Mweeter is an minimal app replicating some features from Twitter, such as a timeline, ability to follow/unfollow other people, infinite scrolling and profile editing.
You can check it out at: Mweeter
- Signin with Auth0 [Google or Microsoft accounts]
- Write your own Mweets
- Follow others
- Unfollow others from your following page
- Edit your details (Name, Last Name, Handle)
- Infinite scrolling
- Responsive layout and loading skeletons
You'll need:
- Node.js version 14+
- Git
- pnpm, yarn and npm should work as well.
- Set up your own Auth0 account and setup the credentials in an .env file.
# Clone Repository
$ git clone
# Move to directory
$ cd mweeter
# Install dependencies
$ pnpm i
# Copy example env file and setup your own credentials
$ cp .env.example .env
# Run the application
$ pnpm dev