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This operator deploys game servers to OpenShift or Kubernetes

Currently supported games are:

  • minecraft

Deploying the Operator

To deploy it, ensure your kubeconfig is properly set up (ie, that you can use kubectl or oc to connect to it), ensure you have cluster-admin permissions (you will need this to create CustomResourceDefinitions), install ansible and the openshift python client, and run

ansible-playbook deploy.yml

If you'd rather deploy it by hand, you can instead run:

kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/games_v1alpha1_minecraft_crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/role.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/operator.yaml

Once this is done, your operator will be running.

Deploying a Minecraft server

The minecraft operator is built on top of the fantastic minecraft-server image provided by @itzg.

All you need to do is create an instance of the Minecraft resource. A basic example Minecraft definition exists in deploy/crds/minecraft.yaml. You can create it with

kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/minecraft.yaml

This will kick off the deployment of the Minecraft server. To monitor the status of the deployment, run

kubectl describe minecraft

and monitor the status field. After some amount of time, a field called URL should appear in the status, this is the URL that the operator has generated for your server. You should be able to access the minecraft server by connecting to that URL.

Deployment Options

The example deployment will only give you a very basic, ephemeral, vanilla Minecraft. In order to get a real deployment, you will at least need to add storage options. The following options are supported in the Minecraft spec:

name description default required
eulaAccepted Whether the EULA has been accepted. Required to start the server. False yes
image The Minecraft image to deploy no
port The port on the host that Minecraft should listen on. Random available port no
host If running openshift, the host that Minecraft will be accessible from http://minecraft-{namespace}.{openshift subdomain} no
volumes The volumes to create/mount into your container. See VolumeSpec for more detail. yes
server The server configuration options. See ServerSpec for more detail. no
world The world configuration options. See WorldSpec for more detail. no
mods The mod configuration options. See ModSpec for more detail. no
jvm The jvm configuration options. See JvmSpec for more detail. no
resources The resource limits/minimums for your server. See for more detail. no


The volumes field is a map of key:value pairs, where each key is a volume name and the value is a map of key:value pairs defining how the volume is to be created/mounted/accessed.

For configuration persistence, only one volume is required, the data volume. It must be mounted to /data with read-write permissions.

All volumes accept the following options:

name description default required
type The type of volume. Choices are [PersistentVolumeClaim, EmptyDir] yes
mountPath The full path to mount in the container. The name of the volume (ie, config -> /config). no
claimName The name of the PersistentVolumeClaim to use. The name of the volume. no
size The size of the volume to be created When type is PersistentVolumeClaim and create is true.
create Whether the PersistentVolumeClaim be created if it does not exist. no no
storageClassName The name of the storage class to set for a PersistentVolumeClaim The default storageClass for the cluster. no
accessModes The list of accessModes for a volume. Options are [ReadWriteOnce, ReadWriteMany, ReadOnlyMany] [ReadWriteOnce] no
readOnly Whether the volume should be mounted read only false no


The server field contains configuration options for server administration.

name description default required
version The minecraft version to install latest no
name The name of your Minecraft server My Minecraft Server no
icon The icon to display for your server no
difficulty The difficulty level. Choices are peaceful, easy, normal, hard easy no
maxPlayers The maximun number of players your server will support 20 no
whitelist A list of usernames to allow to connect to the server everyone no
ops A list of usernames to grant op permissions to noone no
announcePlayerAchievements Whether to announce achievements globally to the server True no
enableCommandBlock Enables command blocks False no
forceGamemode Force players to join in the default game mode. False no
hardcore If set to true, players will be set to spectator mode if they die. False no
snooperEnabled If set to false, the server will not send data to server True no
maxBuildHeight The maximum height in which building is allowed. Terrain may still naturally generate above a low height limit. no
maxTickTime The maximum number of milliseconds a single tick may take before the server watchdog stops the server with the message, A single server tick took 60.00 seconds (should be max 0.05); Considering it to be crashed, server will forcibly shutdown. Once this criteria is met, it calls System.exit(1). Setting this to -1 will disable watchdog entirely 60000 no
viewDistance Sets the amount of world data the server sends the client, measured in chunks in each direction of the player (radius, not diameter). It determines the server-side viewing distance. 10 no
mode The gamemode of the server. One of creative, survival, adventure, spectator survival no
motd The message of the day for the server. no
pvp If set to False, PVP will not be allowed on the server True no
enableRcon Whether to enable RCON False no
rconPassword The password for RCON no
onlineMode Whether to check that users are logged in. True no
allowNether Allows players to travel to the Nether. True no
allowFlight Allows players to fly. False no


The world field contains options for generating or loading your world.

name description default required
maxWorldSize This sets the maximum possible size in blocks, expressed as a radius, that the world border can obtain. 10000 no
generateStructures Defines whether structures (such as villages) will be generated. True no
spawnAnimals Determines if animals will be able to spawn. True no
spawnMonsters Determines if monsters will be spawned. True no
spawnNpcs Determines if villagers will be spawned. True no
seed The level seed to generate the world with no
levelType One of default, flat, largebiomes, amplified, customized, buffet default no
generatorSettings When using a levelType of FLAT, CUSTOMIZED, and BUFFET, you can further configure the world generator by passing custom generator settings. no
level Determines the World Save Name to load world no
world URL or path to world no


The mods field contains options for loading and configuring your modpacks. Bukkit, Spigot, Paper, Forge, Feed The Beast, CurseForge, Vanilla, SpongeVanilla and Custom modpacks are all supported. The configuration options that will be loaded are based on the spec.server.type field.

name description default required
modpack no
removeOldMods False no
ftbServerMod see no
cfServerMod see no
forgeversion see latest stable no
forgeInstaller see installer corresponding to forgeversion no
forgeInstallerURL see no
bukkitDownloadURL see no
spigotDownloadURL see no
buildFromSource see False no
paperDownloadURL see no
manifest see no
spongeBranch see no
customServer see no


The jvm field contains options for configuring the JVM. These include memory/heap settings as well as arbitrary arguments you may want to pass to the JVM.

name description default required
memory can be used to adjust both initial (Xms) and max (Xmx) memory settings of the JVM. 1G no
initMemory independently sets the initial heap size. no
maxMemory Independently sets the max heap size. no
jvmOpts General JVM options that will be passed to the Minecraft Server invocation no
jvmXxOpts Options like -X that need to proceed general JVM options no
jvmDdOpts For some cases, if e.g. after removing mods, it could be necessary to startup minecraft with an additional -D parameter like -Dfml.queryResult=confirm. If you add fml.queryResult:confirm, it will be converted to -Dfml.queryResult=confirm no




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