rust-mongrel2 is a Rust language binding for the Mongrel2 web server.
Rust's packaging system, cargo, is still pretty rough, and it doesn't automatically install dependencies. So this means there are two ways to install rust-mongrel2.
Install for users of rust-mongrel2:
% cargo install zmq
% cargo install tnetstring
% cargo install mongrel2
Install for developers:
% git clone
% cd rust-mongrel2
% make deps
% make
Running the tests:
% make test && ./mongrel2
Running the example:
# In one shell do:
% m2sh load --db config.sqlite --config example.conf
% m2sh start --db config.sqlite --host localhost
# In another shell do:
% make example && ./example
# In a third shell do:
% curl http://localhost:6767