This repo contains files relevant to the blog post Decoding Google: Converting a Black Box to a White Box
req2proto (experimental)
- Go tool to find the request protobuf of any Google API endpoint by bruting all parameters via protojson error messages
This tool is currently experimental
- Go tool to output required scopes as well as the gRPC service name of a Google API service
- Requires an Android refresh token
- A Rust tool to output valid Android API clients given a list of Android package IDs as well as SHA1 signatures
- The output file can be found data/android_clients.json
- A Rust tool for finding Android API clients that are approved for a target scope
- This is useful if you are looking to get authentication on an endpoint and you found the scopes required from
- Python tool to dump the request JSON for an endpoint given the discovery document
- Credits: @yopgh