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Eliran Wong edited this page Nov 30, 2024 · 57 revisions

Latest Updates

  • UniqueBible App is now distributed via PIP package.

  • User content is now stored in ~/UniqueBible, to keep user content intact even the app is upgraded. Therefore, it is not recommended to install UniqueBible App inside ~/UniqueBible.

To install, for example:

cd ~
python3 -m venv ub
source ub/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade uniquebible
echo "alias uniquebible='. $(pwd)/ub/bin/activate && $(which ubgui)'" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

For developers:

git clone
cd UniqueBible
pip install -e .

To run GUI mode:




Windows and macOS users, please use ubgui

To run a single-turn command, use cli ub:

# e.g. read John 3:16
ub John 3:16
# pipes supported, e.g.
echo "3:16" | ub John | less

To run multi-turn interactive terminal mode:


To run http-server and web API:


Read more about running modes at

More examples


WSL on Windows


Multipass on macOS


Incus on Linux

Chrome OS

Install on Android

Integration with ToolMate AI

To integrate with ToolMate AI, install in the same environment:

pip install --upgrade toolmate[bible]

Migration from Old Versions

  1. If you have your previous non-pip versions of UniqueBible App placed at ~/UniqueBible, remove the directory ~/UniqueBible/plugins once. When the latest pip version of UniqueBible App launches, it automatically creates plugins folder for placing user plugins.

  2. If you have custom plugins written for UBA versions older than pip packages, you have to correct the import statements related to uniquebible package. For example, to import config module, we wrote import config. To work with the latest UBA package, you need to write from uniquebible import config.

  3. Built-in plugins and custom plugins are now placed in different directories. Built-in plugins are placed inside the package folder, which are changed with upgrading. Custom plugins should be placed inside subfolders in ~/UniqueBible/plugins. Do not place custom plugins in package folders, as they will be deleted during upgrades.

  4. Place all database files inside UBA user directory ~/UniqueBible, particularly ~/UniqueBible/marvelData. Do not place additional bible modules or database files in the package folder.

Installation issues

If you have any installation issues, please first refer to Installation and startup issues. If that does not address it, please create a new issue.

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