Welcome to the ETHBerlin Github!
ETHBerlin04 is taking place May 24-26, 2024
- Read out manifesto: ethberlin.org/manifesto
- The only official communication channel is the ETHBerlin Matrix space. Use it to connect with hackers and mentors, and to get updates from the organizers throughout the hackathon: #ethberlin:dod.ngo
- Don't have a team yet? No problem! Find a team on Github: github.com/ethb3rlin/find-a-team and/or join the Hacker Matchmaking session on Friday during the event.
- Sign in to Zupass with your ETHBerlin email address to generate your proof of carrying data (PCD) for the submission and final voting!
- Get testnet Ether for Sepolia and Holesky using your Zupass identity.
- Read the hacker manual for all hackathon rules and tracks: ethberlin.org/hacker-manual
- Create an account on our Submißion tool and unlock it with your Zupass identity: projects.ethberlin.org