Releases: engganolang/eno-flex
Releases · engganolang/eno-flex
R codes and dataset for processing the Contemporary Enggano FLEx database into the digital and printed Contemporary Enggano dictionary
R codes and dataset for processing the Contemporary Enggano FLEx database into the digital and printed Contemporary Enggano dictionary
This repository records the R codes that the first author (GPWR) uses to process the .lift output of FLEx Lexicon and integrate it with the .flextext output of the interlinear texts to build (i) a new SFM database format to be imported back into FLEx for the print dictionary and (ii) a spreadsheet-like format needed as input for the Digital Contemporary Enggano Dictionary. For GPWR's personal use, he put hist (jumbled) notes here.
The codes allow us automate the linking between the root and the complex forms (as sub-entries of the roots), including adding the example sentences and source references of these examples.