This starter provides the building blocks for integrating React in Enonic XP on client- and serverside.
This covers build steps and runtime: a Gradle/NPM build setup with a library and a few companion NPM packages. Compiles and serves standard JSX-format React components from XP.
A simple example XP part with React rendering and a barebone page controller is included.
See the react4xp introduction for a tutorial and more comprehensive documentation.
Requires: installed Enonic XP 7.x with Gradle and Node/NPM.
The three usual options:
install the starter from Enonic Market,
or clone it down from the github repo,
or use the Enonic CLI:
enonic project create -r starter-react4xp
Build it locally:
enonic project deploy
if you use a version of the starter with version 1.1.2 or lower, you will need to run npm install before "enonic project deploy" or other gradle/enonic CLI commands.
For complete setup info, see the react4xp introduction.
Crash course, after getting this starter running:
Start XP
Enter Content Studio
Add a Site. Give it a display name and activate this starter app.
Select the "Default Page" page controller (and apply/save).
This is version 2.0.0.
Version / tag | Minimum XP version | Notes |
2.0.0 |
7.6.0 |
Updates to lib-react4xp@2.0.0 and npm-react4xp@2.0.0, for using webpack 5 and webpack-cli 4. |
1.7.1 |
7.6.0 |
Bugfixes |
1.5.0 |
7.6.0 |
Version leap: sync with versions of lib-react4xp (1.5.0) and npm-react4xp (1.5.4), which bring SSR-engine improvements to error reporting and concurrent multi-thread rendering. |
1.2.1 |
7.6.0 |
Update XP version, remove unused libraries |
1.2.0 |
7.5.0 |
Easier build: no longer needs "npm install" before gradle tasks or "enopnic project deploy". |
1.1.0 |
7.3.0 |
Easy-to-set-up guillotine: adds a ready-to-map guillotine API for backend and frontend queries, and a frontend request wrapper. NPM package react4xp@1.1.4 replaces a lot of build setup in this parent project’s build.gradle with one line ( |
1.0.1 |
7.3.0 |
First full release, compatible with updated guide. |
0.6.3 |
7.0.0 |
Lazy-loading assets on server-side rendering. Collected all the react4xp NPM packages into one. Support: CSS modules with asset handling. |
0.6.1 |
7.0.0 |
Fixed Page/Layout support. Free structure of entry and chunk directories. Babel upgrade. |
0.2.10 |
7.0.0 |
Fixes windows build issue #18. |
0.2.8 |
7.0.0 |
Beta release for XP7 |
This table (and the master branch) covers XP7-compatible code. For XP6-compatible versions, see the XP6_master branch.
More code examples: see the examples branch.
Other versions can be found in this repo, but may be differently structured and/or buggy/painful.
React4xp is a work in progress and frequently updated.
For now there are some known issues we are looking into. Feedback, suggestions, uncovered use cases, problems, or stories of ensuing hilarity are very welcome here - it will hugely help us improve the React support in XP!
You’ll note that after (re)starting the server or (re)deploying the app, the SSR engine takes a few seconds to start up. This is for caching the react components on the first rendering, making subsequent server-side renderings of the same component very fast, even with different props.