This package revolves around Las Vegas, the dice boardgame edited by Ravensburger and provides:
- a CLI playing mode against humans and/or (possibly custom) agents, with highly customizable rules,
- a simple confrontation tool for multiple agents,
- an agnostic game environment, for agent implementation/training.
⚙️ Getting started
📜 Custom rules
🎮 Game environment
🤖 Agents
🏆 A.I. Competition -- Leaderboard
⏱ Execution time analysis
⚖️ License
🚧 Contributing
🙏 Contributors
Python 3.10 or higher is required. The package depends on the following third-party packages: numpy, tabulate, tqdm.
python3 -m pip install lasvegas
... or from source.
From the folder of your choice -- e.g. ~/workspace/
--, execute the following commands.
git clone
cd lasvegas/
python3 -m pip install .
From your python interpreter, you should be able to import the package:
import lasvegas
Package summary
lasvegas - Las Vegas (boardgame) API package.
Exported Classes:
BasePlayer: Contains player's name and behaviour.
Game: Class to run games with player instances.
GameEnv: Core mechanics of the game.
GameRules: Class to set (eventually custom) rules.
Human: Sub-class of `BasePlayer` destined for CLI use.
Exported Functions:
confront: Confronts different policies in a multiple-games match.
play_vs: Play a game in CLI.
act (package)
core (package)
Relevant package structure
├─ act/
│ ├─
│ │ BasePlayer
│ │ Human
│ ├─
│ │ Policy
│ │ greedy_first
│ │ greedy_score
│ │ prompt_play
│ │ random_play
│ └─
│ Rollicy
│ prompt_roll
│ random_roll
├─ core/
│ ├─
│ │ GameEnv
│ │ Play
│ │ Roll
│ └─
│ GameRules
│ RuleBook
│ Game
This function creates an appropriate Game
instance and calls its run
method. For example, you can quickly start a solo game,
from lasvegas import play_vs
play_vs() # Solo (default)
or make Alice and Bob face a Bot.
play_vs(3, humans=["Alice", "Bob"]) # 3-player game with a Bot
Let's break down what Bob might see during his turn.
Round 1/4
► Bob ▹ Alice ▹ Bot 0 ▹ ...
Click for details
The first line is explicit. The second line lists the current player and the upcoming ones. Players with no more dice in the current round are not showed. The Ellipsis indicates a loop around.
Board State:
│ Score / Bills │ Owned by │ ▿ │ ▼ │ ││ ✗ │
│ 0 (0) │ Alice │ 8 │ │ ││ 2 │
│ 0 (0) │ ► Bob ◄ │ │ 8 │ ││ 2 │
│ 0 (0) │ Bot 0 (*) │ │ │ 7 ││ 1 │
│ 50000 │ Casino 0 │ │ │ ││ │
│ 90000 │ Casino 1 │ │ │ ││ │
│ 60000 │ Casino 2 │ │ │ 1 ││ 1 │
│ 30000 90000 │ Casino 3 │ │ │ ││ │
│ 10000 20000 50000 │ Casino 4 │ │ │ ││ │
│ 70000 │ Casino 5 │ │ │ ││ │
Click for details
The first column shows both the scores of the players as <total score> (<number of bills won>)
and the bills to win at every casino this round.
Every line shows how many dice of every type are at the corresponding player/casino. The first dice columns refer to players (same order than players lines), and the last columns refer to extra players.
In the header, ▼
denotes the current player and ▿
the next one. Regarding the extra players columns, depending on whether or not they collect bills and have their own score, the header is ✓
or ✗
. The first player of the current round has the first player chip (*)
, and the current player is highlighted like ► this ◄
Just Rolled:
│ Scores │ Players │ Dice │
│ 0 (0) │ ► Bob ◄ │ 0 0 │ 1 1 │ 2 │ 3 3 │ 4 │
│ - (-) │ Xtr 0 │ 0 │ │ 2 │ │ │
Click for details
This is formatted to resemble what a player would see in real life after having sorted every dice rolled. For example, one can quickly see that Bob
rolled three 0
s, one of which is from Xtr 0
's. Since this extra player doesn't collect bills, it has no score.
Live Rankings:
│ Scores │ Players │ # │
│ 0 (0) │ Bot 0 (*) │ 1st │
│ 0 (0) │ ► Bob ◄ │ 1st │
│ 0 (0) │ Alice │ 1st │
Click for details
This is explicit. When players are ex aequo, they are assigned the same -- best -- rank,
Your Play: █
Good luck! 🍀
The rules are highly customizable in numerous ways, let's have a quick overview -- refer to help(GameRules)
for full documentation.
It is possible to play with num_players > 5
. Since the Rulebook doesn't cover this case, it is then necessary to specify the number of extra players num_xtr_players
and if any, their number of dice num_xtr_dice
as well as whether or not they collect bills at the end of every round, with xtr_collect
The number of dice of regular players num_own_dice
always defaults to 8
A fun extension of the game consists in giving players dice from other players. This can be done in an arbitrary way by directly passing a starting_dice
2d-matrix, where coefficient at index ij
is the number of dice of colour j
that player i
starts with. The shape of such a matrix is necessarily (num_players, num_players + num_xtr_players)
. Thus, if used, this keyword automatically defines those two variables.
