Java Channel Access client and server API and a pure java implementation for both.
- Java 8 or later JDK (e.g., Oracle Java SE)
- Maven 2.x
Latest release
The jca artifacts are hosted on maven centeral and can be downloaded from
You can also directly download the jca jars along with their sources and javadocs from
jca-2.4.8 jars
The javadocs are also available online:
Development Release
You can also download the lastest development snapshots from the sonatype snapshot repository
Download jca-2.4.9-SNAPSHOT jars
or add the sonatype repository to your pom
<!-- Explicitly declare snapshot repository -->
<name>OSS Snapshots</name>
Archived Release
Older released of jca are archived here
Clone the Git repository and run a Maven install
in the top directory.
$ git clone
$ cd jca
$ mvn install
The BasicExamples shows a simple example on how to connect, read, write, and monitor a pv.