Nibe is shutting down nibeuplink.com which this integration is dependent upon. This project is therefor deprecated. Upgrade your heatpump and swith to myuplink solution, use built in modbus server on S-series pumps or add a nibegw device like https://github.com/elupus/esphome-nibe to use the native support inside home assistant instead.
The module is an asyncio driven interface to nibe uplink public API. It is throttled to one http request every 4 seconds so try to make the most of your requests by batching requests.
def token_read():
return None
def token_write(token):
async def run():
async with nibeuplink.Uplink(client_id = 'XXX',
client_secret = 'YYY',
redirect_uri = 'ZZZ',
access_data = token_read(),
access_data_write = token_write,
scope = 'READSYSTEM') as uplink:
if not uplink.access_data:
auth_uri = uplink.get_authorize_url()
result = input('Enter full redirect url: ')
await uplink.get_access_token(uplink.get_code_from_url(result))
# Request all systems
# Request data for specific system
# Request data for parameters. Note request them in paralell using gather semantics
# that way, the module with batch up the requests into a single request to api
print(await asyncio.gather(uplink.get_parameter(12345, 11111),
uplink.get_parameter(12345, 22222)))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_until_complete (run())
The module contains a commandline utility to test and request data from Nibe Uplink called nibeuplink
, it will store token information in a file in the current directory called nibeuplink.json
Help for utility
nibeuplink -h
Request all systems
nibeuplink --client_id 'XXX' --client_secret 'YYY' --redirect_uri 'ZZZ'
Request data for specific system
nibeuplink --client_id 'XXX' --client_secret 'YYY' --redirect_uri 'ZZZ' --system 12345
Request data for parameters
nibeuplink --client_id 'XXX' --client_secret 'YYY' --redirect_uri 'ZZZ' --system 12345 --parameter 11111 22222