title | author | date |
darkfi khonsu consensus |
ertosns |
31/12/2022 |
proposal for a consensus algorithms at least 3 times faster than alpha version implementation.
darkfi lottery
the leadership maechanism is split into two parallel blockchains:
leadership assignment blockchain: lottery using the same alpha mechanism for assigning the leadership to the winning stakeholder in the future time utilizing a smaller slot time
$\delta^{lottery}$ -
main blockchain: has larger slot time
$\delta^{block}$ for evolving staked coin, rewaring minner, and validating transactions.$$ \delta^{lottery} = k \delta^{block} | k \in \mathbb{Z}, k\ge3 $$
using the same lead circuit only without the rewarding mechanism.
if competing stakeholder wins the lottery at slot i, the assigment circuit burn the old coin
$C_1$ , and mint a new coin$C_2$ with the same value. -
$C_2$ exits competition in lottery, and awaits it's turn to lead block at position$s=\phi(i)$ 2 in the main blockchain.
exactly similar to the old circuit, with extra validation step, that validate that published proof in current slot
the stakeholder assigned a slot
$s$ publish a proof burning$C_2$ , and minting new coin$C_3$ with value equal to previous value + reward value. -
$C_3$ enter the competition in the leadership assignment blockchain.
- block slot time, and transaction processing time is limited by
$\delta_{block}$ as a function of k,$\delta^{lottery}$ .
mapping function to the next available spot in the main blockchain. ↩