply the build-timer
apply plugin: 'net.jokubasdargis.build-timer'
Optionally configure the plugin:
buildTimer {
reportAbove = 100L // The lowest time threshold (in ms) this plugin should report above, default is 50L
sort = 'asc' // Sort timings by ms, possible values: 'none', 'asc', 'desc'