>>> play_vs(starting_dice=[[7, 1, 3], [2, 6, 3]])
│ 0 (0) │ ► Human 0 (*) ◄ │ 7 │ 1 ││ 3 │
│ 0 (0) │ Bot 0 │ 2 │ 6 ││ 3 │
It is possible to partially or completely set the players order for the first round. By default, the order is completely randomized at game initialiazation. But you can control it in 2 ways: via the round order
-- i.e. "who comes after who?" -- and the starter
-- i.e. "who starts the game?".
Here is an example from GameEnv
In a 5-player game,
order=(3, None, 1)
means that player1
will be placed 2 turns after player3
in the cycle, but the relative position of0
is still set randomly at game initialization.
In this example, it is still possible to set starter=4
for example.
In addition, you can also modify the number of faces of dice -- which corresponds to the number of casinos --, all the bills in the game, how much money should be at a minimum under each casino individually, the number of rounds and even, in solo games, how many extra players distribute their dice at the beginning of every round.
As an example, you can try to win a solo game in Master mode, from the Rulebook:
play_vs(num_own_dice=1, solo_num_distrib=2)
From the bottom up, a Game
instance consists of:
- a set of rules,
- a core environment, built on top of rules,
- players with individual playing and rolling behaviours.
The environment is an instance of GameEnv
Click to show the attributes/properties of a `GameEnv` instance.
bills_pool (NDArray[int]) num_xtr_players (int)
casinos_min (NDArray[int]) order (Sequence[int | None] | bool)
max_dice (int) solo_num_distrib (int)
num_casinos (int) starter (int | bool)
num_collectors (int) starting_dice (NDArray[int])
num_colours (int) with_xtr (bool)
num_players (int) xtr_collect (bool)
Attributes Upon Use:
bills (deque) next_step (Callable)
casinos_bills (list[list[int]]) played (Play | None)
current_player_index (int) players_index_cycle (deque)
current_round (int) rolled (Roll | None)
dice (NDArray[int]) round_order (deque)
first_player_index (int) scores (NDArray[int])
is_over (bool | None)
casinos_dice [get, set] (NDArray[int])
current_dice [get, set] (NDArray[int])
An agent is simply a player -- human or not -- defined by its playing and rolling behaviours. You can instanciate one with
from lasvegas import BasePlayer
BasePlayer(name='My Agent', play_func=my_policy, roll_func=my_rollicy)
The primary purpose of this package is to provide a policy implementation/evaluation framework. In our context, a Policy
is any such function,
def my_policy(env: GameEnv, **__: Any) -> Play | None:
that outputs a Play
) given an environment snapshot. If it outputs None
, then Game.default_policy
-- i.e. random_play
by default -- is called. Don't mind **__
, it is only used by the game instance to pass players names when playing from CLI, for nicer display.
As an example, here's a policy that avoids playing many dice:
from typing import Any
from lasvegas.core import GameEnv, Play
def saver(env: GameEnv, **__: Any) -> Play:
""" Plays the least number of dice possible. """
return min(env.legal_plays(),
key=lambda play: sum(sub_roll.get(play, 0)
for sub_roll in env.rolled))
You can also define a custom rolling behaviour for your agent. This allows to simulate biased dice or, for example, to manually enter rolls in CLI with the implemented rollicy prompt_roll
>>> from lasvegas.act import BasePlayer, prompt_play, prompt_roll
>>> my_player = BasePlayer("Alice", play_func=prompt_play, roll_func=prompt_roll)
which is equivalent to the simpler
>>> from lasvegas import Human
>>> my_player = Human("Alice", manual_roll=True)
Note: In solo games, the action of distributing one bot's dice at the beginning of every round is seen as an environment action. As such, the dice throw uses random_roll
and not the player's Rollicy
The package comes with a simple benchmarking function, confront
, which runs multiple games between given policies and sums up the results.
For example, let's see how our previously defined policy, saver
, does against package-embedded greedy_first
>>> from lasvegas import confront
>>> confront(saver, greedy_first)
Match in 100 games:
│ Policy │ 1st │ with │ 2nd │ with │
│ Policy 0: saver │ 17 │ 477059 (8.6) │ 83 │ 334096 (6.4) │
│ Policy 1: greedy_first │ 83 │ 532289 (8.7) │ 17 │ 401176 (6.8) │
If you are interested in defining one or more competition formats, leaderboards will be held and updated here! This is your chance to leave your mark for posterity while improving your AI skills and potentially helping the community. 🤗
From sources, in the root folder, you can measure the time it takes for games to be played using the light embeded perf
- From CLI:
python3 -m perf [<num_games>]
for default uniformly random policy, - From python interpreter: by importing
as a package and using themain
function. This allows you to specify the tested policy and custom game settings.
Output should look like this:
$ python3 -m perf
Game time for policy 'None' (over 100 games):
│ Num players │ Mean │ Std │ Min │ Max │
│ 1 │ 5.530 ms │ 522.1 us │ 4.876 ms │ 7.929 ms │
│ 2 │ 1.627 ms │ 196.1 us │ 1.391 ms │ 2.626 ms │
│ 3 │ 2.013 ms │ 168.7 us │ 1.698 ms │ 2.873 ms │
│ 4 │ 2.615 ms │ 207.4 us │ 2.309 ms │ 3.758 ms │
│ 5 │ 2.723 ms │ 225.8 us │ 2.450 ms │ 3.794 ms │
Note: Dependencies should be installed.
This package is distributed under the MIT License.
Questions, issues, discussions and pull requests are welcome! Please do not hesitate to contact me.
Élie Goudout, Csongor Pilinszki-Nagy.